I posed a question to ChatGPT with very few parameters other than a year and a vague positive outcome for Southern secession.
Let me be clear: ChatGPT and others are not true Artificial Intelligence. As a computer scientist succinctly explains, it is technically something called a Large Learning Model (LLM), basically a very sophisticated form of auto-complete powered by the ability to instantly reference an incomprehensibly large data source (the internet plus who knows what else).
This is important to understand for the experiment here because while it seems like a creative process, it is in fact “simply” repackaging a unique response for you in natural sounding language that is based on nonfiction and fiction sources, Left to Right, pop-journalism to the academy. Pieces written in The Atlantic as well as Identity Dixie.
While there are plenty of examples of LLMs like ChatGPT making up details out of whole cloth, they are initially believed (and this is the point) because they intuitively sound true because as noted above, they are based on data that, while biased, is in fact true enough compiled from a lot of sources. Like Wikipedia entries that may have a few manipulated details or that are nuanced to be politically correct, overall, they are more accurate than not.
So, for your consideration and without any edits…
In the year 2024, a series of events and key figures led to the successful secession of several Southern states from the Federal government of the United States. The primary factors behind this historic breakaway were deep-seated political divisions, economic grievances, and the emergence of charismatic leaders who rallied their states to take a bold step toward independence.
Political Division: By 2024, political polarization in the United States had reached an all-time high. The divide between the more conservative-leaning Southern states and the more progressive Northern states had become increasingly apparent. Frustrated with what they perceived as an encroachment on their values and a disregard for state autonomy, Southern politicians began to seriously explore the idea of secession.
Economic Grievances: Economic disparities between the Northern and Southern states also played a crucial role. Southern states argued that their economies were burdened by federal policies that favored the industrialized North. Discontent over taxation, trade policies, and perceived favoritism further fueled the secessionist sentiment.
Charismatic Leaders: Several charismatic leaders emerged as the faces of the secessionist movement. Among them was Sarah Johnson, the governor of a Southern state, who delivered a compelling speech in which she called for the creation of a new Southern Confederation, emphasizing states’ rights and autonomy. Her impassioned leadership galvanized public support.
Catalytic Events: A series of catalytic events heightened tensions. The federal government’s attempt to impose stricter gun control measures in the Southern states ignited outrage, leading to mass protests and civil unrest. This incident served as the spark that accelerated the secessionist movement.
The Secession Referendum: In a historic move, several Southern states organized a referendum to decide their future. The referendum asked citizens whether they wanted to remain part of the United States or join a new Southern Confederation. The results were overwhelmingly in favor of secession, reflecting the deep-seated desire for independence.
Declaration of Independence: Following the referendum’s success, the Southern states jointly declared their independence from the United States. They cited a commitment to preserving their values, protecting their economies, and asserting their right to self-determination as the primary reasons for secession.
Negotiations and Recognition: The secession led to tense negotiations between the newly-formed Southern Confederation and the United States. The international community watched closely as various countries decided whether to recognize the legitimacy of the Southern Confederation as an independent nation.
The successful secession of the Southern states in 2024 marked a profound moment in American history. It highlighted the deep divisions within the nation and the growing importance of state autonomy in an era of increasing political polarization. The events of 2024 left a lasting impact on the United States, forever altering its political landscape and the way it approached issues of federalism and state rights.

‘Cause down in Alabama, you can run, but you sure can’t hide.
Most of the cultural dysfunction today is the direct result of the feminization of the social order. Someone named “Sarah Johnson” as a charismatic leader will guarantee more of the same. Hopefully it’s only machines who buy into it.
I’m so tired of Broads and Soy Boys in power.
If Trump is imprisoned, or does not win the next election( fraud or not) this will be more real than the current elected officials could imagine. Texas is on the brink now.
Very white pilling.
Somehow, I just can’t imagine Kay Ivey leading the revolution we need to win our independence. Nevertheless, if The Union persists in provoking a war with Russia while still refusing to secure our borders from invasive aliens, more Southerners would warm to the idea of secession. Nearly all of the civil services we rely on are performed at the state, county, and city levels of government anyways. Should The Fed lose their power to issue unlimited Yankee dollars to bribe state governments with, the people’s tolerance for federal globohomo and marxist propaganda would wear thin.
Very pleasing to the imagination but … we’d still have a ton of bribed blackmailed representatives and judges AND aalllllll these new 3rd world darkies to deport. next we’d need to create our own constitution, laws and programs. It could be done by vote if God willed it and made it happen. At first 2024 seems too soon for such a huge move to just “happen!” However, if you’ve been watching what the new ( satanic ), world order’s been upto lately … the way they’re accelerating their evil agenda, it could provoke the patriots to counter by moving “our” agenda quickly? Any patriot with a brain will be all for this.
The evil world order even changed Agenda 2030 to Agenda 2025!!! They’re losing so they’re accelerating. See info about this at banned.video, hagmannpi, vdare and usawatchdog among other alt places.
I’ve been working for Texas Secession for 30 years.
There will be no secession until Uncle Sam’s credit card stops working.
Try it yourself. Ask the rootin’ tootin-est 2A muh constatooshun RepubliTards you can find if they would like to end their federally funded Veterans’ pension, Medicare, High School football, and the EBT their mudshark Daughter uses to feed her three baboons.
🙂 That’s funny Charlie. Buuut … 1. They’ll lose all that and more anyways when poo hits fan and 2. Not every southerner’s a flunky right out of the movie “Idiocracy.” They need to be informed and shown how they will end up in a caravan of refugees once the enemies within let the rest of the Red Dawn forces in and our neighborhoods are bombed and we are corralled into death marches to relocation camps.
Some famous prophet had a vision years ago about a full scale Red Dawn attack on us during either Thanks Giving or Christmas time. Ships came into ports with wrong listings on manifests – instead of a container of tennis balls for instance it was military equipment etc., and while most service members were on vacation enemies posing as gardeners at military bases get right up to the gate guards and pull machine guns from under their phony lawn mowers and shoot the guards then radio to many enemies waiting a block away who then drive in and booby trap the armories – which will take 2 or more days to un booby trap! This while more enemies who already came over the border machine gun cars in traffic at major freeway intersections. All this to prep for … well, watch Red Dawn.
The Southland Confederation must have allies internationally or it will fail.Luckily the United States has just about pissed off every nation on Earth at one time or another. Imagine leasing out Mobile Bay to the Russ ions who are always looking for a warm water port with the stipulation that they will aide and assist the Confederation if it were attacked.
The first commentator nailed it. Any populist right wing movement that has a female leader doesn’t even rise to the level of fake and gay, it’s more gaslighting by the usual suspects.