We Could Get A Lot For A Little

Times are tough indeed, but the national security of our shithole remains one of my deepest concerns. The of gravest threat to America starts with an R. Russia? You might ask. No, you cretin, Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country. Didn’t you ever listen to John McCain? I can’t for the life of me figure out why everybody is getting so worked up about it. Putin is too busy falling down the stairs and crapping himself to pose a threat to the USA. We’ve got much bigger problems.

The real threat is retail. If we don’t put a stop to retailers, their aggression will have no limit. They must be defeated or else the rules-based order will perish. If retail isn’t defeated, we’ll be shopping for stuff that we need for the rest of our lives, then our children, and their children. This nightmare will never end.

Let’s be realistic, though. In terms of race, we white folks have to look out for #1. Only stupid people do the fighting themselves. That’s what my friend told me who attends religious services on Saturday. I don’t know much about his spiritual beliefs, but he seems morally upright and super trustworthy.

It’s better this war is done by proxy, by sending others to fight we won’t even have to get our hands dirty. My contention is that the ongoing combat in Ukraine demonstrates the wisdom of this approach. For a relative pittance, we can have somebody else destroy retail once and for all. That will weaken retail’s closest ally, China. Do you have any idea how much cheap crap you buy is made in China? It could be just like what they’re pulling off in Ukraine right now. Look how successful this approach has been:

They’ve taken out 50% of Putin’s army for the equivalent of just 5% of our military budget! This is so brilliant it’s practically diabolical. I’ve been reading up on all this material from Republicans for Ukraine and it’s really impressed upon me the wisdom of this approach. Why can’t we do this by pitting black people versus retail?

Sure, black people cost a lot more than 5% of our military budget, but they can take out 100% of retailers. Who else is there? Mexicans are too lazy and Asian eyes are so slanty they probably can’t even see ten feet in front of them. They’re going to loot a big grocery store when they can’t even see past the checkout line? Oh, please.

Indeed, only black people can get us a lot for a little. I saw what they just did to Philadelphia, and it was really impressive. The courage and skill, but also the raw enthusiasm. Once they see an opening, they display no trepidation in their human wave attacks. They’re so fearless many of them giggle uncontrollably while shouting “oh shit!” over and over again as they put the place out of business. This approach works so much better than those Ukrainians trying to tepidly navigate a minefield.

Nothing will be safe from these blacks. Well, maybe the bookstores would remain impregnable, so to speak, but we can’t get bogged down on those details. Russia was armed to the teeth when we kicked things off in Ukraine. Did we let that stop us?

What’s super encouraging is that I’ve noticed that blacks have started to develop high tech savvy, just like how the Ukrainians developed a method for flying explosive drones into Moscow apartment buildings. Here we can observe blacks neutralizing any potential surveillance technology in these Apple products using a combination of orange drank and brute force:

It’s important to bear in mind that retail has big assets. But rest assured, blacks have proven their ability to take these things down. “Absolutely crazy and downright dangerous” is how my local news described this daring tactic.

What they’ve figured out how to do is infiltrate the store, set the place on fire and then loot away in the panic and confusion. Blacks are so effective against box stores they’ve put Targets up and down the West Coast out of action.

Look, I’m what’s referred to as a race realist. So, yeah, the average black is pretty dumb but that doesn’t mean they can’t learn a few moves that really work. They don’t need to master any strategy to be effective in their specific roles. How do you think they play ball so well? Here we can see them stealing nearly a million dollars in jewelry with just hammers and a total lack of respect for civilizational norms:

Yep, blacks are the John Wick of shoplifting. Below we can observe them pepper spraying and tasing a guard over a pair of pants. What other race has the capacity to bring such violence to bear against an innocent man over something so trivial?

My fellow white folks, we’ve found our proxy. The final hour for retail will soon be at hand. None of us will ever have to go shopping again for the rest of our lives. We will make America great again.

Mobile infantry in the assembly area.


  1. Unironically though, I think you just tapped into a legitimate strategy of punishing woke capital. If Conservatives wanted to get revenge on big businesses for subverting the country but lack the political power to punish them on a legislative level, just encourage swarms of Black people to loot the stores into oblivion – what are they going to do, complain about the mess they made by telling Black people they have a right to loot? Reminds me of that quote from the Metal Gear series, where instead of using children as proxies you use the descendents of Yakub.

  2. Impressive; most impressive. Should our colored brigades cause sufficient damage and cost the corporate chains enough in lost revenue, retailers may have their insurance policies cancelled as bad risks. Combatants know that store employees are prohibited from intervening to stop thefts due to insurance regulations against exposing both employees and customers to added risk. The same strategy could also be effective against restaurant chains by making the dining rooms to dangerous for customers to access. The colored insurgents can be even more effective in American cities than in the third world due to advantages in mobility and communications. Utilizing automobiles to raid multiple stores throughout a county at once while coordinating over cellular phones serves as a force multiplier and over extends law enforcement resources thereby limiting the police’s ability to respond.

  3. I did hear where Daily Mail and American Renaissance stated than CVS is closing 900 of its stores due to theft and danger to employees. That is fully 10% of their stores. All those billions of dollars corporate America contributed to Black Lives Matter did not grant them one iota of protection from angry Black mobs. Truly the United States is terminal. The Ethno-State resolution is the only solution!

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