A major feature of the establishment propaganda about how Russia is suffering a devastating loss to NATO in Ukraine is that domestically, Russia is falling apart. This is based on the situation in the 1990s before Putin took the helm at the behest of Yeltsin, who’d gone from hero to a drunkard with a weak grip on power.
I remember watching this on television and wondering who the hell Vladimir Putin was, he didn’t have the vibe or look of a Western politician and seemed to have come out of nowhere. Of course, this wasn’t the case. He was at the helm of an apparatus but that wasn’t clear from what you could glean by consuming Western media.
Despite his shortcomings, Yeltsin had come to realize what the oligarchs were aiming to steal, which was the government itself, and stepped down in favor of Putin. At least that’s disseminated as the official narrative. Putin might’ve told him that his time was up.
Putin managed to right the ship using the power of the security state, known as the Siloviki, to deal with the oligarchs who’d been looting the country in collusion with their fellow parasites from abroad. They had the capital and the schemes to swipe everything for pennies on the dollar whereas the average Russian was bewildered by the privatization and “shock therapy” process introduced by the parasites. Most of these oligarchs managed to flee. Some, notably Mikhail Khodorkovsky, fared far worse, much to the wailing of his tribe in the Western media.
That was something I really enjoyed and when I first realized that Putin was more than met the eye. You have to understand that the notion of a strongman coming to power and locking up billionaire parasites terrifies parasites exponentially more than it delights someone like myself. Mustache Man did it to a Rothschild, don’t forget. Parasites tend to sense the warning signs much better than ourselves. Their collective freak out over the tenor of modern America should provide us with a glimmer of hope, not that much of a glimmer, but still.
So, Khodorkovsky went from Russia’s wealthiest man to solitary confinement in a Siberian gulag. A key part of the Russian collapse narrative is also that these oligarchs will overthrow Putin when they get tired of his failing war effort, but this isn’t twenty years ago. Any who might’ve possessed that level of wealth and influence are long gone, what’s left are those whom Putin tolerates or sometimes humiliates for political clout. The Siloviki are in firm control of Russia and the likelihood is that Putin’s Silovik successor will be considerably less restrained.
Putin didn’t come into office announcing his intention to take the oligarchs out. At first, he appeared quite cooperative because had to do so. This is the great fear of their ethnoreligious hate/swindling organization: having an absolute leader who decides to turn on them one day. Stalin pulled the same maneuver, as did many European sovereigns over the centuries.
This why our human rights and freedom democracy model is violently exported everywhere. Let’s just be real: if the parasites are constantly extolling the virtues of something, that’s because they’re using it to fuck us over. This democracy system by its nature can’t express our will or address our needs because they own all the politicians.
Sure, it works for my HOA, but it can’t for America. Russia also has a democracy where people vote but there’s a system of power that’s not up for a vote. It’s the same thing here except that ordinary Russians are getting things that they want accomplished. I don’t bother voting; I just want and need certain things from our government. When you point this out, people look at you like you want Emperor Palpatine to run the place.
Parasites own and screen everyone who comes up through our system that they hijacked, and no one figure has enough authority to get rid of them if he somehow decided to do it. Trump was the sole exception as far as getting past the screening. He wasn’t even against the parasites. His children are all married into their tribe, he was largely powerless in office, and look at what they’re doing. Trump even gave Netanyahu a golden key to the White House. Originally, communism was supposed to do the trick across the globe that our system is attempting to perform but things didn’t work out so well. It won’t with our system either, but that never fails to deter their evil ambitions.
It’d be an understatement to say that things in Russia have drastically improved since the 90s but nobody important in the West seems to take this into consideration. They can’t seem to change their frame of reference from Russia is on the brink decades ago to modern Russia, it’s really quite insane. American military officers I’ve talked with seem to think they’re fighting with junk equipment leftover from the Cold War.
One question that immediately comes to mind is that if Russia has been about to collapse for the past 30 years, why hasn’t it happened yet? The same narrative is applied to the military operation in Ukraine. That was supposed to fall apart within a week, it didn’t. So why is it still supposed to happen any day now? Critical thinking isn’t something that experts perform anymore.
If Russia managed to hold together through a famine where, thanks to parasitical schemes, agricultural production fell by half at one point, two civil wars instigated by the CIA in the Caucasus using proto-Al Qaeda types when garrisoned soldiers were forced to beg for food on the streets, years when police and many other workers never got paid, etc, etc, etc, why would it fall apart now? Russia’s current leadership already proved it could hold things together through the most tenuous and desperate of times.
My contention is that the United States has a much better chance of falling apart than the Russian Federation, a resource autarkic nation that never exported its manufacturing base. It’s led by a stable government with broad public support which is meticulous about its debts. They’re not turning kids into trannies, all that evil is banned. They’re not convulsed by race riots; this happens in the USA. Their minorities are allowed to practice their cultures and religions in autonomy.
Thus far, Russia might’ve suffered as high as 50,000 KIA in Ukraine. Is anybody taking to the streets or is the public committed to victory? Could we lost 50,000 soldiers? All we can do in the U.S. is adjust the narratives, not fix the problems. In fact, all the problems are getting much worse. Can you name a single one we’re fixing? I sure can’t. As with many of the accusations parasites make, Russian collapse is a matter of projection.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
I believe at Robert E. Lee’s concern about a later America has come to fruition. He feared that America would become increasingly aggressive abroad, and equally despotic at home. I would prefer a peaceful and coopative relationship with Russia. If somehow America and Russia went to war, I would want it to side by side as Allies, not at each other’s throats as Enimies. If I granted the opportunity to meet President Putin, I would look him in the eye, and shake his hand.
I wonder if these oligarchs that profited from the Soviet Union and bought up everything at bargain basements prices were ethnic Russians or “Russian” Jews with dual citizenship in the United States and Israel? Since Putin has booted a lot of oligarchs out, I wonder if they are the hidden hand using Ukraine via American backing to weaken Russia and destroy Putin? Is there collaboration between our anti-White oligarchs and their anti-Russian oligarchs? Love him or hate him way before the Soviet Union fell William Peirce predicted a nationalist Russia, should it arrive, would pose a greater danger to the “American” system (AK the Global American Empire) and here we are! It’s sickening. Both ethnic Russians and ethnic Ukrainians have a negative birthrate as do White Americans!