The Red Terror in Spain is a great lesson on leftist violence.
On news of the nationalist uprising that precipitated the Civil War, the deranged leftists who received the name “Reds” began killing tens of thousands of people in their controlled regions.
In places where the nationalist uprising was unsuccessful, if a person was identified as a priest, a monk/nun, or even simply a dedicated religious individual, they would be executed.
They killed approximately 6,832 Roman Catholic priests and tens of thousands of other business owners, industrialists, dissenting civilians, and nobility.
Most academics estimate the death toll of the Red Terror as somewhere around 50,000.
The Reds even went so far as to “execute” the Sacred Heart:

The Red Terror is an essential lesson for dissidents. It details quite a few essentials of the nature of the enemy that we must accept.
For one, this event demonstrates that in the event of a civil conflict, the leftists always target the meek, the religious, and the civilians. The leftists do not target just political enemies. They will kill everyone that actually contributes or does good. This is done on purpose.
The Red Terror also shows us that leftists hate true faith, preferring secularism and subjectivism, which they can easily alter. The same tactic of destroying the native religion occurred under the Khmer Rouge, the Soviets, the Maoists, the North Koreans, and so on. Leftism demands a worship of the state and the institutions; a separate [real] faith contradicts their needed state faith. When people say that religion kills—they aren’t wrong. The leftist religion of secularism and state worship has been one of the biggest killers of the 21st century. Probably second only to abortion, which is an offshoot of leftism.
Perhaps the most important lesson is that the leftists will slaughter anyone that opposes them when a conflict does arise. If one of us dissidents existed under the Republican (“Red”) territory during the Red Terror, it would have been a guaranteed death sentence. If something similar were to happen in the United States, the exact same would occur. The lesson: get out of their cities and states unless you are ready to commit to the end.
Here is a quote from Fulton Sheen, a Catholic bishop and theologian, on the martyr of priests during the Spanish Civil War by the Reds:
During the Civil War in Spain when the Reds were slaughtering hundreds of priests, one of them was lined up before the firing squad with his arms tightly bound by ropes. Facing the firing squad, he said: “Untie these ropes and let me give you my blessing before I die.” The communists untied the ropes, but they cut off his hands. Then sarcastically they said: “All right, see if you can give us your blessing now.” And the priest raised the stumps of his arms as crimson rags and with blood dripping from them like beads forming on the earth the red rosary of redemption, he moved them about in the form of a cross. Thus hate was defeated, for he refused to nourish it. Hate died as he forgave and the world has been better for it.
A beautiful act of dissent. The fortitude it takes to do something like that is extreme. To look death in the face and laugh at it with a righteous goodness, even as your own hands have just been cut off. The Reds’ hate was not given the pleasure of victory by that priest.
The lesson: make sure you resist adopting the evil nature of the enemy. Embrace resilience. Become anti-fragile. Do not fear death.
Be like the priest. You might not live to see it, but a nationalist victory is coming.
-By Kaisar at The Hidden Dominion

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
The insidious [transhumanist] programming suppresses racial identity and seeks to pasteurize all peoples into a raceless, rootless mass of homogenous humatons. The reality of divine oneness is falsely invoked to legitimize this dehumanization, with the cant that if All are One we should live together in peace and brotherhood forever. The truth is that there is no contradiction between the oneness of Supernal Spirit, which underlies all creation, and the infinite variety of separate forms and beings which it spawns. In fact if all went back to unity, it would be the end of the cosmos.
Spiritual enlightenment awakens an individual to the love of God for all beings, called Caritas. We have also awakened to the reality of racial identity; from this arises another kind of love, the deep primordial philos that binds together a family, clan, or tribe. Again there is no contradiction: enlightened white individuals have philial feelings exclusively for their racial kindred, and this does not diminish their Caritas for all humanity. Awareness of the overarching unity gives us the wisdom to draw the line of separation exactly where it’s needed. Dharma requires strong boundaries on every front, and legitimate conflicts of interest between peoples must sometimes be dealt with by means of war. Only this fusion of blood and Spirit can redeem us from the debacle of World War II and regenerate the race in a New Aeon.” ~ josephrex
The Unconscious Christian Theology of Transhumanism
“From the moment the extremist mob became the masters of those communities where the Nationalist Movement had failed, or where it had not taken place, their activity was marked by the fiercest brutality, giving place to a reign of terror. Murder and robbery were rife. Anyone not in possession of a membership-card of a syndicate or of one of the political parties of the popular front, dated earlier than 18th July 1936, was an outlaw, lacked the right to live, and could be killed by any militia-man with impunity.” From the book.
The General cause.
Preliminary information Drawn up by the public prosecutor’s office
1946. Spain.
What hits home to me in the book is how the Reds took over the police department, and killed all the Good Police. That book is a blue print of what to expect from those criminals who hold power, who knows, they may have already culled the police through vaccine mandates?
The perpetrators who did that to the priest in the article up above were more than likely Tried(sp?) in a court of law and sentenced to death. The only time that I’m aware of that the Reds were ever punished for their crimes.
