The Western Question in a Free Dixie

After reading the article “West Virginia in A Free Dixie,” I’ve decided to address the Western Question in my own article. The Western Question is one that should be redressed in the aftermath of both Arizona and New Mexico falling to Democratic Party governors in 2022. I will also briefly touch on the issue of Texas and Oklahoma as “Western” states on the periphery of a proposed, future Southern Confederacy.


I’ll start off with Texas, as it’s the most Southern of these proposed “Western” states. Texas, by and far, is a state often scored by more hardline racialists for its high Hispanic population. Despite the large Hispanic population, and an increasing amount of California transplants, Texas has remained largely rightwing and even re-elected a Republican governor and state legislature. As it stands, there’s also many Texas Nationalists, some in the Texas Nationalist Movement, who may be wary of joining another “union of states.” However, I think Texas would be better off in another Southern Confederacy. Texas does indeed have its own identity and a mixed culture due to the size and founding of the state. Regardless, it shares common DNA and history with her sister states in the Southeast. In an Independent Southland, Texas would become the leading country due to its population, economy, and size. Unlike the modern American Empire, it would be the top dog, instead of the liberal, socialist state of California. In short, Texas could become independent but would fit nicely in another Southern Confederacy.


Oklahoma is another “Western” state in a proposed Free Dixie. Oklahoma is more of a true mix of Southern and Northern interests, mixed in with Indian tribes. Despite all of this, the state has remained a conservative stronghold, making it less of a political threat than a cultural one. I would say Oklahoma may be “less Southern” than Texas and Louisiana, but it shares more with Arkansas and Texas than it does with the other Great Plains states. A Second Confederacy could function with or without Oklahoma, but little to no harm would be done by adding the Sooner State. Given Texas is likely to be the first to secede from modern America, it’s likely Oklahoma might be one of the first to follow. In such a case, a close alliance with Texas would probably occur. I believe both Texas and Oklahoma belong in the Southern Confederacy and will ultimately end up in it due to the strong political and cultural ties to the rest of the South.

Arizona and New Mexico

The Far West of the Confederacy is one that likely causes the most controversy due to it being more “Western” than Southern. Arizona and New Mexico, unlike Texas and Oklahoma, both have Democrat governors, making legal secession nearly impossible anytime soon. Both of these states have large Hispanic populations that heavily favor the Democratic Party, a party extremely hostile to the Southern people. Therefore, I would argue that there are few options for these two states. First off, once the South has formed its new nation, we could use New Mexico as a bargaining chip for Texas Nationalists. If the American Empire is weak enough at the time of a new Southern polity, we could cut a deal with New Mexico and a Free Texas. In such a scenario, a Confederate Texas could annex Eastern New Mexico and absorb it into its state. While such an annexation may strike some as concerning due to the Hispanic population of New Mexico, it should be noted that the eastern part of New Mexico is very White and consistently votes conservative. While New Mexico, as a whole, hasn’t even elected a Republican presidential candidate since 2004, the eastern half has consistently voted for the Republican Party. Due to this political isolation, many residents of this part of the state might prefer to join Texas in a Southern Nation rather than being lorded over by progressives. I think annexing all of New Mexico would likely cause significant cultural and political issues due to its liberal challenges in the rest of the state.

Arizona, likewise, is another issue. Like New Mexico, it was claimed by the Old Confederacy. Although old Arizona was geographically different, today it would be difficult to argue that the state is really Southern. The state also doesn’t border a hardline Southern state like Texas, and joining a Free Dixie could prove messy. Arizona might be more conservative than New Mexico. However, it is more of a liability due to the spread-out nature of its population. I would propose that a proper inclusion should be left down the road because of Arizona’s geographic, political and cultural issues. A better option would be focusing on strongly influencing the state, via Southern cultural and political pressure, to become a bastion of “Southernism” in the West.

In many ways, it would be wise to push for official independence of the Navajo Nation – advocating for parts of Coconino, Apache and Navajo counties to be added into their own country. This Northeastern region of Arizona is strongly liberal leaning due to the Indians and other Hispanics. By handing this region fully over to the Navajo, it would decrease and disrupt the political power of the Left in Arizona. An Independent Arizona, governed by traditionalists, could be a valuable ally for a future Southern Nation. Applying pressure to an Arizona country, to either leave what’s left of the American Empire and or to “Southernize,” could be successful if done correctly. I’d imagine a flag change could top off a successful alliance, rather than annexation of the state. 

To summarize, in a very hypothetical world where someone like yours truly could be heading the South’s foreign affairs, I’d likely strike a bargain with Texas Nationalists and use the annexation of Eastern New Mexico into a larger Texas state in order to entice them to join a Free Dixie. From there, a new Southern Confederacy could aim for the full recognition of the Navajo Nation to weaken either a liberal Free Arizona or an Arizona tied to the Empire. This would break away some liberals in the eastern portion of the state, allowing for traditionalists to assume power. From that point, they could secede from the Empire, assuming it exists or has power at this time. Going forward, a rightwing Arizona could become an ally of the Southern people, while remaining its own entity. It would also create a buffer state in the Southwest against the American remnant or socialist California.

I would like to say this is largely conjecture and thought-provoking fun, but it’s important to map out the direction of our sovereignty and freedom. We should begin envisioning a future Free Dixie, one not chained to the American Empire, in order to raise our morale rather than black pilling. I’d love to hear from other readers on this subject, even if they disagree with my proposals. I think a good faith discussion on this subject could be enjoyable for all Southern Nationalists.

-By Herman W. Griffin


  1. Mr. Griffin,

    If what Communist Chinese former defense minister General Chi Haotian said is correct, an wary eye needs to be kept on them, as they are planning to take our land.

    Excerpted remarks from Gen. Haotian:

    “Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio-weapons have been invented one after another. Of course, we have not been idle, in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of “cleaning up” America all of a sudden.”

    “If our biological weapons succeed in the surprise attack, the Chinese people will be able to keep their losses at a minimum in the fight against the United States.”

    “Therefore, in recent years, we have been conducting research on genetic weapons, i.e., those weapons that do not kill yellow people. But producing a result with this kind of research is extremely difficult.”

    “It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century in which the CCP leads the world.”


  2. I have read his speech in its entirety. It is both socialist and nationalist at times. Above all let us remember China is 93 % Han Chinese while Whites are now only 57% of the overall population and slated to be a minority by 2045. What was that about diversity being our strength? Statistics from the United Nations state that China will surpass the United States both economically and militarily by mid-century. By the end of the century, Nigeria will be the third most populated nation on Earth behind India and China. If you think immigration is bad now just wait! White people are clueless about what is coming their way. This war in Ukraine is all about maintaining a unipolar world where the United States remains the only super-power and that is no longer feasible. They fear the new BRICKS currency that may replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency!

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