USS Heritage America and the “Red Wave”

As I watch Heritage America gear up for the Empire’s annual brouhaha, I also am hearing about the “Red Wave” that is coming in September, and this will right the ship, bringing about a necessary course correction. Ladies and gentlemen: I know the iceberg is just ahead, but we have our best shovelers heaping coal and “Quick Hands” McGinty is at the wheel, he is the fastest nautical wheel-spinner alive. Go back to your cabins, the ship is unsinkable, nothing to worry about. The powers that be are handling everything and you need not worry or even get involved.

Heritage America is all excited about the imminent red wave that will take back the House and the Senate, and the party continues on. The system is working. The system has an ebb and flow to it. Sometimes it swings to the Right and sometimes it swings to the Left. 

Does it really, though?

I think most Southern people can tell you a very different story about how the political system works. While the South faces various, ongoing levels of modern Reconstruction, it has witnessed the system remove almost every bit of our culture, monuments to our heroes, and is actively destroying our identity. Since 1994, there have been 152 state-elected officials that have switched parties in national representative elections, and the majority of those have been in Southern states and that majority has been from the Democrat ticket to the Republican Party. You can see what has happened to the South and it clearly is not a concentration of conservative and Christian values. 

Do you think these Democrats-turned-Republicans are suddenly going to embrace conservative Christian values? Most likely not. More likely, one of two things has (and will continue to) happened. One, their previous party has gone too far down the rabbit hole for them to safely admit, or the new party has shifted so far towards their actual beliefs that they feel comfortable labeling themselves as an “R.” I feel it is most likely a combination of these two things. If we just viewed the old Dixiecrat South, we would see that they were more Christian and certainly much more conservative than the current Republican Party. The GOP really represents the only thing it has always represented – profits for the wealthy. 

So, what is the red wave going to be? It is going to be an election of the absolutely slowest politicians to make positive, conservative changes – really at snail speed, if at all. It is not going to be a taking back “America” from the globalists, like the mainstream conservative media is selling. This is just more smoke and mirrors. This, more or less, is simply going to be the lullaby that puts the majority of Christians back to sleep. This will give individuals an excuse to stop being interested in local politics, and quickly stunt the growth of local communities. This will be a quick swing in the direction of calming the masses, and not to make any real change. 

We must not settle for it. Continue to be involved in what is going on around you, and continue to push your culture back into the mainstream. Continue to build your communities and remember why it is necessary to stay vigilante. Do not allow your representative to be chosen because he is slightly less reprehensible than the other guy. Do not fall asleep with the crashing of the red wave, and continue to see the truth for what it is, and seek out the truth for what it should be.

For if we do not, expect the USS Heritage America to find the same fate as the RMS Titanic.


  1. The Titanic analogy is apt, but the ship has already foundered. If you’re not in a lifeboat, or as drunk as the cook, divine intervention is the only chance for survival.

  2. Titanic : Solution = Find life boats or anything that floats and food water and warm clothes. Don’t sit around talking about why and how it’s sinking.

    House on fire : Solution = Put it all out quick. Don’t stand around yapping about how it started, who’s responsible and so on.

    The South : Solution = Tell as many people as you can TO TELL EVERYONE THEY KNOW TO TELL EVERYONE THEY KNOW … to get the conversation going about restructuring America into 4 or 5 new “Republics,” one for each side / group … a Utopia for everyone … ours being a very enlarged all white CSA II.

    And yes this includes writing articles and books explaining many of our ideas on ‘exactly how step by step to accomplish this without a hitch.’ Saving the south is a ‘process.’

    Get the process started with ‘talk!’ Just the right kind of ‘talk.’

    1. “to get the conversation going about restructuring America into 4 or 5 new “Republics,”

      I’d say get rid of the sixteen Northern States that went to war against us in the middle Nineteenth Century. Most of our socio-political problems would either disappear overnight, or be within reach of a workable solution. Which could be implemented without
      the usual interference and harassment by the political parasites and malicious pests of Yankeedom.

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