Earlier this month, Dr. Clyde Wilson had an article published on Identity Dixie and made the claim that the real adversaries of an independent Dixie are neither Africans nor Semites, but rather American Nationalists, White or other complexions. While (almost) everyone here can agree that the South chafes and suffers under the thumb of the Global American Empire, there can be no mistake about the subtext of Dr. Wilson’s message.
The term American Nationalist, which in some cases applies to those who advocate for a more authoritarian rightwing government and revitalizing the American Union, can also be applied to Southern Nationalists. We are Americans of the Southern states who demand a separate political entity from Washington – one that is predominately (if not homogeneously) White as the Founding Fathers intended.
Dr. Wilson complains of a general sense of White Nationalism, that it is rootless and “merely a Yankee ideology,” and those that embrace it are no different than the cartoonishly-evil, goose-stepping Germans who – for no reason whatsoever – decided to apply political force on Jews and leftists over eighty years ago. With all due respect to him and considering the current dismal status of the South, the United States, and Europe, I must ask: how is your tone-deaf assessment of White Nationalism (or the Southern Dissident Right, in general) any different than a shallow rebuke found in National Review?
It has long been an established truth that the Founding Fathers of this country – Yankee and Dixian – were, even as a modern term, “White Nationalists.” We can clearly see this in the text of the Naturalization Act of 1790, where American citizenship was limited to “free white person(s)… of good character.” The Founders understood the dangers of diversity, even when the political term did not exist, and the futility of giving citizenship to Africans, free and enslaved. To expect such a backward people to hold the same voting rights as Whites is as laughable as it is insane, especially now when we can see the abysmal state of affairs in countries like Haiti and South Africa. Or, in the South, we can look to North Charleston, Newport News, Baltimore, or Birmingham. You cannot maintain first world amenities, public infrastructure, and political systems with a race whose average IQ is two standard deviations below ours.
If that wasn’t enough, the historical and political illiteracy does not stop there. Dr. Wilson follows up with this incredible claim:
“Some few Americans after World War II began to praise the Nazi regime for its opposition to the rise of communism and internal disorder. This was and is stupid but characterizes some of the Alt-Right these days.”
Uh, yeah. Yes. That’s exactly what happened. With the Great War winding down, communist revolutionaries in Germany, seeking to emulate the horrors of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, attempted a coup throughout the entire country (and even briefly succeeded in regions like Bavaria). Luckily, veterans of the German army arrived and liquidated them, but the communists still remained in the political sphere in dangerously high numbers. Combined with reparations, liberalism, degeneracy, and hyperinflation (most of which was spurred on by Jews), Germany was in a state of complete disorder until Hitler came around and righted the ship. All this is a basic historical fact, and I don’t know why anyone on the Right would oppose nationalists from saving their country from bloodthirsty communists.
However, what gets me (and you, ID readers, when I make the comparison) the most is Dr. Wilson’s assertion that Hitler was anything but a patriot, and that his actions alone led to the deaths of millions of White people. Because he fought back against the people who had robbed his country of its territory, wealth, pride, and lost, his efforts were pointless and should be mocked with derision? By Dr. Wilson’s flawed logic, it was not Lincoln, the radical Republicans, or the abolitionists who destroyed Dixie – oh no, it was actually those incompetent losers like Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and Nathan Bedford Forrest who lost us our rights and independence. What sense does that make?
The politics and culture of today demands a complete renewal of what we, Southern Nationalists, believe in and stand for. Our current existential struggle goes far beyond milquetoast arguments about tax rates, nostalgic conservatism, or bickering over the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution – we are in the fight for our very way of life. Never before have the stakes been so high. In the 1860s, our ancestors fought a war to preserve political independence from the Yankees, we now have the heavy duty of saving our genetic and cultural legacy. If we fail here, there will be no Southerners left. It is our mission to secure a future for us and our posterity, and to identify those who would seek to do us harm. As a younger Southern Nationalist, my enemies are not White Nationalists. White Nationalists did not (1) tear down our statues, (2) devalue our currency, (3) flood our country with millions of illegals, (4) groom our children into transvestites, (5) send our men and women to die in the Middle East for 20 years, (6) institute no-fault divorce, (7) ban Christian prayer in public spaces, (8) and implement usury.
