Hurricanes in Life

The hurricane has done very little damage to my family. Most of my businesses were disrupted, but they are doing well. The lake I own is high, but not unmanageable. We had minimal flooding on the outer edges of our water lands. No power outages, thankfully. My land-based properties are a bit soggy – to say the least. But we are very blessed here in Florida.

It is amazing to look at the mirrored glass of water that is our 108-acre lake this evening, when two days ago, it had high swells. Peaceful is the only word to use. This is land that has seen hurricanes and storms for hundreds or thousands of years before me. When my children have a piece of it, they, too, will see the highs and lows of this property our ancestors conquered.

It is like that in life. Brutal turmoil followed by periods of calm, healing, and reflection. As I look into the dark blue waters behind me, I am reminded that we have an awesome God. No matter what the Devil throws, it will be conquered by the Peace of Christ.

Almost five years ago, I sat in a prison cell wondering about my future. I opened my Bible and remained disciplined through my time. Every morning was spent reading the Word. Every day was spent exercising and reading revolutionary materials. I learned the power of rhetoric, self-sufficiency, tribalism, and Faith. They sent me inside – a hurricane for my family and I – and I emerged stronger and more powerful then when I went in, thanks to the Power of God and the weakness of their self-confidence. A commitment to my family and my White Nation was only strengthened behind bars and barbed wire.

Every obstacle thrown at you is preparation for the next test. I exited prison and my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly thereafter. It made our love stronger. When we lost twins in the womb, it made our love stronger. When bad comes, kneel and thank God for the good. This becomes a shield of hope that cannot be broken.

My wife and seven children are a blessing beyond words. Our love is our armor. Our faith is our sword.

Hurricanes attempt to destroy. They do damage, but they do not last. What emerges is something stronger than before. Remember that. Trust in Christ Our King. Under Him, our people achieved mighty heights. It is only in recent years that our civilization has abandoned Him that our people have fallen. Raise them up through Redemption.

Place your faith in God. Place your trust in your people. Love them. For our people will need it now more than ever as a new hurricane approaches in November and beyond.

God Bless.


  1. That was an encouraging and God-honoring testimony of His faithfulness. It put me in mind of what’s written on the gravestone of Robert Daniel Johnston in Winchester. Preceded by an account of his confederate services, inscribed below all is “I have fought a good fight. I have kept the faith.”

    By His grace, may we all do likewise.

  2. Always use that lake for positive reflection as you gaze over those waters!

    I use to live on a Lake and took for granite how amazing it was, blessed to experience living on the shores of a lake.

    Thanks for the positive Article!

    God Bless Dixie!

  3. I consider myself an Agnostic I suppose. That didn’t stop me from praying when I was losing my dad. He made it through. I am not sure if it’s the energy channeled through a Supreme Being or the Mental Energy that humans have the power to focus on.

    I must admit that I have come to respect Islam over the last year. All Abrahamic religions frowned heavily upon usury from what I understand. Islam seems to be the only one to take it seriously in modern times. My Christian friend who is not under the spell of the Schofield mentioned this as well. He says any nation or economic system with usury at its foundation is bent on evil.

    Glad you made it through the hurricane relatively unscathed. I did as well. Got pretty damn scary during the run up.

    God Bless you and your wife. I will say a prayer for you two.

    PS let me know if you have any big bass in that lake 😉 (catch and release).

    1. Gottfried Feder’s “Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money” (1919) is a classic polemic against usury.

      I agree with your Christian friend that ‘any nation or economic system with usury at its foundation is bent on evil.’ As 1 Timothy 6:10 says: “for the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith.”

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