Yankee Go Home

As we settle into spring in Georgia, we’re also seeing our governor’s race heat up. Former President Trump, who’d like to consider himself current despite letting himself get evicted without a fight, has come to Georgia issuing grand threats and waving his fists at Governor Kemp. The whole show is sickening to me as a Georgian.  

For starters, this whole feud has recently been revealed to have begun not due to ideological differences but Trump’s massive ego. It came out President Trump was infuriated that Kemp made Kelly Loeffler Johnny Isakson’s replacement in the Senate without asking him first. While I hate that Kemp appointed a Yankee trophy wife to the former Senate seat of greats like Tom E. Watson, John B. Gordon and Herman Talmadge, I’ll also note that Georgia’s governor doesn’t need to consult with the president on whom he picks for the seat. Likewise, Trump wasn’t even against Loeffler, or her neocon politics, but merely that he wasn’t the man to pick her. This whole feud has been characterized by Trump’s ego and wanting to control a sitting governor, despite Trump letting folks like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and Jared Kushner manipulate his presidency.

Trump’s main accusation against Kemp is the 2020 election disaster in Georgia. This is a pathetic attempt at personal payback on Kemp (and in a situation that was arguably difficult for Kemp to even manage). Governor Kemp did what pretty much any GOP governor would have done, besides maybe DeSantis. The cheating was largely accomplished in Atlanta, and controlled by corrupt local officials, and the race was no doubt close due to the bad economy, Trump’s piss poor campaign, and the rising tide of transplants. Despite this, MAGApedes will swear up and down that Trump won Georgia by 6+ percentage points and use Kemp as their scapegoat. They claim Kemp is to blame for Biden in office, regardless of the fact that had Kemp went against the grain and overturned the results, he’d now likely be in jail (or worse) via the unscrupulous Department of Justice (DOJ). From Kemp’s point of view, you had Trump begging him to basically risk his own hide and Georgia to keep him in office. I can’t blame Kemp for folding, especially when you consider how many of Trump’s allies were betrayed. In short, Trump failed to protect his allies from his own DOJ and other operatives of the Deep State; yet, for some reason, thought Kemp would put his neck on the chopping block with an incoming Biden administration. 

As of now, Georgia, and her Southern people, face the real threat of Trump effectively making his diehard supporters skip the general election if Kemp wins. This is something he’s now actively threating. Trump has Georgia over a barrel: vote for corporate stooge Purdue or else. I believe Trump showed his true colors when he ignored grass roots candidate Kandiss Taylor, who adores him, to back an unethical, “big name,” former senator. To Trump, this isn’t about getting a governor who won’t try to purge Confederate holidays or try passing Juneteenth, but merely punishing someone who didn’t bow to him. I don’t appreciate a New York Yankee trying to force me to vote for a neocon, or else have an anti-Southern sociopath (Stacey Abrams) as governor. Trump’s actions are threatening Georgians with the danger of Democrat misrule and humiliation. Abrams isn’t to be taken lightly, given her non-stop hatred of Southerners, burning our state flag, or advocating for the destruction of Stone Mountain.  

It’s my hope Georgians will realize that Trump’s petty vendetta against Kemp isn’t worth allowing Georgia to become the next Virginia. It’s my hope that Kandiss Taylor wins, despite all the odds, and I am certainly no fan of Kemp. At the same time, as a Georgia history buff, the governorship is a seriously powerful position that can be used for great evil in the wrong hands. If it comes down to Kemp versus Abrams 2.0, which is likely, I’m more than happy to hold my nose to keep that she-devil and her lunatic supporters from controlling Georgia. It would be a massive black pill for Southern Nationalists to witness a member of the Deep South under the grip of such an openly anti-Southern black woman and would be such a powerful tool for our enemies. God forbid if that were to happen. If so, it would be 100% Trump’s fault.

I, for one, won’t forget that in 2024.

-By Dixie Anon


  1. We’re in a situation where we must choose the least worst option. This thanks to the last few generations of zombie sports watching golf playing zeros that LET the deep state take over. The ONLY solution at this point is to restructure America into 4 or 5 new Republics … one for each side / group, so everyone can have their own “Utopia.” Ours will be a very enlarged all white Confederate States Of America 2.0.

