It cannot be ignored that the White race, including Dixians, are facing dire demographic circumstances. It’s a trend that has hit every White country, including nations like Ireland where just 30 years ago large families were the norm rather than the exception. In some cases, the demographic decline has been going on for so long it can no longer be realistically fixed, as the last sizable generation of women are now past birthing age. Thankfully, Dixie is not at this point. Though our problems are great, they can be resolved, although this will not be an easy task. But remember – we are advocating for nothing less than a Free Dixie – a nation we can call our own – arising like a phoenix from the ashes of a decadent Yankee Empire. Nothing Southern Nationalists are fighting for can be easily won. And, in this struggle, assuring the survival of our people is absolutely paramount. There can be no Dixie if there are no Dixians.
We must reproduce more; it really is as simple as that. The reason for the decline of the White race is due to a decline in the White birthrate, not an insurmountably high birthrate from non-Whites. That point is important, because far too many in the Dissident Right have assumed that the non-White populations are especially high when they’re not. In the United States, their birthrate is, at best, barely above the replacement rate. It’s important to note that, because that assumption often leads many on the Dissident Right to go down a path that ends up backfiring – namely open support for racially specific abortions that only serve to horrify Christians. The path to victory must lie in increasing our own birthrate. Above all else, remember that victory is ours for the taking. With that being said, there are several steps I believe can increase our Southern birthrate. These will be outlined below and should in no way be considered as an extensive or exhaustive list.
Normalize Large Families
Lately, I’ve been reading several articles about North American families, who, upon realizing what a threat to their souls the United States has become, have decided to move their families to Russia. And while I do understand their reasoning, this is not something I can endorse. For almost 400 years my family has called Dixie our home. I will stay and fight for her.
Still, something I did notice is how much better received these families are in Russia than they are in the American Empire. While large families are met with bewilderment, stares, and disparaging remarks in the United States, in Russia, they are seen as a positive good. To increase our birthrate, we must welcome large Dixian families with open arms. Treat these families as a blessing for Dixie, because they are. Large families will form the backbone of Southern freedom.
Discourage the DINK Mentality
DINKs (“Dual Income, No Kids”) are those that are proudly child free and have no intention of ever having children (other than “fur babies”), as that would cut into their free time. Obviously, we should give people the benefit of the doubt here. There are people, through no fault of their own, that cannot have children. And since this is a deeply personal, sensitive subject, it does make sense they would not want to talk about it. However, those who are boastfully child-free and belittle those that have children are a very different matter. Such a mentality has no place in Dixie, and those who encourage it should be ashamed. It is important to remember just how unnatural this mentality is. Humans are biological creatures and want to reproduce – we instinctively want to pass down our genes. The rise of the DINKs reveals a society completely out of touch with biological reality and in its death stage. To save our land, we must fight against this antinatalism psychology tooth and nail.
Pro-Family Programs
I think there is also a place for pro-family government programs in a Free Dixie. Though many on the Right balk at this notion, we must understand that we are in an emergency situation and any and all measures to get us out of this demographic predicament must be on the table. We can do as Hungary has done, and offer direct payments to parents for each child they have. It should be noted that we cannot adopt the anti-family policies of the Great Society. Rather, the payments will only be for two-parent, legally married, families with reasonable exceptions being made in the case of the death of a spouse or abandonment. But those are the exceptions, as a general rule, this program will be used for nationalistic and pro-family ends. Such policies are common for nationalist governments, as they understand their future lies in the youth. We must take from them as a means of getting out of this demographic spiral.
Could such a program be abused? Perhaps, though steps can be taken to minimize such abuses. But none of this will matter if we are rendered a permanent minority in our own land.
Studying history reveals what an outlier the United States, especially since 1960, has become, with particular attention needed on how the American Right understood the world. The hyper-individualistic Right of this era, with its emphasis on limiting the number of its children and bragging about how soon they can get their children to leave the house, is in stark contrast to almost all other societies in history. Multi-generational households and desiring large families was once common sense. It is no surprise that, in rejecting all of these bedrock principles, the American post-World War II populace lost their nation so quickly. They were working on a foundation of sand, whereby capitalism, which in practice meant little more than complete deference to Big Business, was more valued than the nation. The chickens are coming home to roost and the United States is in its last days.
