Orange Man Good (At Least For One Thing)

I am not a huge fan of Cheeto Hitler, the Bad Orange Man, Donald Trump. He is vulgar and an egomaniac and I would guess he would be insufferable to spend time with. Facing an absolute dumpster fire in the opposition, instead of hammering them on the Big Four issues I think he should be talking about (Crime, Immigration, Inflation, The Economy), he is once again sinking to the level of his opponents and arguing about stupid shit like not taxing tips and calling Cumala Harris dumb. Drumpf is just being Drumpf.

Nevertheless, he has been useful in one major respect: drawing the oleaginous “Conservative Inc” grifters out from under their collective rocks and exposing them as the collection of assholes, faggots and whatever other invective you can think of. I don’t think he even meant to but his ill-manners and more importantly his status as a representation of Whites, and especially White men, has brought out the absolute hatred many of the Con Inc. types for the very people that conservatism relies on to win elections.

While neocons have led the way among the Never Trump Orange Man Bad cult, a close second are evangelical elites who have long proclaimed their holding of the moral high ground in public while quietly disdaining the plebes in the pews that pay their salaries. Most of these “elites” are absolute sissies that look as though they wouldn’t never deign to change their own flat tire and lack the upper body strength to do so in the first place. As effete as French aristocrats and as soft as the Stay Puff marshmallow man, they sneer at the unwashed hordes while holding dainty lace handkerchiefs to their sophisticated noses to avoid smelling the untouchables.

There are plenty of examples, from long time leftist in sheep’s clothing Russell Moore, to the modern crop of “public theologians” condemning “Christian nationalism”, but few are as grotesque as the aptly named David French.

New York Times columnist makes ‘conservative’ case to vote Kamala Harris

David French finds Trump to be beyond the pale because he offends David’s delicate sensibilities.

New York Times columnist David French revealed he was going to cast his vote for Vice President Harris in November because he wanted to “save conservatism.”

French, identifying himself as pro-life and someone who supported the landmark Dobbs decision, argued that Donald Trump and the “MAGA movement” have pushed the Republican Party away from “Reaganite conservatism.” 

French, an “evangelical conservative,” according to his author page, wrote in his column that a Democratic victory was the only way conservatives would have a chance to fix the Republican Party. 

“If Harris wins, the West will still stand against Vladimir Putin, and conservative Americans will have a chance to build something decent from the ruins of a party that was once a force for genuine good in American life,” he argued.

What French wants to build is a replica of the GOP that lost so graciously to Bill Clinton and Barack Obama and of course does so by dragging out the decrepit corpse of Ronald Reagan. The number of loathsome shitheads like David French that have declared themselves to be the ideological reincarnation of Reagan is without count but none of them seem to remember what was known as Ronald Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment:

Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

You can argue that Trump isn’t a “real Republican” but the fact of the matter is that he is the Republican nominee. It is also a fact that Cumala Harris is not just a dumb whore but also one of the most far Left mainstream candidates for President in modern history. While the “election” is clearly going to be fake and the whole enterprise of politics is fake and gay, it boggles the mind that someone can think that the way to win elections in the future as the non-White demographic tide overtakes the White Republican voting base is to torpedo the current nominee.

French often cries crocodile tears because mean Alt-Right types mocked him for adopting a black girl from Ethiopia which is amusing because French also complains about being called out for buying a little black girl as a virtue signaling fashion accessory when that is precisely what he and his equally awful wife did.

I don’t know for certain if French just doesn’t get it or if he does and plays dumb, but the rise of the Orange Man to take over the Republican party had very little to do with Trump himself. It had a lot to do with boiling over resentment by Whites, not primarily at Democrats but at “conservatives” like David French who thought it their God-given right to scribble meaningless platitudes in columns and get paid handsomely for it while actual working people were being replaced. As it turns out, the rank and file of conservatism no longer has any interest in David French or his bullshit or his bitch wife.

There is something brewing in America that has nothing to do with David French and his vision for a resurgent lovable losers GOP run by sissies and race cucks. While French and other Never Trumpers like Bill Kristol are talking about ways to wrest control of the Republican Party back from the Republican voting base, many of those voters are realizing the futility of voting at all in a system stacked so heavily against fair elections. If nothing else, I appreciate that the Orange Man is helping to wake more White men up to see the farce that is Conservative Inc.


  1. Great piece Arthur.I despise the very Jewish looking French and can’t imagine who believes he is anything but one of their paid dupes like Russell Moore.No one takes cues from that big nosed bald effeminate “conservative Christian”.Thanks for the wise words and I’m with you on all points.I voted for years but now realize it means nothing.Never in all my years voting did the issues I wanted get advanced and all good candidates were completely suppressed by the Jews with money,media,educational control and willing dupes like the Christians who believe the Scofield heresies.God bless you and take care.Christ is my King.

  2. I’ve got nothing to say about anyone else mentioned but, I, personally, think Donald Trump is a good man. He’s not Sheriff Taylor (neither was Andy Griffith) but he also isn’t a felon, rapist or sociopath. He’s a businessman, a bullshitter and an egomaniac. He’s a philanderer whose ex’s have refused to trash him when asked; at least, I guess he cheated while married, I don’t know much about him.

    Notwithstanding Trump’s bullshitter status, I think he’s one of the most honest men to hold the office. He’s certainly one of the funniest… and we’re stuck with him, I hope.

  3. David French, Mike Johnson, Amy Coney Barrett:

    If you play along, you too can have your own negro!

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