Why I Write Again

I pick my pen up;
I set it down again.

I write a line, and I sound it out again;
I stare at the blank paper, and sigh again.

I search my heart and try to write again;
I lay down my pen and let my mind spin again.

I click the keys and read the words again;
I erase the words, and I bow my head again.

Lord, it’s me and it’s time to spread your glory again.

I still my mind and stare at the screen again;
My Southern blood stirs again.

The Lord whispers in my ear again;
My pen makes marks again.

The words pour forth and flow again;
The message I have is relayed again.

My heart flows on the paper again;
I feel the glory of the Lord, as I write again.

I fight for my people again;
Every letter, every word, every sentence to make them proud again.

I am not the author, but a pen again;
Today, I fight in ink and inspire again.

Once more, I fight for God again;
It is in His glory, I will write again.

And in His glory, all will be right again.