The world we live in now is not 1945, or even 1985. We have a Left that is hellbent on eradicating Southern culture, Christianity, traditional families and values, and openly advocates for abolishing “Whiteness.” They want to culturally, and actually, genocide us. The post-1945 “Nazis Evil Ad Infinitum” mythos, relentlessly hammered into the heads of the Boomer generation, wears pretty thin when transexuals are invited to the White House and the prevailing American culture encourages boys to get castrated, girls on puberty blockers, mocks God, and hates White people with a passion. And, any opposition to this Satanic agenda gets one labeled a “Nazi.” You don’t need to read through tea leaves to figure this one out, the writing is on the wall.
The question, then, becomes: did the “good guys” really win World War II? For young Southern Nationalists, White Nationalists, and the Dissident Right, we definitely know the answer.
-By Dixie Anon

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Well said Sir. There is not a boomer subculture that isn’t captured by the post-Nuremberg consensus.
Looking forward to reading more of your work.
Dang, I didn’t think my article would actually get published. 10/10, author did a good job.
He is. Boomer is a culture and an ideology much more than it’s a generation.
Hate to burst your bubble, guys but Clyde Wilson is not a Boomer-he’s a pre-Boomer.
Clod Wilson is a Jew controlled buffoon who only says what his masters allow him to.His job is to misdirect Whites into supporting his masters by many not so clever and not logical means.I find him to be a dimwit and someone who just sucked up all the propaganda the Jew media spewed out the entirety of his life.He has accomplished nothing for the cause of Whites,Christians or the South.He pits good Whites against other good Whites at the behest of his Satanic Jewish overlords.Hitler said to learn history is not memorizing the names of this or that King or famous battle but to understand the hidden forces that actually make everything happen.Clod Wilson must know some of the truth by now but chooses to do the Devils work and led Whites to destruction.Or perhaps he really is a misguided moron.I could believe either but its probably the former.
Here we go again. ‘Dixie Anon’, whoever the hell that is, disparaging Dr. Clyde Wilson. And all the others hiding behind pseudonyms disparaging Dr. Wilson. Is this what this site has become?
Is Clod your boyfriend?You scour the comments looking to defend him.Never see you comment or add to the discussion otherwise.Clod works for the OTHER SIDE.
He is. Boomer is a culture and an ideology much more than it’s a generation.
I have noticed an uptick in guest writers recently. Nice to see some new blood coming around.
Great piece and I totally concur.Well written and logical.We should never back down as Whites or fail to stand up for Hitler and any Whites who defend our people.Hitler has been purposely lied about by the Jews because he fought back.So many worthless White females and not a few White men just suck up everything the Jews give them in school,media,music,movies and even Church.Truly a nation with so many imbeciles doesn’t deserve God’s favor.And as Hitler would say the nature which God created will give a great backlash against this mongrel,anti-White,anti-Christian Western world and many Whites will have no one to blame but their own lack of defending their very own race.We who care and remain resolute are truly elite and strong mentally and intellectually but the great masses are just pathetic in my estimation.Does a race where large numbers refuse to defend themselves have any future?The Bible addresses this lack of discernment and lack of goodness which will come in the End times.They have embraced Jewish materialism and soon all they will have left is a collapsed world.Thank you for a most refreshing and wise understanding of the sorry and disgraceful state of affairs we find ourselves trapped in.Keep writing as I look forward to more of your thoughts and ideas.Christ is Lord and that is all we need.The Lord will sustain those loyal Whites who do not give up or give in.We are created in His image and He will never forsake us.We must all just give our hearts to Him and know He will decide what is best.God bless you and all here in good faith.Perhaps even the old retardo Clod Wilson will realize the error of his ways.
We can all hope that Dr. Wilson will come to the realization that the ‘FDR newsreels’ he touts as ‘proof’ of his contentions were an insult to his own intelligence and education. Perhaps then his anger will be redirected towards the real enemies of White Christian Civilization. It’s a humbling experience to realize you’ve been duped, but something greater than the shame can come out of it.
Well put German Confederate.And who is that C.A.Powell who keeps calling me out?Does anyone know him.I’ve had enough of him.He is trash.I’d love to meet him for a little discussion.He must be Clod Wilson’s lover because he sure covers for his man.
Great article. Enjoyed reading and look forward to more.
I left a long ass comment and hit the buy me a drink icon by accident and poof.
