Great Apostle Andrew,
For the Savior’s Gospel
You travelled many miles,
Toiled many hours,
Died a grievous death.
Even after death
You were not permitted rest,
As your holy relics
Were brought from Greece
To the land of Scots.
And now Dixie
Is a burden
Upon your brow,
We who sewed your Cross
Upon our flag,
But now reject
And desecrate both.
We have become worse
Than unbelievers,
For having tasted
The goodness of God,
We trample it underfoot
In our confused wand’ring
Back towards the idols.
But the Grace of Baptism
Leaves an indelible mark
That torments us
If we go astray.
Use this, Holy Andrew,
To draw the South,
As with your fishing nets,
Back into the saving barque
Of your Master’s Church,
Unworthy though we are.
-By Walt Garlington

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Very good.
Inspired.I thank you.
I have the book The Honorable Cause and I support secession. I believe that there will be no “right moment” to secede and that it would be a good idea if capable men would begin right now to plan the details of secession such as a Constitution, a capitol etc.
There are so many problems to be solved. The south is hardly even southern any longer and people have forgotten about the importance of the difference between an agrarian society and a materialist one. When that glorious time comes and we can govern ourselves just exactly what will we be doing?
According to a Vanderbilt poll a majority of Tennesseans support people who believe that they can change gender. If this is not a false flag poll then we’re in a lot of trouble. So we should be planning right now what sort of country the future south will be. It will certainly be important to control our own public airwaves and to figure out how to culturally engineer the country back to sanity.
We could never accept the leadership of those who govern the south today. They simply follow along with whatever the world’s leading elites force upon the world.
I cannot bear to watch what is happening as the media gin up support for the two presidential candidates so they can trick Americans to believe that something might actually change if either of them gets elected. People should know better at this point. Just imagine believing that there would be a fair election this time or that anything will actually change and the country will be fixed. If the candidates were worth anything at all they would be demanding that this government be dissolved and a new one instituted and that the evil men exercising power today be put on death row where they belong.
I’d really appreciate any comments about getting ready and being prepared to leave this union.
Thank You God that I have been Blessed by St. Andrew in my life when I flew the Conferate Flag anew for the first time in a long time.
God Bless the Southern people whom I’m a little bit a part of.
A Country of Nobleman to be sure.