    Push this … or don’t waste your breath. And as for Trump …


  2. In Aug 2015 I went on a tirade against this Yankee jewbag, Trump, writing over and over about how his every action, in life (family, banking, media, politics) is all thoroughly controlled by Chabad freaks. I had a number of southern sites excoriate me and even ban my comments because I was one of the first anti-Trumpers (even after long standing participation at these sites).

    The response was ALWAYS something to the effect that I was a Clinton acolyte. That to vote for a Yankee (from NY, of all places) was the best for southerners. That his jews were some of the good ones (lol).

    The level of idiotic sycophantic ass-kissing for the ‘lesser of two evils’ still tears me a new one. I have spent decades trying to wake people up to this manipulation, to no avail. When will everyone, especially southerners, learn?


  3. My husband refers to Trump as “President Bone Spur” over how he kept out of a certain war. I think of Trump every time I hear the song You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive. Trump’s that guy from up north offering “hundred dollar bills to pay for your minerals, but he never left Harlan alive,” (because the suckers who sold out figured out his evil Yankee scam.)

    Yankee go home, indeed!

  4. YES … but good grief … what’s your SOLUTION????? You see, everyone has a “comment,” and both of yours are correct … but where’s the other half of your comment … like, you know, WTF SHOULD WE DO TO FIX THIS????

    EVERY alt media news site & channel “inundates the sheeple with information thus overwhelming them into INACTION.” Not one site / channel EVER EVER EVER presents a solution or even interviews anyone with ANY solution … for the life of them!!!!!!!!!

    Take a moment of silence and let that hang in the air.

    We have freedom of speech. Okay. But what are we doing with it? We’re all getting informed about “each inch The Titanic sinks, why, who’s responsible, what (((their))) plans are and how long we have till we’re in the freezing water.”

    Is ANYONE … EVER, advising us where to find something to float on and how to get over to that nice big new well stocked up ship just 200 yards away from us called The USS Confederate States 2.0 ?

    Nnoooooo. That would take a tiny bit of brains, intellect and fortitude. Better to just happily sink while hearing the band play.
    And WE are the greatest people and greatest country in the world? 🙂 ha ha

    1. Josey W., you really are passionate in your combox outlawry, aren’t you! Get it? *wink, wink* How are you at taking and digesting constructive criticism? I won’t wait for your answer to offer some. To wit:

      I would use all caps in my comments very sparingly if I were you. And not just here, any place where rational people congregate. If I wanted people to take my thoughts and ideas seriously, that is to say. And I get the impression from your comments otherwise that you do in fact want people to take you seriously and not just “tune you out,” so to speak. One problem with over-using all caps is that doing so is the written equivalent of shouting at people. And nobody likes to be shouted at, as you well know; “in one ear and right out the other” is usually how that plays out. Another problem is that it gives off the impression that you might be a bit … unhinged, especially when coupled with multiple question marks and/or exclamation marks. One’ll usually do, if you know what I mean.

      There ya go, that’s my constructive criticism, from me to you, for what it’s worth. Now to the meat.

      If you think you have a viable plan and strategy for achieving what you’ve been at pains to convince us all needs achieving (and on the double-quick!), then you should consider writing an essay laying it all out, and submit it to the editors for possible publication. The worst that could happen is that they might (politely) refuse to publish it. Might. I for one would love to see your broader plan for achieving the goals you have in mind. What say?

    2. I think this was addressed to myself and Jane Doe.

      If you’re asking what I have done for decades: I have gone from simply suspecting that the government was doing its best, but too stupid to get anything right – to understanding the nature of those who have taken control of America, how they do it, and how they have hoodwinked society into believing their victimhood narratives (while using fake massacre stories to guilt everyone into allowing them avenues of control that are dubiously being used to manipulate us into a Talmudic Master/Slave reality).

      I took that knowledge and had a blog that did nothing but illuminate these facts (Nov 2007) that was unceremoniously deleted a couple of years ago. I have made around 50 videos that generally parody this control (and a few other narratives like attacking other countries to spread democracy, etc) having 2 YT channels, Vimeo, and other outlets delete my videos and ban me (I have most of them on Bitchute, but the ones that are not too in-your-face are still at a 3rd YT channel, meant for normies).

      In my real world, I take every opportunity to explain what is happening, but not in BuelahMan style. Face to face people can read body language and can get the feeling I am genuine about my points.

