Against Paganism, Part 5: There is No Return

Author’s Note: This is the fifth part in a multi-part series in which I critique the rise of paganism within certain Dissident Right circles, listing the major reasons why I think paganism is a dead end for the Right and that it will only end in disaster.

As a thought experiment, I often grant my opponents’ their premises and see if that would change my attitude toward their arguments. Having done this with the “Pagan Right” – that paganism is the true religion of Whites and Christianity is a foreign (i.e., Jewish) interloper – I still see no reason to adopt paganism because nothing can change the fact that there is no return to paganism. As a religion, it died out centuries ago and cannot come back.

Other than simply hating Christianity for being “Jewish,” a line of thinking with multiple historical, linguistic, and theological flaws, the “Pagan Right’s” arguments against Christianity comes down to this: whatever historical value Christianity may have once had, it did introduce the crippling concepts of universalism and the “World to Come.” In turn, these notions would eventually lead to liberalism, communism, and a whole bunch of other ideologies that would, in time, destroy the West. Therefore, as the argument goes, Christianity must be uprooted from the Western spirit so that the downstream consequences of Christianity (universalism, liberalism, etc.) cannot take hold.

Superficially, it would appear as if this “Pagan Right” theory would have some support. Both ideas, universalism and utopianism, are exclusive to the West. Some Westerners will gleefully talk about how proud they are that they will soon become a minority in their own countries. It is likely leftists that do this (as they hate themselves). However, outside of the West, even the Left does not engage in this type of racial self-flagellation. The rest of the world is explicitly kin-based and nationalistic. Hence, why even the Chinese government is taking severe steps, including removing non-Han Chinese, to assure that the ethnic Han remain the majority in China. There is also a reason why communism, as a vehicle to usher in a perfect society as envisioned by Karl Marx, only really holds sway in the West and to a lesser extent Western-educated elites in non-Western societies. Additionally, this is why non-Western communism often winds up only using communist rhetoric to gain support from the Western Left (and during the Cold War, the USSR). In practice, non-Western communism is more focused on removing foreign influence from one’s country and is, in reality, nationalistic. There are many explanations for the American failure of the Vietnam War, but a big one is this: the United States did not understand that the average Vietnamese person did not really care about communism, they were nationalists who wanted to remove a foreign influence from their land, and many considered “communism” as a way to achieve that goal.

Christianity is a religion for all peoples. Conversely, most religions throughout history have been ethnically based and cannot be spread due to their ethnic ties. A non-Indian can never really become a Hindu. Because Christians are promised the “World to Come,” a perfect world ushered in by the Second Coming, utopian ideologies promising this will hold sway in the modern Western mind. There is an entire school of scholars, one I agree with, that view Marxism as a heresy – with Christians becoming the proletarian-class, Satan as the capitalists, Hell is the Revolution, and Heaven is the communist utopia. This is why Jews are drawn to communism, they have this same longing for the World to Come, their promised messiah. But just like at Calvary, they are looking for a political Messiah.

The problem that the “Pagan Right” has, in so far as it pertains to universalism, is that it is based on a misunderstanding of Christian doctrine. Christianity is universalist in the sense that it is for everyone, all nations should be baptized, and no one will be saved or damned because of their DNA. It is not universalist in the sense that it calls for the abolishment of any and all national distinctions, and one would be hard pressed to find a mainstream Christian thinker (before 1945) who argued this position. Even in heaven, national distinctions remain. As Fr. Denis Fahey commented, “God wants one religion and many nations, Satan wants one nation and many religions.” Now, as far as utopianism goes, it is important to remember that this cannot be ushered in through human effort. No one but the Father, not even the Son, knows when the Second Coming will happen. We are told it can occur at any time and we must prepare. The Christian virtue of humility is important here, as it is humility that reminds humans of their limitations and that they cannot, by their own efforts, establish a perfect world. 

And here is the central issue the “Pagan Right” has, even if we grant them their central premises that universalism and utopianism are the byproducts of Christianity. Both ideas are not going anywhere. Instead, Christianity can retrain these ideas, put them into proper context, and point them in the right direction. Universalism, in a traditional Christian context, recognizes that Christianity is for everyone, but that national distinctions must remain. Additionally, utopianism, in historic Christianity, knows that there will be a perfect world one day, but this cannot come by human efforts.

