Our Christian Identity

On the Far Right, there’s a segment that pursues “Christian Identity,” or “CI.” They’ve, in the tradition of the “Heliand,” reinterpreted Scripture to say that they are descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. Denmark was of “Dan” in their parlance. The British Royal family LARPs as Israelites, so I suppose they’re in good company.

One of the reasons CI gains traction is because it’s partially rooted in truth. You can’t deny that Europeans took to Christianity and Christianity took to Europeans. Our ancestors fulfilled the Gospel Mission of carrying the Word to all corners of the World. If God played favorites, I think we know who His favorite son would be.

“I will also give Thee for a light to the Gentiles,” spoke God to Isaiah. We’re more apt to view ourselves as the light than the Gentiles. There’s a fundamental lack of humility and Grace there, but it’s not without some meritorious points.

Christendom and Europe are synonymous. In the old days of the United States and Europe, a non-European was described as “not a Christian man.” We called men from the Middle East “Saracens” or “Mohammedans.” For all of the missteps and bad things that were done in Europe and its colonies, the quiet, fervent faith of the common man has preserved it, despite whatever errors occurred.

The Book of Common Prayer, in the 1611 formation, has prayers for the monarch. But those prayers are sparse against the prayers for the well-being of the common man. Christ came to save all men, but His time on Earth was spent mostly with the common man. The fruit of the common man’s labor are the Christian societies in which we’ve lived up until the past 50 years.

These societies were made in humility and faith of the race that God chose and ordained to carry His banner. One of my favorite essayists described Europeans as the “Christ-bearing Race.” I don’t think a more apt descriptor has been found. He’s since departed the mortal coil to the embrace of our salvation and faith and is doubtlessly walking with Him as we muster on here.

We should embrace our Christian Identity. Christianity and Europe are synonymous and should be. We’re not a lost tribe of Israel. We were the adopted son that pleased his master greatly through loyalty, fervor, and virtue. We are the apple of His eye, and we should always strive to be worthy of His admiration.


  1. A good article much needed at this time! You’re in good company with the thoughts expressed:

    “I also boast that Japheth, Noah’s firstborn son, is my true, natural ancestor and his wife (whoever she may have been) is my true, natural ancestress; for as Moses informs us in Genesis 10, he is the progenitor of all of us Gentiles. Thus Shem, the second son of Noah, and all of his descendants have no grounds to boast over against his older brother Japheth because of their birth. Indeed, if birth is to play a role, then Japheth as the oldest son and the true heir has reason for boasting over against Shem, his younger brother, and Shem’s descendants, whether these be called Jews or Ishmaelites or Edomites.”

    Martin Luther, ‘On the Jews and Their Lies’, Chap. 2

    “Through Isaiah he speaks thus of another Israel: On that day shall Israel be third among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Hosts blessed, saying: Blessed shall my people be who are in Egypt, and who are among the Assyrians, and my inheritance, Israel. (Is. 19:24-5). Since God blesses and calls this people Israel, and announces aloud that it is his inheritance, why do you not feel compunction both for fooling yourselves by imagining that you alone are the people of Israel, and for cursing the people that God has blessed?” p. 185.

    Justin Martyr, ‘Dialogue with Trypho’, trans. Thomas P. Halton

  2. Excellent points in this article! Matthew 21:43 tells us that the kingdom of God was to be given to another, and the epistles of the NT and 2,000 years of history tells us to whom it was given -to the sons of Europe!

  3. Ive also heard some interpretations of Japeth (son of Noah) as being the ancestor of Europeans.
    Apparently this interpretation was once widely held.

    If that’s correct you would be totally right in saying we have a special role.

    The line about “dwelling in the tents of shem” could be a reference to eventually displacing the jews as the central people of the true religion.

  4. There is so much evidence supporting the Christian Identity position that only
    a vast deception of Fundamentalist Christians by their Ministers, Pastors and Seminaries can explain it. Go to Christianidentityministries.com.

    1. If you haven’t already, also check out christogenea.org. Absolute treasure trove of material proving Christian identity to be true. There is no other website like it.

  5. The Christian “Identity” position is simply heresy, and is NOT supported by the Orthodox Church which is the original church & the safeguard of the faith delivered to the saints via the apostles. IF it were true then the Orthodox Church would adhere to its positions, it DOESN’T therefore it is HERESY. PERIOD end of story.

    1. The South is not nor will it ever be part of the Orthodox Church. Take your KGB faith outta here, our relationship with God comes from us and is between us and God, no middle men, not a single one. Our Churches are Southern Churches, by us and for us.

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