The rapid and total promotion of degeneracy and anti-White/anti-Christian values in children’s entertainment has become something of a unifying force on the Right, from the normies to the dissidents. With the exception of the most slavishly pro-corporate elements of the Right, which consider any criticism of big business to be tantamount to the Storming of the Winter Palace, the Right has been able to rally around just how blatantly vile children’s entertainment has become in just a few years. And, I am not referring to demented parents taking their children to drag shows, no matter how despicable that may be, but rather what now regularly plays on television and in movies.
In some ways this is not new, as much of this leftwing subversion has just become more blatant. There have been, at least since the 1990s, characters in children’s entertainment that were intended to be homosexuals – Scar from The Lion King qualifies here. However, since that film was released at least two major shifts have occurred: 1) no matter how much it may be played up, the film never outright states Scar is a homosexual, and it wouldn’t be until years later, when watching the film again, did I pick up on that aspect of the character and 2) Scar is clearly the villain. Neither the subtlety nor the villain status would likely be employed today. Additionally, there has been a major push to heavily use non-White characters in children’s entertainment, as well as vilify White people. For example, demands for reparations from the “systemically racist” United States were included in a recent episode of The Proud Family.
Although we may find the roots of the current surge of degeneracy in children’s entertainment in earlier times, a major shift has still occurred, and that change must be examined. In some respects, the Left’s demand to control children’s entertainment appears to be counterproductive. After all, as soon as these kids turn 18 and go to college, or in some cases even in high school, they can be indoctrinated with limited parental oversight. As an example, watch the episode from The Sopranos where AJ is taught to hate an Italian icon, Christopher Columbus, by a leftwing history teacher. This becomes especially odd when one considers that in college, and to a lesser extent in high school, it becomes much easier to keep parents in the dark about what their kids are learning; this is something that is clearly not the case for entertainment aimed at small children. Why not just keep things subtle, like they largely did in the 1990s, and then hit the kids with leftism in high school and college? The Left’s fanaticism on pushing this certainly appears to have created an unnecessary backlash and energized the Right to push back.
The Right must understand just how committed the Left is to their long-term goals. By going as far and as hard as they have, they have created a rightwing backlash that I never thought I would see. I never would have imagined that it would be a Republican who would stand up to Disney in Florida; to what extent Disney was opposed in Florida, it typically came from Democrats who did not like that a private corporation had been allowed to set up its own fiefdom in Central Florida. Regardless, by pushing an extreme leftwing agenda as thoroughly as they did, the backlash is exactly what happened. And judging by the election returns from November, the people of Florida wholeheartedly agreed with Governor Ron DeSantis on this issue. In what was an otherwise underwhelming night for the GOP, DeSantis won in a landslide, transforming Florida into a Deep Red state, something I never imagined a decade ago.
But the Left is willing to take that risk, because they know that if they can survive this rightwing repercussion, they are in a great position to break the back of the Authentic Right for the foreseeable future. To understand what is going on here, we must recognize who forms the backbone of authentic rightwing populist movements. These movements are largely comprised of people from rural backgrounds who move to major cities for work and, in turn, are horrified by the degeneracy and cultural decline, seeing it correctly as an afront to the traditional values of both their country and faith. Both the Legion of the Archangel Michael (The Iron Guard) of Romania and the mass supporters of the Iranian Islamic Revolution fit this archetype. And so does the Dissident Right, as the typical member of the Dissident Right originates from a rural/small town background and was (still is) shocked at the Left’s behavior after: 1) relocating to a metropolitan area for work, 2) attending college, 3) encountering the Left online and realizing just how unhinged they are, and 4) some combination of all of these. Growing up, I was always a pretty tolerant “live and let live” sort of guy until I realized just how thoroughly the Left hated me. During the initial rise of the Dissident Right, sociologists were often perplexed over just how common at least some college education was on the Dissident Right, as they had worked under the assumption that “racism” was the product of a lack in education. In reality, this apparent paradox is easy to figure out, leftwing excesses have radicalized a generation to the Right.
By pushing their agenda so completely, the Left is revealing just how committed they are to long-term victory. They understand that if they can withstand this reactionary backlash, as they did in the 1980s, they will be in a winning position where the threat of a rightwing response has been effectively neutralized. In essence, the younger generations, even those from rural and conservative backgrounds, will no longer form the backbone of authentic rightwing populist movements because no matter how far the Left sinks, all of this will be “normalized.” The Left’s positions will be what they have seen on television since they were small children; thus, creating a situation whereby the Left can do whatever they please. That is what is at stake, and why the Right cannot flippantly dismiss this as “just a kid’s show” for the far more pressing issue of making sure Bill Gates gets a tax cut; the Left is thinking long-term here and the Right must do the same.
For as long as there have been leftwing overreaches, the Left has always had to fear the possibility of the Right’s response, some successful (like the Iranian Revolution or the Spanish Civil War) and some failures (like Conservatism, Inc.). But by taking the risk they are now, by targeting children at a much younger age, the Left has a path to break out of this cycle. The Right must be committed to stopping them.

I really appreciated your mention of Corneliu Codreanu and his legionaries of Romania. It was iron courage like his that those on the Right will need. He was an inspiration for us all!
“The individual [must act] within the framework and in the service of his people. The people [must act] within the framework and in the service of their God and of God’s laws. Whosoever shall understand these things will be victorious even if he be alone. pp. 47-8. Here, the majority with its opinions does not matter though it might be 99 percent. … It is not he who lives and wins by sacrificing the destiny of his people’s lives who belongs to national history, but only he who, whether he wins or loses, will hold himself to this destiny.” pp. 54-5.
Corneliu Codreanu, ‘For My Legionaries’, Liberty Bell Publications York, S.C.
German Confederate, great quote from Corneliu Codreanu.