Like it or not, paganism is not returning. The last pagans of Europe were the Balts, and they converted around 700 years go. For the Anglo-Celts, that conversion goes back to around 1,500 years ago. There is very little hope to bring back traditions that have been dormant for this long. Reforming a post-Christian West back to Christianity simply does not compare. Virtually every Western nation could still be accurately called Christian when my father was born. We are talking about undoing a process that is only decades old versus one that is typically over 1,000 of years’ old. There is no return. Even if we do grant the basic argument that Christianity is responsible for universalism and utopianism, it can also curb and control the modern excesses of both impulses. Paganism cannot restrain these indulgences, it is simply too distant to do so.


  1. Christianity is not Jewish. The majority of Jews are not Israelites. The Jews did not start calling themselves “Israelites” until around 1860. The modern Jews are Edomite, Canaanite, Nachash, Khazar Mamzers (Bastards, mixed blood). The Israelites descended from Adawm (Adam) to show blood in the face). David was “handsome” and Ruddy) ergo Israelites must be able to show blood in the face. IE White Caucasian. Esau married into the Canaanite line. That is why there is a push for Caucasians to marry outside our Race. In the time of Jesus Christ , many Edomites who had converted to Talmudic Judaism resided in Judea. See Josephus. The Herod’s were Edomites. We Anglo Saxson, Celtic ,Nordic , Germanic, Scandinavian and Kindred Peoples are the Israelites who went into banishment in the Assyrian captivities of 725 BC and 700 BC. We are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
    Our God promised to redeem us. That is why Europeans (with all our theological warts
    and issues accepted Christ. That is why the Apostle Paul was sent West not East. Go to to learn about our Heritage. That is why our “Leaders” in Europe and the U.S. are aiding and abetting our destruction through a massive third world invasion and Race Mixing. And who is behind it all for the most part?

  2. Civilizations that go onto become empires basically always end up adopting universalist religions before the real expansion starts. As per the West, if that religion weren’t Christianity, it would’ve probably been Hermeticism or Mithraism

    The neo-pagan apologists fail to recognize that these sorts of utopian and universalist tendencies– for better or worse– weren’t exclusive to Christianity. Stoicism played a large role in shaping the West and the original Greek Stoics, especially, were very universalist. They even went as far as to advocate for radical equality between men and women. Oh, and its founder Zeno wrote a really starry eyed book called “The Republic” wherein he advocated for basically a radical anarcho-communist society

    Much like with Stoicism, which became much more “imperial” and statist (I.E. pro-Roman Empire) over time, the original pacifistic and world-hating doctrines of Christianity were, to a large degree neutralized by the Catholic and Orthodox churches

  3. When the Northern European Christian Kingdoms fell to Capitalist traitor White nobility and subversive Jews expelled from Spain, along with all the White degenerates and truly Christian reformers, White labor was the prize. Our Greatest warriors the Vikings were to various degrees grazing farm animals in the field, mutton heads at that time. The usurpers taught them to read. A lot of them were prey to the new ideologies promoted by capitalism to corral labor. (The Birth of Communism) Christians at that time became their cult of personality to move this Capitalist Material abomination into the future.(not just Nordics are guilty of this) Just keep the peasants fat and happy and we’ll suffer the Love of God upon them until we’re done says the prince of Darkness.
    The same thing befell the South. The toughest Zulu warrior turned into a mutton head in the pasture when the only truly Christian reformed society of them all was destroyed. Steal the peasants. Rinse repeat.
    Christianity has been the most destructive loose cannon ideology of them all in my opinion, it would make the Vikings mere Boy Scouts by comparison.
    Orthodoxy is a dead letter. These Capitalist usurpers are shining up the golden Shlomo in Russia now to herd that flock of farm animals to their nefarious ends or ours.
    The Catholic Church died in Australia Spain in 1767. The best of it anyway.

    Southerners are Christian Reformers, the last tribe taking Christ into the future with innocence and Grace as far as I’m concerned, when it was all destroyed in 1865. May Jesus Christ work powerful miracles of Redemption and spirit In our lives and deliver us from what we got ourselves into.

    God Help Us All

    1. Correction Austria-Spain-Portugal.
      That post was to Harmonica, I have Viking Blood on both sides of my family with a little bit of human flotsam.

  4. Great work.I think you’ll find that behind most of the supposed pro-White pagan sites are in fact Jews.We saw this with the American Nazi Party,headed by a homosexual,child-molesting Jew.And several Klan groups had either Jews with fake names heading them or guys with Jewish wives heading them.Satan certainly has infiltrated this rotten country from the churches to Congress but this will not last.God is much much more powerful and will protect us.History is a timeline of Jewish evil and it has reached its limit I believe and hope.God bless and be well.

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