Continuing the theme of Them allowing Trump to “win” only to kneecap him in 2025, get rid of him and replace him with a pliable strongman to “save us”…. (see: It Doesn’t Seem As Far Fetched Now).

There may be trouble looming on the horizon for the U.S. stock market, according to BCA Research.
In a note to clients last week, BCA Research chief global strategist Peter Berezin warned that, contrary to popular belief, the economy will fall into a recession either this year or in early 2025.
Should that happen, the S&P 500 could tumble to 3,750, which marks a 30% drop from current levels.
Berezin’s prediction hinges on the belief that the labor market will slow notably in coming months, which will weigh heavily on consumer spending – a major driver of economic growth. The relationship between inflation and unemployment is measured by something called the “Phillips curve.”
I hadn’t heard of BCA Research, so I looked it up and it is a Canadian firm. Weird, why is Fox Business running some prediction from a Canadian “investment research company”? If you are a suspicious sort like me, it sounds like a prescriptive prognostication, making a “prediction” of something already pre-ordained to happen. Start to get people thinking about an upcoming “deep recession” next year that just happens to coincide with Trump taking office. If they are expecting it, then the timing won’t seem as suspicious.
While it is true that the economy is crap, those with decent portfolios in the market have been doing pretty well. This is a 5-year chart of the S&P 500. July 1st of 2019 the S&P 500 closed at 2980. July 1st, 2024, it closed at 5537. That is close to a 90% return in five years, meaning if your money was in an S&P 500 index fund with low expenses, it has almost doubled in just five years. That is a scorching return.

You want to see the White Boomers and suburban normies call for Trump’s head, start hitting their 401k plans and IRAs. They won’t give a shit about the fate of their White grandkids if it looks like they won’t have as much wealth to retire on as they were expecting.
Consider this as well. I have pointed out on many occasions that a significant and growing percentage of chiefs of police and prosecutors are either Soros-supported or just generally leftist activists that seem more interested in “equity” than justice, “equity” in this case meaning letting violent black criminals out of jail as fast as they can be processed. It won’t take much to simply dial back the prosecutions even more than They already have, and disheartened cops are less likely to bother arresting people if they just walk right back out of jail.
Add in the antifa being unleashed and maybe a couple of shaky killings of young Miracle-Americans and cities can start burning again.
All of it will be blamed on the Orange Man.
A principle I hold firmly is that if you make things intolerable enough for the average person, they will accept anything to bring some semblance of peace and security back to their lives.
Perhaps I am being paranoid or giving Them too much credit. Maybe not. Either way if you have been paying attention, you can’t put it past them to destroy the country in order to “save” it and rebuild things in Their image. I believe that They would rather rule over ruins than be forced to pretend that peasants like you and I are Their equals.
If Trump winds up in prison at some point, I’ll *consider* believing he wasn’t in on it all along. 2024 POTUS “election” notwithstanding. Otherwise, ain’t no way in hell I’d believe anything else. Let it all burn!
Amen T.Morris I say let it all burn down.Its all theater by the Jews anyway and is really tiring trying to decipher.Only Christ and the Heavenly Father can show us a way out.Thank you for that great article and I’m hoping you might have a few more along those lines in the future.I do love stories of Confederate guerillas or irregulars.Hope you are well.God bless you.
I have been really contemplating this same thing. It really seems they may be setting us all up for Trump to take the fall. He did used to be one of them you know…so who is to say they did not make a side deal with him. Hype him up so that one side wants him so bad, cheat up an election to have an underdog who then rises up like a Phoenix, pull the rug out from under the US economy to destroy it for good. Then bring in someone who looks like they can save us all, but who is to take us into the final steps to their utopia of having the regular people as slaves. I am not sure I will vote for President as we know the end result is already pretty much determined, I would probably vote Trump just because of the blatant steal of 2020 where we should not have had to put up with the third regime of the Kenyan executed via Flash Bang.
You’re dead on correct sir. Politicians are just frontmen for jewbankers, who really run this commieshitshow, soap opera for the dummies, who got their shots and boosters, and drop like flies all around me. We’ve been jew NWO since 1913, pretending we’re not. Well the masks are off now, teeth barred. Look at the atrocities in Palestine, that’s coming here, very soon.
Correct you are, Sir. It’s all complete Kabuki Theater that continues to fool 99% of the zombies called humans. How much more evidence is needed to open people’s eyes to the fact that elections are complete nonsense, scripted to be nothing more than a show. Even the previous comment refers to the “blatant steal in 2020,” suggesting that he believes that elections are real, if not for that “steal.” Not one, single politician makes any decisions, or has any say or power to do anything. They are mere sock puppets pranced out there to fool the people. The central bankers call the shots. They always have, they always will. And it dates much farther back than 1913.
Also totally agree Johnny Doe.You said it all.
Correct all the way Sir.