The following is the best political fantasy video I’ve ever seen. The gist is that a homosexual is strolling around town (for what, I think we can fill in the blanks), where the population is white except for a couple of troublemakers. The white folks have had enough. He’s kicking a can, which I guess is some new form of lurking in a gas station bathroom. The video’s central villain would seem to be the closest woman they could find to Sarah Palin, who really triggered libtards when she was running for vice president.
The residents confront this homosexual with terrifying vignettes, provoking increasing alarm:
- Burning subversive literature;
- Law enforcement taking action against abortion;
- Contesting the official narrative on slavery;
- Refusing to be harassed by an obnoxious woman of color;
- A Charlottesville-style torchlight rally against migration; and
- Reducing him to pleading in tears by implying that as a homosexual, he ain’t safe in their community.
The video was produced by a group called Mission Democracy which seems to be organized around the claim that Republican fascists have taken power in America. The primary congressional villainess would be Marjorie Taylor Green, flanked by her acolytes Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz.
The target demographic is pretty clear: white libtards divorced from reality. They actually believe this fascism stuff and these representatives really rile them up. The purpose of this group is clearly to get as much financially out of clueless libtards as possible.
Mission Democracy advertises no detailed goals or concrete actions, simply the vague opposition to fascism. You can sign up for donations in varying amounts (10k every month is an option, lol) and buy “swag” like 25 dollar t-shirts. I suppose I can respect the cynicism of trying to take these creatures for everything they’re worth. It’s DC so everybody is a scumbag, you can’t just say “wow, look at these scumbags” every time. There’d be nothing to learn.
The site, just like the ads, is very cheaply produced. So, they’re probably hoping to get the thing set up and enjoy some passive income at least through the coming elections. For a team of just four people, that could be a pretty good haul. Maybe they’re betting that they can rope in enough suckers to take away six figures apiece, I’m not really sure how this stuff works behind the scenes.
Somebody showed me the video that prompted this article, but this morning I couldn’t remember the exact name of the organization to look it up again. There are so many with “democracy” in the name with basically the same theme of defending this democracy from irate voters. I found it, but that took a bit of searching. However, these other organizations have the usual suspects behind them and are thus quite lavishly funded.
These organizations claiming that democracy is under threat from “authoritarianism” sprang up in response to Trump while also claiming that Putin stole the 2016 election, before pivoting in 2020 to the claim that belief in stolen elections threated democracy. We all know the deal.
The grifters at Mission Democracy were smart in choosing “fascism” since it triggers libtards who don’t know what fascism is as a concept or a historical subject, but these more respectable outfits are run by academics who could probably see how trying to connect it with MAGA might prove problematic. Therefore, they went with “authoritarian.”
People who work for these respectable organizations and serve on their boards are making great money, but that’s in the form of a salary paid by big donors so they’re not concerned with the grift. They solicit donations from normal people for appearances, but they don’t need chump change. They have some pretty nefarious motives, but it should be admitted they’re doing their own grift as well, just from wealthy patrons.
Still, despite the comfortability of the lifestyle, selling the notion that to protect democracy we need to control information, ban candidates, and crack down on people who find these practices disconcerting is a tall order. Although, it appears they just cook up the narratives and leave sales to the television hacks unless they get invited on for an interview.
The entire American concept of fascism/authoritarianism is a canard to cope with the fact that democracy isn’t giving normal people what they want and need, which is frustrating them. They keep voting in the hopes of getting these things, which democracy won’t deliver because it serves as a hijacked facade rather than an expression of majority will. In fact, everything they’re upset about is getting worse. This will require more coercion against normal voters to manage.
From these normal voters, there now seems to be a collective questioning in a few directions:
- We’re just going to have unlimited hordes come across the border indefinitely?
- We’re going to turn all the kids into queers and trannies?
- Blacks can just do whatever crimes they want?
Even a simple mind can extrapolate that the end result of any one question is perdition. Normal people don’t really know much more about fascism or authoritarianism than libtards, they’re just not triggered by abstract vocabulary as much as practical considerations about stuff that affects their lives.
The answer to all three questions: yes, of course. I’d like to start an organization with this name. The website would feature all kinds of shocking videos with ominous music featuring myself narrating in a three-piece suit with the title of “Senior Fellow at the Yes, Of Course Foundation.” Unfortunately, since our democracy is under threat, we couldn’t have a bank account or process a payment. So, I’m still pursuing my dream of a genteel sinecure as dogcatcher.
In reality, nobody normal really gives a damn about any of these organizations set up to astroturf opinions. To the extent they know about them at all, they’re still irrelevant because an online media campaign doesn’t change the fact that their car was stolen, they can’t afford to retire or get their teeth fixed, etc. The list is endless.
The pitchforks and torches come out when things get bad enough. Screaming about how the mob is a threat to democracy won’t matter when it does.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Ask these idiots to contrast a democracy with a republic (which America originally was), and they would respond with a blank stare. They are incredibly stupid. But they can sure as hell tell you who will be performing at the halftime show of next year’s Stupor Bowl. And it won’t be Hank, Jr.
Every time I hear someone talk about our democracy, I feel my eyes will roll back in my head, and I will begin foaming at the mouth.
“There is nothing so absurd than when you repeat [our democracy] often enough, people begin to believe it.”
– William James