Construction Fairies and Other Magical Creatures

If you travel at all, especially around the South, you’ll see that there is construction everywhere. In recent years, invasion from California and the migration of other unwashed refugees fleeing deteriorating political structures from within the American Empire has created an infrastructure nightmare for Dixie. Subsequently, the majority of our highways and byways have major construction projects ongoing, amplifying the naturally occurring congestion from our swelling population. It can be unbearable at times, invoking rage, and causing unnecessary anxiety among our relatively easy-going people. 

As I have gotten older, I’ve had paradigm shift, or a reimagining, the birth of a rather fantastical view of road construction projects. Instead of being aggravated, as I would in my younger years, with the breaking of ground on every new highway project and frustrated with the lack of progress each time I pass through them, and sometimes even being exasperated as I slowly move through projects that should have done months and sometimes years ago, I’ve asked myself, as I witness the slow pace of construction workers standing around holding a shovel or a warning sign, while appearing that only one of their comrades seems to be doing any work at all, ”How does this ever get completed?” 

And, I have come to this fantastical conclusion. 

It must be construction fairies and other magical creatures, unseen mystical beings that come in the middle of the night while all men sleep and preform miraculous deeds. Constuction seemingly done in the twinkling of our eyes, as we roll through on fresh pavement, onto new on-ramps, and widened highways. If you don’t believe me, find a road construction site on your regular commute, pace the progress from the start, and you’ll come to same conclusion I have, as one day you buzz through this enchanted former construction zone at normal speed. You’ll be mesmerized and astonished that, out of nowhere, it’s all done! 

In the Southern Nationalist movement, and the broader Dissident Right sphere, there are also construction projects going on. Some very visible, like the TEXIT movement which has had to drag the Republican Party kicking and screaming into action. Thankfully, it appears that a ballot initiative starting the process of Texas once again becoming an independent nation is going to be on the GOP primary ballot next election. But just like any construction project, it started with people who could envision the need, devise a strategy, and campaign to recruit people with a single vision to see the project to completion. For most of those involved, you’ll never see or know their names, they appeared magically and have now built a consensus among the general population. And now, with seemingly the wave of a wand, that which has taken decades, will materialize in an instant, and the citizens of the Republic of Texas have the chance to be free. 

And there are others, some right here at Identity Dixie, working tirelessly like Santa’s little elves the day after Christmas. Building the social and political infrastructure that will need to be built as this American Empire crumbles. Building consensus among the producers of tangible necessities; farmers, masons, carpenters, electricians, grocers, logistical engineers, lawyers, politicians, financiers, etc., and if necessary, Southern warriors, once again. Forming magical and mystical brotherhoods, working behind the scenes, constantly connecting those willing to work and training them into those that can accomplish the impossible. 

Our construction fairy numbers are only growing, as the reality of what our ancestors foretold, their prophecy of an abusive and despotic empire is unveiled every day. We relish each one of our tiny successes, and with those successes magical fires of hope ignite within our people. And believing that the impossible has become the possible, as the work gets done. We tap into the legend of the fairies and build the dream of a Free South.

Deo Vindice!

God save the South! 


  1. busy building parallel economy, a non- woke AI, and basically hosting a forum for (predominantly) like minded folks.

    The best part however, is there is actual free speech. Can sometimes make ya blush but by God, you may and are encouraged, to speak your mind.

    Like is done here.

    I appreciate your efforts and am on the same path.

  2. That’s right Father Dabney.Keep up the great work.God can work miracles if it is His will.I really can’t decide who I dislike more as they flood my state:the racial filth from Mexico etc,the Negroes who just like the Mexicans gather often with loud music and booze/drugs,the Yankees who have zero good points but many bad points and make themselves right at home.Alas I chose the Jews who made it all happen.They are the worst.

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