Southern Nationalism is heavily tied with Christianity, which should be a surprise to no one. Dixie is the home of the Bible Belt, and Southern states feature prominently on any map illustrating the preponderance of Christianity in these United States. The good folks at Identity Dixie don’t need any help reaching out to this audience, they know our people and our culture well. What I’d like to do is write an open letter to another segment of the South: the non-believers. Those folks who may agree with a pro-White position, but shy away from Southern Nationalism for whatever reason. Why?
Because I am one of you.
Whatever spiritual belief you hold, you obviously have respect for your heritage and for the land your ancestors are buried in. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here reading this. You’ve probably asked yourself: “What can I do to make a change?” There is a great deal of information still out there on the internet, albeit heavily censored. You’ve read this material and came to the conclusion that something must be done, that we can’t sit around trading memes on the internet forever. Now, you must decide where to turn, what organization or outlet to place your trust in.
Since you’re like me, Southern Nationalist organizations probably weren’t your first choice. They seem like they are only for hardcore Christians, that you wouldn’t be welcomed. I’m here to tell you, this is wrong! I got “redpilled” at a fairly young age but would only become active later on. After a couple years of figuring things out, I decided to join the League of the South. I was, and am, a Southern man. I wanted to be a part of something greater than myself, to interact with people who were doing things and not simply talking about it. Although it was a Christian-oriented organization, being a Christian wasn’t a requirement for membership. Still, I wasn’t totally sure what my experience would be.
Nothing could have prepared me for the events that transpired. There’s so much more to being a Southern Nationalist than the rallies and flag waving. There were good moments and bad, victories and setbacks. I came close to having to live in a hotel, although thankfully it didn’t come to that. Through it all, I stood shoulder-to-shoulder with good men and women, people who believe in the Bible, people who pray to the Christian God. I wasn’t like them, yet, we were of the same blood, the same heartbeat. I’ve met a variety of people over the years while involved in “the movement,” and I can definitively say that Southern Nationalists are among the most well-rounded, honorable, and decent people I’ve ever met. One may even say they are the most “normal,” if that term can be applied to dissidents.
Now in 2023, the Southern Nationalist movement is going in a new direction. The League has survived lawfare which destroyed others, bloodied but unbowed. I was glad to see the videos of the League National Conference, including a speech by Identity Dixie writer Padraig Martin. There are even more exciting collaborations in the works. We, as a movement, are maturing and “circling the wagons” (so to speak). There is no need for a thousand little pet projects or splinter groups. We are stronger together, and I believe these coming years will demonstrate that. We will only succeed as a united Southern Front.
If you are a loyal Southerner, there is no longer a need to waste time searching. Do you want to be an activist? Join the League of the South! Want to be a writer? Look no further than Identity Dixie! Can’t do either? Donate! Set aside a portion of your monthly income to support the Southern Cause. Spread the word whenever and however you can. Even if you can’t be on the ground, there’s something you can do. This should be all of our attitudes.
Your family needs you!
-By Kentucky Secessionist

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.