A protection racket is an extortionate scheme by which a criminal organization collects regular payments from citizens, as well as businesses, in exchange for the guarantee of protecting the clients from assaults and robberies. This kind of arrangement is usually made in cities where the government and law enforcement agencies are unable or unwilling to provide adequate protection to the citizens and the situation is too dangerous for legitimate private security contractors. Reasonable payments are negotiated with each client in proportion to the amount of income earned by the client, the value of the protected property, and the total number of properties in need of protection. Ideally, the organization will charge just enough to make a nice profit without negatively affecting the quality of their clients’ lives by charging more than they can afford to pay. However, the criminal organization providing the service can also be the biggest threat to their clients and will send subordinates to target and harass all of those who refuse to contract their security services. Illegal business schemes of this kind are often depicted in the plots of movies such as Road House starring Patrick Swayze, Sam Elliott, and Ben Gazzara.
Sometimes, law enforcement and government officials can be the perpetrators behind an extortionate protection racket and will collect bribes from their clients in exchange for special services and favors. Such favors usually consist of not enforcing laws or municipal ordinances against citizens and businesses who tip the officers with some sort of compensation which can include cash payments, sex, controlled substances, free food and beverages, or any combination of similar bartered services. Law enforcement officers have also been known to sell their personal services to criminal organizations for whom they work as enforcers to be deployed against any competitors looking to take illicit black-market shares away from the dominant criminal gang in the region. When politicians operate protection schemes, they often crossover into influence peddling which can be more complex and exponentially more lucrative. The basic structure of the illegal transaction is the same as with other extortion rackets, but the payments are made in more subtle ways which can include inside information on financial investments or highly paid job offers in the private sector.
NATO, or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was founded shortly after World War 2 in 1949 and included the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and nine nations in Western Europe. The alliance was promoted as a mutual defense pact for the security of Western Europe leveraged against the potential threat of Soviet aggression from the East. The NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium collects dues from the members and organizes the training maneuvers of troops assigned by each of the member nations in the alliance. The treaty also provides for the United States to operate a number of military bases located within the other members’ borders. At one time during the Cold War there were upwards of five hundred thousand U.S. Armed Forces personnel stationed in West Germany. In 1990, the Soviet Union collapsed from insurmountable debts and withdrew their forces from Eastern Europe. NATO absorbed the reunited Germany but promised the Soviet government that the alliance would not expand any further into the East.
Since then, NATO has pressured and annexed many more countries to bring the membership total to thirty-two nations with the alliance pushing against the Ukraine in former Soviet territory and threatening the Russian Federation. The U.S. and their Central Intelligence Agency also continue to expand the number of bases and armed defensive positions they operate in Eastern Europe. Whenever other NATO members voice objections to the imperial expansion, the United States applies economic pressure against those members through the globalist dominated central bank of the European Union, which happens to be conveniently located in Brussels near NATO headquarters.
Not only does the Yankee Empire use NATO as a hedge for leverage against economic competitors such as Russia and China, but also as an opposing force against the peoples of Europe. First, the Empire provokes wars abroad in regions such as the Middle East and Africa. Then, the Empire funds the migration of so-called refugees from the warring regions to Europe to plague and replace the native citizens while collecting socialist government welfare subsidies which, in turn, the globalist international corporations profit greatly from indirectly by serving the alien consumers at significantly marked up prices.
NATO serves as the “muscle” or enforcers for the globalists’ diabolical schemes.
-By John S.

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
You might ask yourself, “What do the Jews have planned after all the chaos, destruction, suffering and death they’re causing?”
Well, there is no after plan. Chaos, destruction, suffering and death IS the plan. L’chaim!!!
This morning, as I was enjoying a breakfast of poached eggs and hash browns at McDachau’s, I noticed a man glaring at me. I smiled politely but he continued glaring at me.
Then he walked over and said, “You’re Rabbi Glickman, aren’t you?”
“Well, that depends on who wants to know?” I answered.
“I am Ari Ben Eliezer. You gave my father herpes. Prepare to die!”
“Your father was Eliezer Ben Eliezer?” I asked, feigning astonishment.
“Yes!” he bellowed. The whole restaurant shook from the force of it.
Thinking quickly, I said, “Ach, I remember him! He’s the one who gave me herpes at his mezitza b’peh. But I’ve long since forgiven him” I lied.
“What? He gave YOU herpes? I thought you gave HIM herpes!” He said, dumbfounded.
“No, my friend. The world is a stranger place than we could ever imagine.”
As I stood up to offer my hand, I strategically threw a handful of bright, shiny shekels across the floor. In the mayhem that followed I quickly exited through a nearby door.
Oy, oy, oy! That was a close call, that one!