I just recently finished the book ‘saving my Assassin’ a memoir by Virginia Prodan. She was a trained attorney in the Romanian communist system whom eventually dedicated her life to Christ and had the nerve to actually represent Christians in court by using laws already on the Romanian books! How many times have we heard of dissidents in the US not even able to find an attorney who would represent them even though no laws were broken or were made up. This lady certainly earned her spot in the iron guard and stood up to the fear mongering of the Reds.
A few years back I supported Matt Hale in his lawsuit against the state to recognize his religious rights and the Creativity religion and respect the tenets of Creativity, for example, eating healthy non processed food, the state denied him that status but has no problem handing out Satanic bibles and recognizing the Church of Satan as a lawful religion. Matt has done 20 years in solitary confinement, a graduate of law school and an accomplished concert violinist, a White advocate who was railroaded into prison, I pray for Matt all the time. I had the honor of speaking to Matt’s Mother, a more Gracious woman would be hard to find.
Thanks for another book title German Confederate.
May God fill us all with his Grace for the battle that lies ahead.
You’ll be so impressed with Codreanu if you’re able to read his book! Here’s one more excerpt:
“Our death … could eventually bring [our] people more good than all the frustrated endeavors of our lifetime. … Not being able to win while alive, we will win dying. … For if a man is only just, correct, devoted, faithful, diligent, etc. but lacks heroic qualities which would enable him to fight unscrupulous, dishonest, and incorrect enemies, he would perish at their hands. p. 226. The final aim is not life, but resurrection: the resurrection of peoples in the name of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Creation, culture, are not a means, not a purpose, as it has been believed, of obtaining this resurrection. It is the fruit of the talent God planted in our people for which we have to account. There will come a time when all the peoples of the earth shall be resurrected … each people having its place before God’s throne. … The nation then is an entity which prolongs her existence even beyond this earth.” (Rev. 21: 23-24, 15:4). p. 315.
Corneliu Codreanu, ‘For My Legionaries’
Thanks, as always, for weighing in. I’ll have to research Matt Hale. Do you have any links to his case?
I don’t know if that will link. I haven’t linked stuff in many years, I tried once recently and it didn’t work due to my device. I put Matt’s name and solitary confinement on the search engine and got more results.
The bottom dropped out in my domestic life and I have not been able to be as proactive as I’d like to be. I have not been active about Matt’s case in quite awhile. Matt is an Author of several books also. The link above is an old one, Matt has done 20 years of solitary confinement, which is the maximum for his alleged crime, the state charged him under the new ‘terrorist laws’ and doubled his sentence.
Thank you for your concern.
God Bless you Brother.
German confederate
Hale v. Federal bureau of prisons, et al, number 14*cv*00245 I read the results at case text. Com
German Confederate
I certainly didn’t prepare myself on talking about matters on Matt Hale. The site I looked at above had the state Unjustly accusing Matt and creativity of murders done by them to a judges family as part of their ruling, if I remember correctly, that was a boldfaced lie. Maybe more state tricks. I haven’t followed Matt in awhile. I am just a believer in Freedom of Religion and the right to assemble in Peace. The right to eat the food our creator made for us. I am just a concerned person that believes the state has exceeded its boundary’s pertaining to Matt Hale. I fear I do Matt Hale injustice as his spokesperson about that court case that I wholeheartedly supported.
I am sure with a little digging you can hear straight from Matt.
Thank you.
Thanks for all the info Outside Looking In. I immediately came across SPLC’s comments on him. They regularly smear and distort the truth about people of sound, moral character. I’m sorry Mr. Hale is another casualty in the war against Bolshevism and can only hope he has the consolations of suffering for righteousness’ sake. As Soren Kierkegaard wrote: “Nothing can be remembered eternally but to have suffered for the truth.”
Even before childrens’ cartoons became evil and vile, they became stupid.
The cartoons I remember watching in the 1990s were aimed at children, but most of them were designed in such a way that they could also be appreciated by adults, and some of the more controversial humor would fly over the heads of kids. E.G. an episode of Rugrats wherein a family member is forcing everyone to watch their home movies and the ancient grandpap is briefly seen dialing a phone number and says into the receiver “hello, Dr. Kevorkian?”. No kid would get that suicide joke, so it was ergo family friendly.
But sometime around the mid to late 2000s childrens’ programming became… well, stupid. The best example that comes to mind was Macy the mouse on Nickelodeon. Instead of talkling, he just makes stupid whining noises. Go watch a clip on YouTube.
Even shows that didn’t start out stupid eventually became stupid. E.G. the first few seasons of Spongebob were great because Spongebob and Squidward were two characters that different demographics would relate to– you identify with Spongebob when you’re a kid, but eventually come to a more Squidward understanding of society when you get older. However, at some point, instead of the source of jokes being Spongebob’s naivety, they decided to make them about him and Patrick being getting into trouble because they do dumb things.
> “…Why not just keep things subtle, like they largely did in the 1990s, and then hit the kids with leftism in high school and college?…”
Its fundamental to leftist psychology– they always overplay their hand.
Leftists in the newly formed USSR did the same thing. After they realized they won, and very quickly, which they actually weren’t expecting, they attempted to do full-on communism all at once. It was a horribly failure, which ultimately led to Lenin’s New Economic Policy (economic liberalization) and the previous attempt at full-communism was later rebranded “War Communism” and the populace were gaslighted into thinking that it was never intended to be the economic system, but were rather wartime measures due to the Ukrainian uprising, remnant White forces, and various Green (I.E. non-ideological localized pesant revolts) forces
Excellent assessment. We must win the generational wars. We don’t have to win them all, but the ones we gather around us must be will to do the hard work. It’s not easy.
Again, a very fine analysis and exhortation.