When whatever positive utility your race may have proffered evaporated with the dawn of mechanized agriculture, then of course you built the pyramids and the solution to whatever problem is going on would invariably be your race receiving a greater amount of free stuff. This should be considered a cornerstone of our civilization, and thus why it will collapse.
We have the privilege of experiencing this in real time. As Captain Long John Silver cautioned, them that dies will be the lucky ones. In the meantime, blacks will keep demanding more and becoming irate when new people arrive to receive free stuff because all of it should be going to them. At least they’re willing to take their own side in this regard, so I can respect this aspect of their nature.
I was once representing a company in Eastern Europe with roughly 5,000 employees. One of these was an African homosexual whose presence was a sort of diplomatic favor and basically offered us no utility from a revenue perspective but did provide us with plenty of problems. This was the sole employee who provided us with any problems, essentially. We couldn’t really get rid of him either. Sound familiar?
For example, my time is best not spent at a police station but I’d wasted an afternoon at one on his behalf. On another particular afternoon, I was working on a set of important matters for the company when I received a panicked call asking me to come over to one of our offices.
This was on a floor of a big building, and it wasn’t written in English so one would assume that an African wouldn’t have the wherewithal to find it, but his homosexual companion managed to do so. He thought he could get money from us after an injury while they were “doing things” and it got violent. I didn’t inquire into the details.
Nice European office ladies aren’t used to dealing with this sort of situation, so by the time I showed up the fear was visible on their faces. He was using a rather strident tone with me, so I invited him over to a conference room to resolve the matter without subjecting them to more.
I very politely and professionally explained to him that while I could appreciate the complexities of their situation, he wasn’t getting even a cent from us. The guy was a bit bigger than a bushman of the Kalahari but not much. I’m 6″2 and he was pounding the table and pointing his finger in my face.
Eventually, security showed up and sat at the table, and I offered to schedule a meeting for the next day at a police station so they could “give us advice.” When I put my phone on speaker to call the station, he said he’d come back tomorrow, to which I replied I’d meet him at the police station and, of course, that was the end of it.
That evening I had a meeting with the executive to touch base on our projects. I had to interject that this had happened and he took off his glasses and put his head in his hands. I explained that bringing up the police made this matter disappear, but he became alarmed and asked me to arrange for the matter to be arbitrated at their consulate. It was all over, however.
To us here in America, this would simply be another day, another dollar situation. But, if you’re in a place that doesn’t have blacks, you have no reference for adult people who are violent, retarded children.
Children feel entitled to things from parents. This is natural and as they mature, they become grateful for just how much their parents did for them and use the advantage provided to them by their parents to become productive adults. That’s usually how it works for White people.
I suppose this is the frame of reference naive White people use when assuming that giving blacks free stuff and privileges at our expense will civilize them. Are they surprised when blacks throw temper tantrums over giving free stuff to hordes coming from the jungles of Latin America?
I’m not sure about this, but I do know that the buffet of free shit for useless eaters isn’t going to last in America. That should be lots of fun.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
South Africa is the template for what’s coming here. Jan Smuts in his ‘Rhodes Memorial Lectures’, 1929 had some very insightful and dispassionate things to say about why blacks and whites shouldn’t live in the same polity.
Oh, and uh … Happy New Year!
Contributors here are like the best breeds of horses … but with blinders on their eyes so they can only focus on what’s in front of them … never on the obvious solution(s) off to either side. Eventually they, and all of society, will fall off the cliff just ahead.
Solution : For F’s sake, research any right wing groups that are FORMING COMMUNITIES – especially in the south – and infiltrate and advise them to push for “restructuring America” into 5 new Republics – ours being a very enlarged all white CSA II. NOW is the time more people than ever will welcome such an idea. The Red Dawn invasion at our borders and secretly at airports, done to us by our own gov’t and the UN has made a lot of folks receptive to SOLUTIONS.
Take the blinders off, grow a pair, and let’s see some manifestos. The south – that you claim to care about – is occupied and being taken down. Everyone’s turning to you ( the news ), for answers but you’re leading them all right off the cliff …
WHY never ever ever so much as a single solitary article – even just in the form of fantasy / what if – on a site like this? I mean, isn’t this a place you’ld expect to find stuff like that?
I actually did produce fantasies on this topic, generally involving the aftermath of the total collapse, although maybe they were published before our great deplatforming of 2019. You’re welcome to send one in, could be an interesting topic.
You might enjoy Franklin Sanders’ ‘Heiland’.
Ok then write something about it. I have written on the idea of town building, like Orania but for Southerners. It’s an interesting topic in need of more discussion.