Anyway, read ‘Twilight of the Hapsburgs- The collapse of the Austro-Hungarian empire by Zab Zeman, 100 pages, to see how the industrial age swamped Germany, and the reason for the rise of Hitler.
I thought boomer too when I first read Dr. Wilson’s article, or a troll.
God Bless you all here at ID.
In Dr. Wilson’s defense, he’s almost 83 now, so the old neurons aren’t firing as energetically as they once did. That and he was involved in a group called the League of the South and found himself the subject of an SPLC denunciation for saying something nearly all of us here would agree with. Maybe the threats and smears finally got to him.
Good point Citizenfitz.
If ” Boomer” doesn’t mean the baby boom generation, then stop using the term and use a more precise and accurate term. As someone said recently, the whole ‘Boomer” meme is “generational astrology” and pits one group of white gentiles against another(gen x, y, z and the millennials all have more woke liberals among their numbers than the Boomers do). I’ve got a novel idea- why not name the real culprits- the Jews! Or are you afraid?
Thank you Dixie Anon for writing the article I only considered writing. It’s true that the doctrine of secession was not too popular in the Reich, but you rightly point out the very different social conditions that existed in Germany that made that the case. For those still in doubt about the common ground Southerners have with the Germans, I include the following quotes:
“The stripes came from the six sections of the shield, which formed part of the original device of a seal proposed for the United States. These six sections, or quarterings of the escutcheon, were intended to designate the six European countries from which the United States had been chiefly peopled: to wit, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, and Holland. In drawing these six sections on the shield-figure, seven spaces of the original colors were, of course, left, which gave to the whole the appearance of thirteen bars, or stripes.” p. 198.
Alexander Stephens, ‘History of the United States’, AFP Reprint 1999.
“After the Civil War the slave trade in the southern states was stopped. (In time, a much worse system of indentured servitude, the ‘peonage’, replaced it.) … In the mushrooming industrial centers of the north … the importation of White slaves set in, for one can hardly call it anything else. … Mass importation of uneducated, largely illiterate people from Eastern, Southern, and Southeastern Europe and from Asia Minor all the way to Syria. These ignorant, penniless people were lured away from their homelands with sometimes scandalous contracts and freighted off to Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Buffalo and Cincinnati, where they had to work in factories and mines behind high fences and barbed wire in order to “work off” their travel expenses, supplies, and whatever. … Big money triumphed all along the line. No Beecher-Stowe – like in the grossly lied up “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” – stood up to draw the attention of the world to the misery of the White contract workers in factories and mines, or to explain to them that the free, proud American worker was about to go to the dogs.” pp. 25-6.
The SS Looks at America (1943), Third Reich Originals
“The War Between the States … was the revolt of the North and West against the political, and above all economic, supremacy of the South. In order to break it, the victorious Northern States abolished slavery. The abolition of slavery, however, is what turned America from a once purely White, even predominantly Nordic, land into the ethnic mishmash with millions of colored people that it is today.” pp. 39-40.
The SS Looks at America (1943), Third Reich Originals
“If one wants to apply the European concept to American conditions, then the anonymous, rootless forces of big money have, one after the other, worn down and destroyed free aristocracy (the southern states), a free, independent middle class and a free peasantry, and thereby human freedom itself. The same thing happened that, in another style, played out under Bolshevism with an ice-cold contempt for humanity.” p. 27.
The SS Looks at America (1943), Third Reich Originals
Very passionate article, and very timely at reaching a more deracinated Southern young person. We need more passionate young men that will forward face our enemies.
Although, WN is not our enemy, as long as they do their work outside of Dixie. We must stand firm against that movement attaching its self in our borders.
Our evangelist efforts should be focused on detaching any young Southerners from any hope of saving America , and determined to fulfill our ancestors hopes of an unentangled independent Dixie.
Dr. Wilson is and has been at the tip the spear saving our history for 6 decades. When we disagree on political matters, let’s do it respectfully. I believe this author has done so, but perhaps not so many of the commenters. We must never be less than gentlemen to Our elders, it is not our way.
Look forward to more fire eating articles.
A man stupid enough to think that Hitler was the villain and Churchill was the hero of WW2 doesn’t have the discernment to be the self-styled leader of any movement- particularly ours. Wilson said he was through with us- take him at his word. Good riddance!