West Virginia in a Free Dixie

One ongoing debate within Southern Nationalism is which states should be included in a Free Dixie. There are some states that are almost always included – namely the states of the Old Confederacy, but there are questions and concerns regarding other states. Maryland was considered a very Southern state even though it did not secede. Until around 1970, when the growth of the DC suburbs finally fully dominated the state, Maryland was very much included in the Upper South. Now, should Southern Nationalists seek to incorporate Maryland in a future Free Dixie, or do we cut our losses? Missouri is another questionable state, considered Southern in 1860 but it has since taken on a more Midwestern identity, especially outside of the southeastern portion of the state. Kentucky is normally included in a proposed Free Dixie, but I do know folks who would exclude it. Oklahoma is generally included as well, considering it was largely settled by Southerners, and the Indian tribes of the state typically sided with the Confederacy. But, Oklahoma also has its detractors and has been excluded in some Free Dixie maps. Finally, some would include Arizona and New Mexico, both claimed as historic Confederate territory and chiefly settled by Southerners, but this is a minority position, though one I am sympathetic towards.

Perhaps the most fascinating state within this debate is the status of West Virginia due to the unique history of the state. Originally, and many would argue, by right, a part of Virginia, West Virginia’s status as included in Dixie is contentious because Virginia did secede, but the counties of West Virginia rejected this and formed their own separate, unionist government. I will not rehash the history of the 1860s in this article, but I will say that the Confederacy was far more popular in what became West Virginia than the history of its creation as a separate state would suggest, especially in the southern part of the state. The Wheeling Convention was rigged from the start, loyalty to the Union was a requirement to attend, and the eventual creation of West Virginia is more of a product of Yankee interference and meddling than the popular will of the people. Still, as the debate stands in 2023, I have mapped out several positions regarding the status of West Virginia within the Southern Nationalist movement. My intention here is not to argue for one position over another, but rather to state each one.

  1. Exclusion – West Virginia is excluded from a Free Dixie, they had their chance to join with their Southern brothers and sisters, and not only did they not answer the call, but they also betrayed Dixie and the rest of Virginia by siding with the Yankees.
  2. Reunion West Virginia is simply brought back into Virginia as a whole, and it becomes included within Virginia’s borders with its own regional quirks and detour of history, the former of which it shares with southwestern Virginia.
  3. The Virginia-West Virginia Compromise – In this scenario, West Virginia is merged with Virginia once again, but with a twist. The unique history and culture of West Virginia is taken into account and the state is given a good deal of autonomy within Virginia politics, taking a page out of the Austro-Hungarian Empire’s history. A way this might look is for Virginia-West Virginia to elect a single governor and slate of national representatives to the national Southern government, but West Virginia is also provided its own state legislature and courts.
  4. The State of West Virginia of Dixie – Here, the history of West Virginia is considered as being unique enough, and the two Virginias have been separate for long enough, that they cannot be brought back together, even as West Virginia is included in a Free Dixie. West Virginia is a Southern state, but one so different that is can no longer easily or pragmatically be united with the Commonwealth of Virginia. Thus, West Virginia is welcomed in a Free Dixie, but as its own sovereign state, like Texas or Alabama.
  5. Partition – The current discourse around West Virginia in the mainstream media tends to view the state in largely monolithic terms: overwhelmingly White, strongly supports the 2nd Amendment, extremely poor, and intensely pro-Trump. And while that is true to some degree, it is also an absurd oversimplification. In reality, the state is divided between a southern half culturally connected to Dixie and a northern half culturally connected to the North, namely western Pennsylvania. The stereotypical “West Virginia” is based on the southern part of the state. Thus, Southern Nationalists accept this divide and partition the state along cultural lines. The southern portion of the state either becomes its own state or is folded into Virginia, while the northern section remains with the Union in some capacity.

West Virginia is a geographically beautiful state, and although I am a son of the Deep South, I do greatly admire Appalachian culture. I also like most of the West Virginians I’ve met. Ideally, modern West Virginia would still be part of Virginia, and we would all be free. But that was not to be, and as such a debate exists to the status of West Virginia in a Free Dixie among Southern Nationalists, the future of what West Virginia in a Free Dixie looks like will, God willing, become a vigorous debate within Free Dixie.


  1. Do you really want Virginia? It and North Carolina are woke hot beds. You really have only Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, and South Carolina.

    And then there is the Negro problem. All of the Old South has large Negro populations, and they will want nothing to do with resurrecting the Confederacy. How do you get around that? The answer is, You don’t. Secession is an absolute impossibility.

