Had a message come in about how to deal with living in clown world regarding screwed up life situations, anxiety, depression, and so on.
The answer, while simple, is not necessarily easy to do. It takes time, practice, and patience. We could even call it Rightwing Therapy—Because it takes a continual change that you work at week-by-week. But instead of seeing a shrink every week, you do it yourself day-by-day.
Psychology as a “science” is not difficult to grasp: The way to overcome any negative mental condition is to simply change your outlook on it. It is your mind, after all, you are the one in charge.
The stoics were not wrong when they recognized that pain is inevitable, but how we suffer is a matter of choice.
Even the mainstream therapists take this approach with things like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). They just coat it in nice, soft language. The entire CBT process boils down to recognizing your own thoughts and beliefs first, and changing that thinking second. The place where the mainstream gets it wrong is in thinking that you have to have endless pills and talk sessions to accomplish this. You don’t. You can overcome it by changing your own habits and routines.
Feeling hopeless? Find something that brings you hope and engage in it. Feeling like life doesn’t have meaning? Give it meaning through an activity or goal. Feeling like you can’t change anything? Just start changing small things that are easy to change every day.
Changing your mental state is easier said than done, certainly. But you don’t have to do it in isolation. You do it by pairing a physical change with the continually reinforced mental change and not allowing yourself to have those negative thoughts.
These physical changes to our habits/routine are common steps that all of us dissidents constantly recommend, and we don’t do it because it’s a trend. We recommend them because they work, and the physical action of doing them continually forces you to change your thinking over time. Even a stubborn mental illness that wants to resist them and stay in a depressed/anxious/upset state cannot overcome a dedicated mind.
Which is why Rightwing Therapy is always the answer. These physical steps to betterment include things such as:
- Be physical throughout the day.
- Go to the gym; life heavy.
- Be around others who are improving themselves. Distance from those who are staying the same.
- Eat better. No more seed oils, soy, processed garbage, etc. But don’t just subtract: Add in healthy foods like organ meats, raw foods/milk, minerals, and so on.
- Eat a boatload of meat every day.
- Eat organic.
- Fast. Long and intermittent. It’s good for you physically, mentally, and spiritually.
- Get off all the dangerous Big Pharma meds.
- Figure out what fulfills you. Not what the world wants, not what your parents or spouse tells you, and not even what other right-wingers online tell you—Listen to only what you truly, deeply want. That and that alone. Seek it.
- Write down your exact life goals and create a plan to achieve them. Then, start working through the steps of that plan every single day. Small steps; don’t overwhelm yourself with lofty goals.
- Read God’s Word daily. Accept Jesus as savior if you haven’t.
- Read difficult books that challenge your beliefs and expand your knowledge.
- Stop using social media and chasing praise from others and/or short-term gratification if it is a struggle for you. Quit for a year before going back.
- No porn. At all.
- Learn how to genuinely speak to others. My own guide is here: How To Win Friends And Influence People.
- Find your people. Build that community.
Do these things and you will cure depression, anxious thoughts, and defeatism from clown world. You’ll also stop caring about what you can’t control, because of all the things that you are now directly responsible for. You’ll see your body improve, your health improve, your relationships improve, and your walk with God improve.
Each piece of this will bring you joy about how your life is improving day by day. You won’t have time to be mopey anymore.
The physical actions of just doing these things can help change your mental state, believe it or not. Try it before you disagree.
All of this is easier said than done, sure. This is a major lifestyle shift for those who don’t do the above. But if you genuinely want to fix your condition, you’ll do it. Those that don’t want to, those who want to continue to wallow in misery, will continue to do so no matter what is told them. This is not for them, but for those of you who are strong enough to overcome.
If it is too much to do at once, start small. Pick just one thing on the list and start working on it. Then come back and pick another once you’re successful at that one. Baby steps.
Clown world wants you to be depressed and anxious. This wicked state wants our people to weaken and wither away. Don’t let it win. Do the opposite: Get even better than you were before.
Your destiny is in your own hands; you just need a little Rightwing Therapy to get it where you want it.

A Christian, husband, father, and American dissident. Join him in seeking truth and sipping sweet tea during the collapse of the American Empire. You can find more of his work at hiddendominion.com. Eph. 5:11.
• Read difficult books that challenge your beliefs and expand your knowledge.
Excellent advice that I’ve always followed.
Here’s a short paperback that each of us should read:
Degrelle’s life should inspire every dissident to be an overcomer. Give his writings to your sons as an antidote to all the toxicity of modernity.
Glad you mentioned How to win friends and influence people. I read it when I was about 25 years-old, and its principles guided me in a direction dealing with people my previous education had already predisposed me to follow, basically sealing the deal for me. Second, your advice stating to not worry much over things one cannot possibly control is Sage advice beyond your years; it took me years, decades, to figure this out, but it’s been smoothe sailing ever since. Good article!
Excellent article. Too often we frustrate ourselves by focusing on big picture things we can’t change (or at least not immediately change) to the exclusion of what we can accomplish in our personal lives. If enough of us choose self-improvement, it will make a difference in the big picture.
Whoo-ee, this I sorely need at this time. The constant demoralization was the straw on the camel’s back that finally near did me in.