Field of Folly

Note: This poem must be read slowly, and with a Southern accent. It is paced in a Southern meter, and not in an abusive Northern whine.

Today, I walked along a path,
Barefoot, beside a wall of holly.
And coming upon an open gate,
I walked into a field of folly.

Among the grass that grew inside,
Were flowers, most beautiful and rare.
Catching the fragrance of their blooms,
Hours passing, I did stare.

Not only were the blossoms there,
But in taller grass, well hidden,
To keep the lookers and passersby,
From a box which was forbidden.

What were the contents of this cube,
With hinges and lock of golden measure.
And dare I break its silver chorded seal,
To reveal its sought for treasure.

Who could resist such a temptation,
Finding contents of worth, so true.
Heart pounding anxiously, I broke the lock,
Hoping for this treasure to view.

But in the box, to my surprise,
Was a treasure that few had ever taken.
A simple request, and on common paper,
That the dreamer must awaken.

Brothers and sisters, what we have endeavored to do here at Identity Dixie is to remind you to embrace all that is beautiful about your home. To treasure it as gold and silver, so that you would do anything to secure it for the future, for your progeny. 

Those that contribute to this humble blog have walked the path that led them to discover that often sought for treasure, freedom from this present system, and a Free Dixie. They have walked along that hedgerow of holly, gazed upon the flowered beauty of our people, and breathed in the fragrances of our land. And now, we desire it to obsession. 

For many on the outside, what we have committed to do at ID is complete and utter folly, a lost cause, at least it was when we started. However, if you have been watching, more and more people are embracing our idea of a national divorce. A call to balkanize is in your ears, and happening before your eyes. What we only dreamt of is now spoken of openly and widely. 

You are like we are; you are now looking into that beautiful, forbidden, and all too tempting box. You are beginning to understand, that after this last election, a peaceful separation is the only option to secure a sane place for you and your children. So, look deeply into that golden cube, that tempting box, and awaken from your slumber. 

We must seize this moment! Now is the time! 

Deo Vindice!

God save the South!


  1. Good article. You wrote:

    Brothers and sisters, what we have endeavored to do here at Identity Dixie is to remind you to embrace all that is beautiful about your home. To treasure it as gold and silver, so that you would do anything to secure it for the future, for your progeny.

    I have this “on-again-off-again” prospective future son-in-law who thinks, or seems to think (on-again-off-again), that I’m an absolute nutjob. The main reason he thinks this about me is because anytime the subject comes up between us of leftists desecrating our graves and tearing down our monuments, veins start popping out in my forehead and neck, and I in turn tell him that this is just cause to hang the perpetrators from the nearest tree. He knows I’m not just “talking out my *ss” when I say such things, and it scares him. Hence, his “on-again-off-again” relation with my daughter. I’ve had conversations with my daughter about it, and what she tells me is that, “well, dad, if he isn’t qualified he isn’t qualified.” Quite! Couldn’t have said it better myself.

    That said, I wouldn’t say that I would do *anything*, but I would do anything short of violating God’s laws to secure it to my progeny. I don’t necessarily think with you that “now is the time,” but I would have to know what exactly you mean by that statement to give you a final yea or nay.

  2. Those 4 Baltic Sea tubes, obviously they were sharing energy with the wrong class of people much the same as here in the US, the few are keeping it for their future. Soilent green energy is meant for us, jet fuel is meant for them. Southerners know how to deal with that formula, we’ve seen that game once before.

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