      So, I have several sayings I use. One of my favorites (that I have never been able to get others to join in on with me) is: Never an R or D Again!

      If I could get enough to join me, then some of our problem gets fixed. But I have been met with so much resistance from even the likes of you (one that would seem to agree with the sentiment). Excuses like, you are just giving the vote to the Democrat (or vice versa depending on which false paradigm has one fooled).

      I discuss the racial issues. I discuss the jab issue. Anti-war. Pro-southern. Etc. Etc. Etc.

      Maybe you would rather me try to assemble a militia and take over the government?


      The fact is that we have an organized tribal force that is running roughshod over us, yet I am chastised for even mentioning their name (at least what they call themselves, true or not) because the Normies might not agree and understand.

      And so goes the never ending hamster wheel of control, by (((them))).

      As for alt media types that never offer a solution? Maybe there are, but you don’t like their solution.

      Not that I agree with everything he discusses, but James Corbett is strong on solutions [and I even suspect he may be (((one)))].

      1. Correct BuelahMan,it is the Jews who bring horror to White Christians.They are in fact real demons who act on their fathers behalf.They murdered the Master Jesus so you can only imagine what they will do to those who were made in God’s image and who love God and Jesus.The Jews now openly wear Baphomet in the media and have their slaves wear it as well.They wage war on God by hurting us.They hurt him by murdering our children’s souls.The Jew is the Devil incarnate.I watched Trump in 2015 and enjoyed what he said(showing how desperate one becomes for even a scrap)and voted for him.Shortly I knew he was not helping us.One only has to look at his endorsements to see he was part of them all along.And his subservience to the Jews was open and sickening.He loves homosexuals and mass immigration.I did vote for him in 2020 even though I knew it was a waste.No more votes to the GOP for me,the whole thing is a farce.God will show us the way if enough of us ask Him.May the good Lord bless you and yours Sir.Enjoy and agree with all your comments.Christ is King!

  5. Sorry to have caused a ripple in your tea sir. It’s just that, I don’t know … THE TITANIC IS SINKING AND WE DON’T HAVE TIME FOR MILK TOASTS WHO WORRY ABOUT CAPS!!!!!!!!!!!

    My advice 🙂 Keep playing wordsmith till the ice water’s at your ankles. Anyone with a brain and a pair will create their own “broader plan.” I’m just trying to stir thought that might cause the boiling frogs to JUMP.

  6. Hey Josey, just in case you were talking to me, you want a plan? You may be sorry you asked.

    If you’re willing to listen to a woman, then I’d say: Endeavor to obey Jesus in more and more ways; honor the sabbath and think of it as your weekly boycott against the whole rotten mess; be involved with first your family, then your neighbors, then your church, then your county or town — as in just hanging out and developing relationships. Once you’ve done that for a decade or so, it might be time to do more concrete things, but if you try to so much as organize a parade, just a little old parade, without having community and trust, then the feds will screw everything up for you.

    Most of the rightwing is almost cute the way you’ve discovered how the feds screw everything up. Take it from an old time antiwar protester, they are everywhere. Usually they just sow discord and ill will and so destroy your movement that way. Then there’s the total brain takeover — all the lefty lunacy now on display seems to me to be fed-induced brainwash brain damage — they’ve got it bad. Meanwhile, in my old age I figured out that I’m actually an old timey paleocon Appalachian union maid kind of book worm — it explains why I never quite fit in on the left, why I just kept saying things that made the odd looks pass around the room.

    These things take time. Yes, I know we ain’t got that time. And that’s why you need to have gotten started yesterday. Seeing as how you didn’t, then you got to start today.

  7. I’m not a Southerner.

    My bone with Trump is not just initial endorsement of the “vaccine”, but his *continued* endorsement of it, even as late as within the last few months, after all the side effects (like… you know, DEATH) have came out. It was that Candace Owens interview.

    He did a lot of crappy things to a lot of good people, and I’m willing to ignore his betrayal of his so-called friends and supporters. But I’m 100% not willing to ignore his continued shilling of the “vaccine”.

    Trump is one of two people who, when I see their face in a newspaper picture, I immediately avert my gaze. The other is “Pope” Francis.

    Its not even that I “hate” Trump… its something different… I don’t think he’s personally a bad or evil man… its like, he’s just so incredibly stupid and buffoonish… I don’t even have the words

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