The Ancient Christian Model of Resistance

Make no mistake about it, Trump is going to prison. That is what the system wants. But it is not about Trump – it is about justification to crush you, the remaining element of American idealism who believes the Constitution is sacrosanct.

What they want are fed posts. They want justification to walk into a court and say, “Here is ‘Mr. Constitution’ on Gab speaking about blood… or vengeance… or being a lion… etc, etc. We want a warrant to monitor him and his associates. More importantly, we want to execute Red Flag Laws. Let’s take Mr. Constitution’s guns away.”

Do not fall for the trap.

In addition, they want the humiliation ritual of Trump’s indictments and courtroom appearances to continue through 2024. Again, this is not about him. This is about you. They want you to get so angry you do something half-cocked. They want a J6 2.0 or a Charlottesville 3.0.

They are banking on the angry 50-something-year-old White Christian veteran of the past two wars to grab his gun and take out Congressmen or federal courts. They know that we – non-Bolshevik America – lack the support of big business, the courts, the DOJ, both political parties, etc., like the antifa enjoys. Thus, any attack by one of our kind (i.e., conservative White Christians) will form the pretext for an even harsher, coordinated response. They are itching for the chance to finally crush Christian conservatism that they fear.

Do not fall for the trap.

All of this said, do not sit idly by, either. You can organize. There are groups that exist for the sake of our resistance. Salvation will not be found in a ballot box. Salvation will not be found in emotional responses to obvious attempts to solicit them. Salvation is found in Christ and can be organized at kitchen tables around the country.

It is hard for so many Christians to fathom now, because ours is an established faith, that there was a time when Christians met in small, unsanctioned groups and resisted the pagan world through collective personal and spiritual secession. You can do the same.

You need not fall into traps of the federal government’s making. You need not have a 501C3 status to tell you how you can worship. Force their hand to persecute small, voluntary Christian collectives. Break away from their models. Learn the ways of the ancient Christians. We are back to those days in so many ways. In fact, we needed this!

We need to be reminded of the humble origins of a Faith that transcended temporal pleasures. In a world within which it is so much easier to watch Netflix than read a Bible, I think we needed the reminder that we only have that Bible because small communities of Christians in the Greco-Roman world endured to ensure it was given to us. Learn from them.

The federal government will do what it wants to Trump. You can attempt to vote him into office, hoping that breaks their backs. Maybe you feel confident that one of the other guys will pardon him. Personally, I see none of the reforms necessary to reinstall confidence in voting – but you can try. What you should not try is giving them a pretext to strike.

Now is the time to be small, harder to hit, and stronger in the Faith. Trump is not my cup of tea, but I see right through the obvious persecution. It is a dangling carrot for you – the justifiably angry American. Do not let them bait you. Work differently. Work smarter. Lead by example – like your Christian forefathers did before you.

You can organize locally, and you can genuinely resist. Greek Christians did it in the 2nd Century. They faced actual lions.

What are you willing to face?


  1. Good words! Aim small miss small. A thousand groups of resistance, all move to one peaceful end.

  2. Yes they desperately want the WM Christians to ‘do some terrorisms’. Much easier to scapegoat. And then — sadly, so very sadly — they will have to cage and kill the ‘insurrectionists’ in order to Save Our Demonocracy.

    Of course eventually they will get impatient and just start in, anyway. Because the malevolence inside the members of the Woke-Fem Junta drives them to destroy anything resisting their totalitarianism. Demons gonna demon.

    I am not a passive person. I am a martial person. So I stay far away from Ms. Amerika and her nation thirsting for man-blood.

  3. has “something” brewing. Listen when Randy Taylor’s on too and sign up. It’s not “just” southern but it’s something. It took them a loooong time to realize they were just inundating the sheeple with info and overwhelming them into inaction ( aka preaching to the choir ), like aalllll the other alt media. Maybe eventually a light bulb will go off and they’ll “finally” realize the south / bible belt / red zone is key!?

  4. You are correct, the whole Trump Kabuki theater is meant to set us up. However, you fail to mention that Trump is part of the script, just playing his role as assigned. Recall his first act was setting up the whole J6 fiasco. He lead his idiotic followers to slaughter. All planned and scripted like the puppet he is. It worked so well, it’s time for Act II. To think that Trump is one of us being victimized by the same levers of power that victimize us is beyond naive. He is on their team, not ours.

  5. Meanwhile DeSantis says as President he will go after 3rd world countries that have antisemitism. So more middle east wars.

    1. It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots here. Every Bilderberg approved candidate is ‘Israel uber alles’. Oops. That’s an antisemitic remark.

      1. The one correction that I have is the redundancy. “Candidate” is of, and by itself equivocal to being Bilderberg approved. Otherwise he/she would not be a “candidate” (quotation marks intentional, none are really candidates, they’re merely selected pawns and puppets).

        1. Your right of course. I should have been more precise in choosing my words. I appreciate your comment and the correction.

          1. I know what you meant, I was just clarifying for those that still seem a bit fuzzy on how this whole “election” process works. Your comments are always on point, so I know I wasn’t telling you something that you didn’t already know.

  6. When you speak of “Christians” it begs the question: *which* Christians? There are over 30,000 Christian sects in the US alone last I heard. All of them in disagreement with one another over this or that. Granted most can agree on certain things but at the end of the day the things that divide us are for now stronger than the things that unite us. Perhaps the coming barbarisms of the neo-bolsheviks will force us all to make common cause. In any event things are probably going to get salty soon enough. Jesus, help us!

  7. Good commentary about things to be aware of. The feds would dearly love a few “examples” of “white insurrection” they could parade before the deluded masses to show how they are protecting “our democracy.” We need not make it easy for them.

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