  2. OP essay is “extremely online” (read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extremely_online ) and ergo cringe. Its armchair general politics.

    In politics, you don’t really get to pick who your allies are, you go with whoever is around and is willing to side with you– E.G. Russia and China don’t really have a lot in common, neither do Russian people, I’m sure, really particularly like or have a lot in common with Iranians, North Koreans, Venezuelans, or Syrians, but they ally with those people because they’re who’re available.

    Germany likewise didn’t have a lot in common with Turkey, a historical enemy of Christian Europe, in WW1 either

  3. West Virginia would be nice to have due to the fact that it has massive coal deposits which can be exported and used for domestic consumption. I would also say that it would practical to have it merged with Virginia proper just for easier administration. As for the other comments claiming that it would be pointless to do so because of all the liberals, there’s nothing a good mass-deportation can’t solve.

  4. First I think we need to decide what the new Confederacy is going to be or not be. Personally I feel our best bet is to recreate the Confederacy along the lines of the initial Articles of Confederation. Both the issues of 1860 and today stem from too much centralized power. I am in no way interested in “seize the throne, when we should have burned it to the ground”. Next I think we are kidding ourselves to think the State governments today are anymore than vassal stooges of the Federal, becoming Global, Empire. Secession today will be by community. In some areas it is already occurring. There will be no grandiose political conventions, simply an under the radar opting out. Isolated communities too small to withstand the counter pressure will bug out to merge with communities in more hospitable areas. Rather than a “North/South” divide this will be more rural versus city/suburbia. In reality the previous conflict reflected similar dividing lines, they were just much more geographically defined. Like the first fight, we will have Negro support and allies. It will be MUCH smaller than 1860. We will have some Indigenous Tribals, Latinos, Asians, but again SMALL. While the opposition has huge numbers, they are all slaves of ever increasing helplessness and stupidity. The jab obsession of the parasites also works against them, especially long term. Their solution has been robotics for labor and enforcement. That is a test yet to be tried, although I feel they are far more confident in that approach than reality merits. Build communications so that isolated communities know where to relocate. Get clusters of communities working together. Try to get control of Counties where possible. This is how the first Secession in 1776 got started.

  5. The new Confederacy will need to be a little larger. All non whites and woketards will be deported anyways so a lot of this chatter doesn’t matter. Basically we need each state that borders the old south pulled in … or at least 1/2 of each of those states. Remember, a whole lotta southerners ran over the borders to avoid rape and pillage by the Yankee filth. It’s time for them to come home …

  6. Hopefully Southern Ohio would be included. If I am still alive in the next 10-15 years when the United Transvestite Pedophilia, Sodomite.POC States of America finally collapses, I may need somewhere in which to emigrate. Assuming of course that is allowed.

  7. If reason ruled politics, I would say partition along ethnic lines would be the smartest move. Virginia, just gets some of her lost counties back.

    But reason does not rule and the Law of Nature is that we own whatever we can defend (or take). I say the more territory we can keep, the better, as long as we don’t have to deal with nonDixians on it (or at least not giving them equal status).

    I think it’s good to ask questions like this, but as of right now, we should probably give most of our attention to just keeping our birth rate up and miscegenation rate down.

  8. I live in WV…Wheeling is a lib shithole but the rest of the state, excluding college towns, is white, rural and hillbilly… the southwestern counties of PA that border WV are the same, as are southeastern Ohio counties….before pandemic Garret county MD wanted to leave MD and join WV…we have coal, timber, rivers and lakes and gun ownership and hunting are cultural norms… food for thought…also, a lot of us are steelworkers, coal miners, raise gardens, burn wood, etc … all useful skills.

    1. You are right on target. Although I was born in PA (north central) and moved to WV as a teenager with my family, I found that the regions you mention are very much alike in terms of culture and background. As a band member in high school we marched in the Fall festival in Oakland. MD – not much different from the Eastern Panhandle. Although I agree that N and S WV are different, I think that the folk ways of N WV fit with the wider culture of “classic” Dixie. Now that I live in the NE corner of the Lone Star Republic I am quite comfortable with the culture around here. My friends from rural VA adopted me as a Southerner when I was at Va Tech many decades ago – a true blessing in my mind.

  9. We white southern nationalists have the Divine authority to decide our borders. Nevermind who occupies where at this point. Once the founding starts … massive deportations ( in stages ), will commence. Also, the careful importing of certain whites based on need etc. must commence.

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