By bringing back the pro-family mentality of healthy societies, Dixie can arise from the chaos and take her place among the nations of the world.

Adding more rewards like college debt forgiveness and tax decreases would also benefit in building up our birth rates. On top of this we need an aggressive policy to crush feminism which is a massive problem to our birth rate.
Feminism is a massive cause for decrease of White birth rates and that should main focus of destruction to increase them.
A thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew’s fingernail” – Rabbi Dov Lior, Chairman of the Jewish Rabbinical Council
“One million Arabs aren’t worth one Jewish fingernail.” – Rabbi Yaakov Perrin
My friends, you might think that Rabbis Lior and Perrin are just outliers… a deranged, psychopathic, fringe element. Do not be deceived, they’re not. A great many Jews share their pious view.
The very fingernails of a Jew are holy! L’chaim!
I was going to comment something dark, but I think it’d be best if our readers who scroll down to the comments don’t get black pilled.
As a father of eight (8) children (4 boys, 4 girls), and a proud Southern Nationalist steeped in Southernness, I readily approve this message!
I’m old but as a result I have seen three and a half generations in action. It appears to me that, in the absence of necessity, men and women tend not to get together. As a group, women in particular don’t like men very much, but they like what men can provide for them. Also, as a group, women require some sort of externally imposed structure. Otherwise, many will destroy themselves and everything else they touch. Hard Times will probably correct part of the problem, but the states in a new country should prohibit women from voting, holding public office, or practicing law. Additionally, the divorce laws much be reformed. The rest of the problem is best addressed by social pressure as it used to exist.
Decided to re-read this with a much clearer head than the one I had the other day. Regarding Russia, I do find it difficult as well to let go of a Dixieland than I have lineage in tracing back to the 1600’s, much less a state my family has lived in since 1810. I would also be lying if I said the idea of living in a less morally depraved society which is also pro-family and not viscously anti-Caucasian isn’t at least mildly appealing.
However, I do believe forming our own town(s) is the way to go. There no other way we’d have more positive control over the development of our local community.
The above was not meant to be a reply.
Decided to re-read this with a much clearer head than the one I had the other day. Regarding Russia, I do find it difficult as well to let go of a Dixieland than I have lineage in tracing back to the 1600’s, much less a state my family has lived in since 1810. I would also be lying if I said the idea of living in a less morally depraved society which is also pro-family and not viscously anti-Caucasian isn’t at least mildly appealing.
However, I do believe forming our own town(s) is the way to go. There no other way we’d have more positive control over the development of our local community.
The father of a large family who moved his pregnant wife and six children to Russia is friend of a friend. He has a YouTube channel, HomeinRussia, where he explains very clearly his reasons for emigration. As a father of five children myself, I heard similar comments in restaurants about my brood as well. It is because of those children, and now my grandchildren that I am seriously considering moving to Russia as well.
Let empires rise and fall.
Let political systems rise and fall.
Let revolutions come and go.
What we need to focus on is the preservation, proliferation and ascendancy of our race.
I thought readers might appreciate the following excerpt as it relates to the subject of this fine article:
“As Schwann writes in ‘Of the State’: “The old view was that procreation created the man and the woman, but that the “personality” was only born through marriage. Only the procreative human being was considered a whole human being. Until this stage of development was reached by the individual, the human being remained diminished. … The man who allows himself to be diminished ends up as a mannchen (little man) or mannle (manlet) or herrle (little lord) and falls under the slipper. (“Under the slipper refers to an old German wedding tradition where the bride and groom would try to step on each other’s foot. Whoever managed to do so first was said to be in charge of the marriage. Women typically wore slippers on their wedding day. Therefore, the phrase “under the slipper” refers to being non-dominant or effeminate).” p. 142.
Richard Walther Darre, ‘A New Nobility of Blood and Soil’, trans. Augusto Salon & Julius Sylvester