Myth of the 20th Century: Marcus Aurelius – Stoicism in a Time of Empire

Serving as emperor of Rome from 161AD to 189AD, Marcus Aurelius was considered the last of the five ‘good emperors’, and oversaw a time of relative peace and prosperity at home while stabilizing the empire’s frontiers abroad. Noted for his modesty and dedication to stoic philosophy, Aurelius’ writings serve as a guidepost for many seeking wisdom on life, rule, and what we leave behind. Tonight we are joined by Zach from Logos Revealed to examine Aurelius’ most famous work, ‘Meditations’, and to explore its lessons for leadership in a corrupt modern world.

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Marcus Aurelius – Stoicism in a time of Empire (Myth20c – Ep272) (

— References —

  • Republic, Plato (375 BC)
  • Meditations, Aurelius (180)
  • Coriolanus, Shakespeare (1605)
  • Gladiator, Scott (2000)

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