For the Love of God get away from leftist ran communities, if you can, if not, prepare for this eventuality.
God Deliver us all from this evil.
Thank you God.
May our hope be in Psalm 94, and God give us courage in Christ to stand and leave a righteous testimony.
@ German Confederate
I don’t mean to add to the fear, I was almost in tears thinking about the elderly and their struggle and the darkness of it all looking in that book I referenced, it’s a court document with a sizable amount of cases with pictures of the victims that the Communist killed. Pages of them. Priests, Nuns and everyday people.
The reds controlled the Spanish Work force with promises of the “paradise” they would create for them, which became their army, then these organized thieves raped and looted Spain, eventually being chased off to France where they became the French underground in WW2.
Honestly, America has been a white collar version (post WBTS) of these looters up till now.
First time I’ve read psalm 94.
Thank you.
I just received my copy of ‘Captured’ by Ferdinand Horvath and look forward to reading it. Thanks again!
For as long as I can remember, I have heard and read mawkish panegyrics for the red supported Republicans and the international brigades that fought for ‘liberty and brotherhood’ against the fascist supported Nationalists but it was Franco who adroitly put off Hitler and Von Ribbentrop in an eight hour meeting on October 23, 1940, like Scheherazade, always coming up with one more condition that had to be met before he would commit Spain to entering the war on the side of the Axis. Hitler was furious by the end of the day and is supposed to have told Mussolini several days later that he’d rather have teeth pulled than go through another such meeting. I’d say the cynical old general saved his country a lot of grief, not that he’s ever given any credit for it.
They do not call it a civil war in Spain, all the high ranking Republican military officers were primarily Russian, and the international brigades made it anything but a Spanish Civil war.
The reds used masculine images in their propaganda and attracted all the young men of Spain to join their ranks and fight, once in the clutches of the reds, there was no turning back, they would kill you if you tried to leave. The reds stripped the international brigades of their identity, passports etc. They were trapped for the most part. I’m glad you posted, I gave the impression up above that the Spanish workers fought the war. Getting older and the Sun has been brutal where I Live. Not thinking clearly.
There is a lot of similarities to the
“American civil war”
I wonder how much of a tactical advantage Hitler would of had controlling the Rock of Gibraltar?
He wasn’t unmindful of it; but I often wish rather he’d been a better judge of character. The Abwehr was chock full of traitors. Had that not been the case, in spite of the disparities of strength and position, who knows?
@German Confederate.
The Book I mentioned above was requested by the 1968 republican primary challenger in Washington state from the Spanish embassy, it came with the letterhead of that embassy in the Book that I bought from the bookstore.
“In conclusion, the crimes committed by the popular front in that part of Spain under its domination were so numerous that the duly investigated cases of assassination reach the astounding figure of 85,940, not including the casualties and victims caused directly by the war”
The embassy sent two books, I’m tearing my house apart looking for the other one. The author of the other book points out the reds were not interested in winning the Spanish war as much as they wanted to prolong it to get a major World war started. (Said so much more eloquently in the book) if I find it I’ll post it here. If I remember correctly, the book states that the war was prolonged to get Germany into a major World war.
Destroying the Germans in the Newly expanded Poland did the trick, IMO.
I can’t find the Book as of yet, but the name of it is on the letter sent from the Spanish embassy to Dr. Ernest T. Rhodefer, whom I looked up and found out he was the Republican primary challenger for Governor of Washington State in 68 or 70. The letter is dated 69 during Vietnam and our Supposed fight with the Communist there.
“Communist intervention in the Spanish War”
It was a series of books and if I remember correctly it was the 4th one in the series.
For posterity.
@German Confederate.
I mentioned Spain ran off those den of thieves into France where they became the French underground.
Check out their air support in this book.
“Carpetbaggers” America’s Secret War In Europe.
A story of the WW2 Carpetbaggers 801st 492d bombardment group(H)
US Army eighth Air Force
Ben Parnell 1987.
The Book details the underground resistance to Nationalism in Europe and the English and American bomber units who supplied them with Food, clothes, money and armaments, these were underground antifa units and they even supplied the communist in Greece. The planes also dropped propaganda leaflets, some telling the Germans to surrender and they would be treated well. Which ended up being a lie. The planes were converted back to bombers after German occupied Europe was subdued and the Carpetbaggers finished the war by carpet bombing Germany.
Thought you might like to know about it.
Thanks for the further recommendation. (I’m 2/3 of the way through Horvath). Another recommendation of mine would be Donald Day’s ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’. It’s believe it’s out of print right now, but here’s a link to an online edition:
“Liberty and Brotherhood”
The international brigade fought in their respective Race, they were not a mixed bag.
Their were East side NY Jews who made up a brigade, they were called “the Abraham Lincoln Brigade”. A Crime unpunished Under US Law. I’ve seen that NY Scum boasting about it on TV.
The Germans that fought in a brigade were forbidden by Hitler from ever stepping foot back into Germany.
This is very much what I fear is coming to North America very soon