Our Own Dear Leader

Let’s start with this: there will be no spontaneous uprising. It is a perpetuated myth coming from both sides. One is manipulative and cynical, the other hopeful and aspirational. 

The Rich Men North of Richmond know that no revolt of consequence has ever been organic. They know there will be times when a crowd gets out of control and even swirls into a riot, like rare weather. But these events are hardly a threat to the system. 

In a recent piece, “White Riot,” I sketched out the dubious idea on our side that the European temperament will eventually rise to the occasion and with patience exhausted, spontaneously coalesce and restore order with fire and sword. The spirit may still be there, but spirit alone has never been sufficient. For most, it’s barely enough motivation to wash a car.  

Oppression, injustice, and even looming death are never enough. Governments since the dawn of time know that entire populations can be led into a tyranny (or worse) the people plainly see coming. This is why they are all too happy to encourage the myth of the dangerous rabble and the great slumbering moral majority. By playing into our own wishful narrative, it keeps us watching out the window to see if our neighbors have finally taken to the streets rather than doing the truly dangerous thing which would be inviting the neighbors to supper and leading them into the hard but exciting work of plotting and scheming.

The slave revolt against the Roman Republic didn’t just happen. Spartacus was necessary to lead and rally men. Lenin and other revolutionaries had been expecting that years of agitation and pamphleteering in European capitals would trigger a worker revolt, especially in places like Germany, but it never happened. It instead took a foolish Berlin to secretly supply gold and other aid to allow Lenin and his small inner group to do the tedious organizational planning to orchestrate and manage the 1917 Bolshevik “uprising.” The entire Bolshevik leadership would fit comfortably in a chartered bus. But they wouldn’t have gotten on the bus if Lenin hadn’t told them to. 

The American Revolution took years of covert planning by a small, smart, and dedicated group of men who understood the alliances, economic, material, and social requirements that would be necessary when the time came. 

In 1861, the South had leadership that was able to field over a million willing soldiers but ultimately lacked the same degree of planning that their forefathers had put into place to sustain until the end.

The very long list of ancient wars, uprisings, revolts, and mutinies in every age and in every culture up to the made for T.V. Color Revolutions and BLM’s Summer of Love prove there are precisely zero examples that didn’t first require a man in the balcony with the courage, talent, and vision to lead. Even flash mobs ransacking 711s require somebody to organize on Snapchat. 

Nothing is lacking for the great willing masses to push their tyrants into the sea except having their own dear leader.

They Are Among Us

While there are millions who will follow to the death, it is a rare few who will lead. When a demagogue emerges, he will quickly find loyal lieutenants and a predictable portion of the masses who will eagerly follow.  A rough rule of thirds applies to any crowd dynamics: a handful to lead, a third will follow, a third will actively resist, a third will simply not engage and will do whatever is necessary to stay out of the way and survive.

Whether this division is precise is not the point. Like Christ, one determined man will find his dozen. Together they can inspire a phalanx of a thousand and mobilize enough of any population with brush fire speed. That is what history shows. Leadership and action alone are required.   

If you’ve been in the military or have friends or family who have served, they will tell you that leadership training is not only a priority, but that seniors are continually scouting for people who have the wiring to be That Guy. The same is true in business. There are thousands of books, courses, and seminars that are part of an industry that do nothing but harangue and teach CEOs and ladder climbers how to be That Guy. 

It’s because the best plan, unlimited resources, and endless manpower simply will never be effective without a person in the front who gives the permission and, if necessary, the command to act.

As to the questions of what makes a leader and whether they are born or created, the encouraging news is we know the answers. The reason the military and bureaucracies expend so much time and resources on this is because leaders are plentiful, and they are among us. While a truly great galvanizing persona may be a once in a generation phenomena, about 10% of the population are natural leaders and upwards of another 20% of have enough leadership traits to become strong leaders with training and guidance. 

Do Not Be Afraid

When we’re told that the greatest threat to “our democracy” is from the demographic currently the least problematic, they are telling you a half truth. They know full well how little it takes for a single man to make the difference. This is why movements are infiltrated. This is why they come down hard on the few who dare to show initiative or who begin to have reach. 

“Do not be afraid” appears 365 times in the Bible. There are more than enough people reading this to make the difference and who are capable of changing history be simply stepping forward.

Don’t be afraid.


  1. VERY good. VERY spot on sir. This article could be the beginning a movement! A movement that’s way over due and without which we’re finished. I recommend making a sort of ‘series’ out of this if that appeals to you.

  2. Revolutions are civil wars among the Elite. Middle class and working class people do get caught up in them, but nothing happens until some faction of the Elite revolts against the system. Peter Turchin has the best explanation of the details.

    The question for us is, Who among the Elite will rise up? It has to be more than one person. Trump failed, because no other members of the Elite joined him.

    1. Hitler was not elite. What about Spartacus? Shall we fill the box with non elite examples? Enough of the sheeple have had it upto here and will be quite receptive to the right persona and or group with an awesome well thought out plan. The question is WHERE’S THE PLAN … then where’s the man / group?

  3. It is often said the truth will set you free. That is a misnomer. Let us put it in racial terms. There is much talk of a “White Awakening” among our people. But in reality, they are already awake! The problem is White Awakening without White activism profits us nothing. The truth will not set you free. It will just make you more miserable because now you know you are an isolated cog in an anti-white machine! During the assault on segregation the South spoke of “State Rights “when it should have spoken of secession!

  4. There was a German workers revolt — two, in fact, one in Munich and the other in Berlin, but both were unsuccessful.

  5. The comments here are all important and insightful. They confirm the core underlying assumptions here and in previous pieces: 1) There are more than enough people dissatisfied to revolt (“the rule of thirds”), 2) A resourced and organized plan with leadership is needed. I suspect things are further along that we might imagine and prudence requires a beneath the radar posture. What may be frustrating to accept is that planning is going to manifest not in grand moves at scale, but very local action with the aim of eventually taking control of states. Parallel efforts in other regions doing the same is important and they are worthy of alliance. The hard truth is, no one is ready for Babylon to collapse right now. That vacuum will not be filled by good guys. And this is the point of this piece: leadership is literally the first component. Lead your family, friends, community groups, homeschooling co-ops. co-workers, local small town politics, start a small business…This very unsexy and seemingly boring level is exactly where the gap is. This is the foundational level that is required first before any formidable alternative is possible. These levels and activities of diffused leaders will be where the lieutenants come from…and perhaps one with the ability to truly step forward. I know that people reading I.D. are disproportionality these people. So let’s get busy.

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