Against Paganism, Part 2: Christianity is not a Jewish Plot

Author’s Note: This is the second part in a multi-part series in which I critique the rise of paganism within certain Dissident Right circles, listing the major reasons why I think paganism is a dead end for the Right and that it will only end in disaster.

The single most popular argument for the Dissident Right to embrace paganism is not so much a justification for modern paganism but rather a dissension against Christianity. Specifically, it is an anti-Christian message, and one that paints Christianity as a Jewish scheme to ensure the White race embraces suicidal values; thus, making White people easier to be controlled and marginalized by the Jews. The particulars regarding this argument differ from individual to individual, with some being more conspiratorial than others, but that is the general gist of their position. Unfortunately, this is perhaps the most common explanation and reasoning for a rightwing “pagan revival.” It is, however, also one of the weakest, failing on two major fronts.

The first and most obvious way in which this argument fails is very clear: if Christianity was some kind of Jewish plot to weaken European peoples, then it would stand to reason that Jews would vigorously promote Christianity and Christian values. But that is not at all what is occurring, while Christians oppose evils such as infanticide, sodomy, and transgenderism, Jews tend to embrace all three with great gusto. And it is not just the hot button social issues where we observe this deep division between Christians and Jews, but also on matters such as the place of religion within society. Jewish comedians, from Lenny Bruce to Sarah Silverman, frequently mock(ed) Our Lord and in the most perverse ways possible. Jews have constantly been a major secularizing force in society. The “secularizing activists,” of Catholic Cardinal Charles Chaput’s parlance, are disproportionally Jews. Not all are Jews, of course. It would be silly and self-defeating for us to act as if gentiles are completely innocent and every single Jewish person is guilty of this behavior. I frequently clash with those within the Dissident Right that believe every last Jew on earth is an evil, irredeemable person. Nonetheless, the leftwing shift in American society, especially since the end of World War II, has been largely driven by Jews (they will readily admit such).

This is not a new problem. The Talmud contains multiple blasphemes against Our Lord. According to the Talmud, Christ is boiling in excrement. The Talmud contains vitriol against the Virgin Mary, too, as she is depicted as a whore. None of this can, as the Left and (fake) Right often do, be attributed merely to a backlash against Christian persecution. The hatred of Christianity goes back to the very beginnings of Christianity. The Book of Acts makes it clear the Jews were the first to persecute the early Church. Meanwhile, Saint Paul noted what was happening in 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16:

For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own coutrymen, even as they have from the Jews, Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men; Prohibiting us to speak to the Gentiles, that they may be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath of God is come upon them to the end.

This section makes it clear that: (1) the Jews persecuted Christians, and (2) have taken an active position in prohibiting the Gospel from being spread. For us to imagine that Christianity is a Jewish plot, we have to imagine a multi-century game of reverse psychology whereby the Jews only pretended to hate Christianity in order to trick White people. Occam’s razor suggests this is implausible.

And this argument fails in its outcome, as well. Christianity did not weaken the White race; far from it, Christianity has historically been a source of great strength. The origins of this anti-Christian argument can be found within Enlightenment period thinking, in particular The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon, who describes Christianity as the force that sapped the life from Rome’s civic virtue. However, Gibbon was dead wrong. Rome fell for a multitude of reasons, and while the decline of civic virtue was a factor, it was far from the only one. Furthermore, Christianity was not the culprit, as Rome’s civic virtue started eroding long before Constantine legalized the religion. Additionally, the empires of Christian Europe far exceeded the empires of pagan Europe. Pagan Rome may have ruled the Mediterranean, but Christian Spain ruled an empire from California to the tip of South America. Pagan Greece ruled an empire that stretched to the Indus, but Christian Britain could boast that the sun was aways shinning on its empire.

If Jews really did create Christianity to weaken the White race, then they failed miserably. As much as I admire the Greco-Roman legacy, I must admit that the heights of Christian Europe were far greater than pagan Europe. Plus, White nations have gone through a rapid degree of secularization since 1945, and even more so since the 1960s, an era that has been marked by swift White decline. If Christianity was some kind of Jewish parasite on the White race, then we should expect to see an improvement in White nations as Christianity declines. In fact, we have observed the reverse: as Christianity declines, White nations decline with it.

No evidence, be it from the modern day or from antiquity, suggests that Christianity is a Jewish subversion of White ethnic identity. Jews have long been antagonistic towards Christianity, as seen in both the New Testament, the Talmud, and the actions of Jewish leadership today. Meanwhile, Christian Europe achieved far greater power than pagan Europe ever did. Also, the decline of Christianity has gone hand in glove with the decline of the West. I strongly reject the notion of only considering religion in terms of its utility, I am a Christian because I believe it to be true. But even if we take the utilitarian assumptions of the neo-pagan movement, paganism still fails to deliver.


  1. Very well put, but my observation is that the Christian churches since 1945 – all so called “major” denominations, Protestant, Catholic and in between embrace the destruction of the Aryan peoples.

    1. What you say is true and it was actually going on in the early Christian Church. It was THE major theme of the book of Acts: subversion by judaizers. The answer of course is not to turn to paganism, but to expose and expel the subverters.

  2. Excellent and I concur completely.I cannot stand to see anyone claim to care for our beautiful race and then turn their back on our Lord Jesus.It is my belief that this anti-Christian nonsense has been feed to Whites by Jew agents.Many of the anti-Christian comments I see are clearly written by Jewish agents posing as Whites.They always claim Christ was a Jew and that Judaism and Christianity are the same.No matter the topic these agents go over the same tired propaganda.They are easy for me to spot.I always make an effort to out them.Anyone who rejects our mighty Lord God can never be a White in good standing.We are made in His image.We are nothing without Him.The Jews hate us because as children of the Devil they hate God and His Son Jesus.Its simple as that.I always rebuke these hasbara agents in the precious name of Jesus.The name of Jesus makes the demons tremble and that includes demons that walk the Earth.Thank you for your efforts and God bless you and all here who come in good faith.As my old hero said:”All we need is the White race and the Jesus keys”.Words I will live by till the end.

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