As a subject of humor, I’ve sometimes mused with other members of the ID crew about what we’d be doing if we were making money from our publication. I certainly have some ideas. My dog catching gig doesn’t entail the executive furnishments which a gentleman of my refinement would expect. I’m not even the top dogcatcher. My campaign for that position is actually still in the exploratory phase.
My office at the Identity Dixie HQ would be clad in fine oak paneling. One side would feature a floor to ceiling bookshelf, all leatherbound, of course. Another would have a green marble fireplace with a couple chairs in front of it. This is where I’d consult with other writers on our content strategy, after perhaps pouring them a glass of whiskey from a crystal decanter. Outside, goons would be patrolling with Dobermans. Underneath the facility would be a Resident Evil-style bunker complex so we’d ride out the end of America in safety and comfort.
The reality of mainstream political discourse is that it doesn’t pay for itself. Instead, there are patrons or groups behind it. If you see some sort of political/social activist publication or group, that’s how it’s being funded. Most are so unpopular they couldn’t even afford to rent a porta potty with the revenue generated from normal people who like them.
Political content in general is actually quite a niche. Most people lack the interest or intellectual capacity for this sort of thing. If we started producing videos, that would be pretty cool, but cute cat videos would get exponentially more views. That’s just how it is and why normal people are so easy to manipulate.
So, yeah, if you’re wondering why flagship conservative publications are so full of cringe and out of touch with reality, it’s because the six figure incomes of those writers have no connection to whether anybody likes what they’re writing or not. Their purpose is to give a false impression of popular sentiment. They have so few readers I doubt they’re even worth it for this purpose.
It’s the same thing when you see a neocon ghoul like Bill Kristol coming out with yet another political project or publication. There’s big money behind him, not popular support, but he’s funded to give the impression of popular support.
I’m not writing this to complain. In fact, I don’t expect anything better from America. It actually makes perfect sense that mainstream political discourse would be totally disconnected from reality in a nation tearing itself apart under the grip of Jewish madness entering its terminal phase.
What I’m pointing out here is that the disparity between mainstream political discourse and reality is vast enough that it offers an enormous opportunity to grow the readership of dissident publications simply by telling the truth, offering plausible explanations for events that happen, and letting people know they’re not crazy or fringe for thinking that things shouldn’t be this way.
A major advantage to telling the truth is that the content you produce offers predictive value for your readers. For example, when the George Floyd Memorial Campaign of Carnage kicked off, I noted that black people lack an innate civilizational capacity so letting them do whatever they want would unleash a crime wave that urban areas wouldn’t be able to survive. I’d say that prediction seems to be following its grim course. Many such cases. Being armed with the truth turns you into Nostradamus at this late stage.
For anyone considering contributing an article, I’d note that the more content you produce, the better you’ll become at generating ideas and articulating your opinions. I’d recommend giving it a shot and seeing how that process can work. We accept a wide variety of topics from historical to contemporary, and we get readers from all over the world, so new takes are always appreciated.
It’s cathartic to share your opinions honestly with a like-minded readership and make a contribution towards advancing the truth. That’s what we’ve got on our side and it’s something from which one can derive satisfaction. Lies have expiration dates when they’re exposed or the dishonesty becomes so intense and contradictory it simply can’t be reconciled anymore. America is definitely reaching this point, so if there was a time to contribute, it would be now.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
I’m not sure why it is that we dissidents see and the rest are blinded. It’s certainly not because I’m more intelligent or have a greater mastery over my personal or professional life. God knows … and so do I! Yet, outside the readership of ID, there definitely seems to be that ‘constipation of ideas’ of which which Mr. Stevenson wrote:
“The protocols distinctly declare that it is by means of sets of ideas which cluster around “democracy” that the first real victory over public opinion was obtained. … Most Gentiles are not thinkers, and attractive ideas have been thrown at them so strategically and persistently that their power of thought is almost destroyed, and they have become like jellyfish. pp. 96-7. The poor Gentiles depend upon the capitalistic press so much for what to think and how they shall think that the constipation of ideas is pitiful. p. 107. Many over-educated people are stubborn and intolerant, and not able to apply their learning except to confuse their ignorance. … Nowadays statesmen who are governed by reason can rarely be elected.” p. 120.
Gilbert F. Stevenson, ‘The Cuttle-Fish’, 1933
Most whites do, or at least are able to. Everything in the mortal world involves a tradeoff, the ability of whites and East Asians to sublimate thoughts and emotions being no exception: on the one hand it allows them to put aside negative emotions and thus avoid rash actions–an ability vital to creating and sustaining civilization; on the other, it allows them to practice self-deception, which allows evil that can package itself as good and that can appeal to people’s self-interest and/or fear to go unopposed.
A good article on the topic:
No reason you can’t do videos that could be both informative and highly popular, at least on the Right (including normiecon). E.g., you could do a video version of this parody (that is, assuming you could find someone willing to play the tranny).
Requirements: Large bottle of liquor (80 proof or stronger)
Take one shot when Trump mentions any of the following:
1. Biden crime family/ Crooked Joe
2. Bidenomics/ inflation
3. Biden’s crooked deals with China/ China virus/ corruption
4. Biden’s crooked deals with Ukraine/ Hunter/ corruption
5. Paris climate ripoff/ green new deal/ electric vehicles
6. Trump’s trade deals/ USMCA/ protective tariffs
7. Trump’s energy independence/ ANWR/ Keystone pipeline
8. Trump’s economy strongest in history
9. Lowest black unemployment since 1865
10. Trump’s border strongest in history/ 500 miles of wall
11. Death penalty for drug and human traffickers
12. Deportation of aliens/ “not sending their best”
13. Stopping trans freaks in women’s facilities and sports
14. Trump killing Al-Baghdadi and Sulaimani/ Muslim travel ban
15. Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan/ Bagram
16. Ron De Sanctimonious/ Birdbrain Nikki Haley
Take two shots when Trump does any of the following:
1. Recites THE SNAKE poem.
3. Shouts “We will make America great again!”
4. Dances
Pour a full glass of ‘wood alchy’ when he promises to prosecute Hillary … and make him drink it!