Introspection is a worthwhile activity, although gazing into the abyss should be done with caution. Therefore, I prefer to stay busy and keep moving in both business and leisure. As this is the end of the year, I’ll give it a try.
It would be fair to describe myself as a man of deep and profound cynicism, so much so that I forgot I was acting upon this mindset for about the past couple of decades. So, when some news breaks that two f*** were going at each other in the halls of Congress, well first of all, I don’t care, and second, of course this is happening.
Cynics don’t keep a country moving, and so while I’m up to whatever I’m up to, more credulous individuals step up to the plate. That’s what makes me feel so bad about January 6th and the sickening aftermath. Perhaps they’re guilty of expecting better from America, but that’s about it.
These were patriotic Americans who believed in the system, and now even retired veterans who did nothing wrong essentially were being brutalized by this system they simply wanted to operate above board, like everyone is told it operates. I’m not even sure if they scared anyone in that building enough not to sodomize each other after hours that evening.
When the injections were being forced, I started feeling something biblical at hand and I had some very insane situations in which I was caught up. Now, I feel as if the needle has moved back to cynicism. Almost, like the ending to American Psycho.
A consummate professional, keeping his thoughts to himself. Occasionally though, I will become outraged. For example, I came across an article this morning that almost made me spit out my coffee. When I was a boy without an appreciation for the gravity of the issues a man must grapple with in his life, I loved watching pro wrestling and the feeling of being entertained as all was right with the world.
The characters were awesome, but also authentic to the point you can’t imitate them and pull it off. Only Stone Cold Steve Austin can be Stone Cold Steve Austin, pretty much likewise with everybody else.
I’m not going to watch this movie, but at least Rick Flair isn’t played by Denzel Washington. From a historical perspective, Rick Flair and also Donald Trump were the progenitors of the bragging, gaudy rap culture we’ve been plagued with for all these years.
So much so that Flair has a hero status even in Latin America, one of them showed me some rap video he starred in although I can’t remember the name of this famous rapper and don’t care to bother trying.
Those Jan 6th people were acting upon a reference to a different America, whereas I know it’s gone and would never dare. I just enjoy having a beer and watching the clips. The fun back then was that the bad guy was the most entertaining, and almost all them would straddle the line.
Perhaps the issue is that as a society, now that everything is rooted in lies, we don’t have entertainment coming from arrogant alpha males anymore. This, however, is the peak form of entertainment and when you add violence, humor, and hot women, how could it get any better?
The Roman mob received free bread, wine, and violent entertainment as things went to shit.
We deserve better.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
We’ve been getting a free ride for years.
The “economy” should have devoured us long ago. Instead everyone got rich on home equity and worthless cow patches that they are now selling to desperate urban refugees for all their coin. 401ks and cheap credit and all the toys of little boy dreams.
Inversions and invasions raged on while sales quotas we met and vacations were taken.
Fatness abound. Lines of kids still sent off to “college”. Men marching off to globocorp, selling and trading and middle-manning globo commerce into the heartland, ushering in the next chain of burgers and junk commerce to get his share.
Men with plucky daughters selling their flesh on the Tok and sullen boys conjuring worlds between ones and zeros in the basement and proud wives advertising the grand facade on the socials for another hit of dopamine.
All while tongues are bitten to keep the precious social strata intact. Swallowing that blood, bitter and metallic, like so many swords rusting in their sheaths.
Na, “we” deserve what we get.
Sometimes we get more than we deserve, sometimes less. The injustice of the fallen is the most righteous thing about this place in time. That it all makes no sense is the only thing that makes sense. She took the fruit, he took a knee.
The deep cynicism is a gift but can easily become a curse if lashed to the earthly want.
I don’t blame the takers. I shoulda taken more when I was in the bowels of globo commerce. My high horse would be taller, my wife younger, and my ideas of the world much more pleasant for those bbqs in the couldesac. But instead, here we are.
Happy new year!