
My life among the Kudzu
Our lives so intertwined
We live as no one other
Our home inside the vines

We hold to hopeless hills
Eroded from long past
And cling to dirt red clay
And bricks we have cast

I am the Kudzu vine
Not native to this soil
But I have made a place
To grow, to play, to toil

No force can uproot me
Nor those I grow among
For I am planted deep
In this land I love

The Kudzu is so evergreen
Though I may fade away
My time in Dixie’s soil
When winter comes to stay

I leave the Kudzu vine
When heart begins to fade
And rest within the sorrow
In the home I’ve made


  1. Happy Birthday General. And I was just talking about Kudzu to someone a few days ago and how I used to see it everywhere but there’s so much less now.I’d much rather have the Kudzu the Yankees and Wetbacks and all the cookie cutter neighborhoods with houses crammed in so closely.

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