Here at Identity Dixie, we try not to get involved in ecclesiastical squabbles. We are very ecumenical among our Christian brothers; it is our purpose to join hands with brothers and sisters across denominational lines. However, when we see our brothers on the Right being slandered and treated as unbelievers by the standards of modern-day Judaizers (men which had come from Jerusalem to demand conformity to Jewish customs), we have to speak up.
Let it be noted, an accusation against an ordained minister – one in good standing with his denomination – is not a light thing. I take no pleasure in addressing the issues surrounding The Antioch Declaration. You can read it here and make your own decision on its merits.
Recently, several prominent online ministers, with big media presences, have become self-appointed “Nazi hunters” among their brethren. They have doxxed good men and gotten them fired from their jobs for what they consider “wrong speak.” They’ve even demanded another pastor excommunicate a parishioner for sharing unsavory memes, and when he would not comply, they proceeded to defame and slander him.
On this issue, they are no better than the communist and other leftists. Even worse, these once good men have become untrustworthy, squealers, tattle tellers, and weak. They are guilty of the same “sins” that the woke have been accusing everyone on the Right for a decade. These men would rather choose their foreign pet class of pagans over their rightwing Christian brothers.
Comedically, they are the Three Stooges of the Christian reformed community. One has never met a Muslim he didn’t like, preferring Mohammedans over Christians. Another is so petrified that Jewish power and influence will deplatform his now hemorrhaging media and publication fiefdom, he has banished those who were once his students to the ranks of unbelievers. Why? Because they will not bow to his anti-Christ idols. The pitiful last of the Stooges is the worst offender for defamation. But, in his defense, he resides in a country in which you can be thrown in prison for not defending the post-World War II consensus.
Denial of that consensus is at the heart of the fracture. As Southerners, we are well aquatinted with post-war narratives that rewrite the actual history of conflicts in favor of the victor. Our people have been defamed, adding insult to the injury after being conquered (temporarily). We have been made the villain for defending our people, our way of life, and our Christian faith. And now there is another Reconstruction underway. But be assured, we are rising.
Perhaps, because of our sorrows, we have a soft spot in our hearts for the German people. They have been totally defamed over atrocities that occurred in a global war, a conflict that killed over fifty million people, with many atrocities on every side. As a result, Germans have been totally deracinated and unwilling to defend their people. Thankfully, the rise of rightwing political parties, especially in the southern regions and areas spared from diversity and Western liberalism by the Soviet occupation, are giving Germans a real chance for survival.
Make no mistake, The Antioch Declaration is an attempt to destroy a masculine uprising in Christ’s Church militant. It is an attempt to decelerate the rise of serious rightwing ministers and their followers. We are witnessing a revival of aggressive crusader-like faith among young men, discarding the passive elders that allowed Christ’s Church to be infiltrated by communists, belligerent feminists, and the sexually degenerate. God is raising up a new guard for His bride.
The irony of this declaration is its name, Antioch, a city in which Paul withstood Peter to his face for conforming to the wishes of Judaizers (Acts 15, Galatians 2). The entire statement is meant to stop the rise of perceived antisemitism in the confessional churches, its writers hoping to gain favor among those with political power. Several of Trump’s nominees have connections with one of these ministers, and this document is meant to deflect any criticism toward those persons. However, in the process, they are denying Christ His proper place in the affairs of men.
As Southerners, we look to our Lord Jesus Christ alone as the one who raises governments up, or brings them down. In no way are we to diminish His authority, or bow to another for political advantage. We do not cotton to those who betray their brothers! Our work is bearing much fruit for Christ’s Kingdom and a Free Dixie. Press on!
Deo Vindice!
God save the South!

Service to God and honor to the South.
What’s funny is all this stunt did was de-legitimize Doug Wilson and James White (Ezra Institute, etc…) as weak men unable to lead the path forward and boosted Stone Choir views via Streisand effect.
Young men now see clearly what the path forward is, and it’s not egalitarian “hippie Christianity” that believes grace destroys nature; our people still matter.
Great and much needed piece Father Dabney! I read some similar tripe on the Gospel Coalition site recently, and assume some of the same men are and will be signatories to this Antioch Declaration. It’s interesting that this is concurrent with the release of the new Bonhoeffer movie. Richard Tedor in his book ‘Hitler’s Revolution’ offers up a contrast between Bonhoeffer and a faithful soldier of the Reich. I hope most of our readers will appreciate the contrast:
“The son of a prominent psychiatrist, Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer covertly assisted the Abwehr in its intrigues against the German cause. Appointment to the Abwehr as a “specialist” allowed him to avoid military service. His relatives traded profitably on the black market. Visiting Geneva in 1941, he told fellow clerics, “The Christian faith must be rescued, even if an entire nation must perish.” (He apparently saw no contradiction in aiding the Soviets). “I pray for the defeat of my fatherland.” Nowhere near the fighting front, Bonhoeffer occasionally travelled and enjoyed a comfortable existence until April 1943, when the authorities jailed him for undermining the war effort.” p. 288.[He was executed for treason on April 9, 1945 at Flossenburg].
“In August 1940, the 17-year-old Fritz Hahl volunteered for the Waffen SS. Assigned to the Wiking division, he saw his first action against the Red Army on July 1, 1941. During the balance of the war, Hahl was on the front line 861 days. He suffered seven wounds in combat. He wrote after the war: “Today I can no longer comprehend as a young man from 17 to 22 years of age, [how] I found the strength to keep my self-control again and again, to conquer my fears and then continue fighting, and despite the setbacks still believe in a good outcome. One argument alone determined my actions and those of my generation: Together with my troops, like all German soldiers, we wanted to protect our homeland with its women and children from the Soviets – and without regard for ourselves.” p. 288.
Richard Tedor, ‘Hitler’s Revolution’
Did something happen?
Who are these “3 stooges” mentioned?
Just in case I wasn’t entirely clear in my earlier comment: when I said ‘tripe’ I was referring of course to the Antioch Declaration, and NOT your excellent article which was one of your best!!
Seconded. One of my sons is a big fan of Doug Wilson, to whom I expressed some concern about Wilson’s philo-semitism some months back, so I’ll certainly be sharing this article with him in the near future. …
I have to wonder if your son saw the debate of Doug Wilson with atheist Christopher Hitchens at Westminster Seminary. It can still be found online. In my judgment, Wilson looks like a buffoon, though, in fairness, Hitchens had a way of doing that with most unprepared Christians of today. I’ve watched a number of similar debates and, in my judgment, Jay Richards comes off the best.
I have been mourning Ursula Haverbecks passing. A 96 year old German woman whom stood up for her people’s reputation and WW2 historical truth, the authorities in Germany were trying to put her in Prison at the time of her passing.
Rest in Peace and Glory Ursula Haverbeck.
Thank you Father Dabney
God Save the South!
Ursula in Latin, Orsola in italian…The letters also spell Laurus, the laurel of victorious combat against the powers of darkness.
From the book, The Ursulines by Marguerite Aron, 1947.
It chronicles the Ursuline order of Nuns and St. Ursula. A chapter on the French revolution have 37 of these Nuns going to the guillotine for not signing the six oaths or pledges to the civil authorities, one being liberty and equality.
Thank you again Father Dabney, God Bless you Sir.
The passing of Ursula Haverbeck puts me in mind of the words of Paula Hitler regarding her brother. The same can be said for one such as Ursula.
“The Führer’s utter unselfishness in word and deed alone guarantees his immortality. The fact that the bitter fight for Germany’s greatness wasn’t crowned by success, like Cromwell’s in Britain for example, has a lot to do with the mentality of the people involved. On the one hand, the Englishman’s character is essentially unfair, ruled by jealousy, self-importance, and lack of consideration. But he never forgets he is an Englishman, loyal to his crown. On the other hand, you, with your need for recognition, are never first and foremost a German. Therefore, it doesn’t matter to you, you insignificant beings, if you destroy the entire nation. Your only guiding thought will always be me first, me second, me third. In your worthlessness you will never think of the welfare of the nation; and with that pitiful philosophy you wish to prevent the immortality of a giant?”
Paula Hitler, Berchtesgaden, May 1, 1957