Conservative Life in College

Let me start by revealing that I am a senior in college and close to graduating, I won’t indicate which college for the purposes of anonymity. While I’m sure there are plenty of people who already know that colleges are aggressively liberal, I would like to give an overview of my time in school. Perhaps my experiences will offer some amount of hope to perspective students, parents of students, or even just people who are disheartened with the state of our university system.

Firstly, I wish I could tell you college has been perfect, I can’t, but it also hasn’t been as bad as I feared. Academically, it’s hard to say much about the college experience. There are classes that I had to drop because I didn’t want to deal with openly progressive professors (predominately, in the history or religion courses). The professors, who I would consider pretty good in these classes, still don’t agree with me on most things, but they aren’t so pushy about their views where I feared it would impact my grades. Many “teachers” (especially those in courses that aren’t opinion-based) are actually just foreign graduate students, many of whom do not speak English well and also do not even understand their subjects. As a student in an engineering field, this was the biggest obstacle for me, since I couldn’t simply drop core classes. Current students have also had to deal extensively with masks and vaccine mandates but, more importantly, online classes.

I refused the vaccine and had to be tested for COVID every week. Not the worst thing but annoying, nonetheless. In all honesty, most of the professors can’t be bothered to take any action against you if you don’t wear a mask, but you do occasionally have unwanted interactions with busybody lesbians insisting you wear one. Again, not a huge issue, since you can really just ignore people or tell them no. While these aren’t massive problems on their own, they are irritating. Online classes were the real plague during COVID. Personally, I managed to do fine during all online semesters, but I know many people who weren’t able to ever get the hang of it. The environment is entirely different, the tests had huge cheating problems, tech challenges arose, none of the professors try to get to know you (good luck getting recommendations from them in the future), and socialization with your classmates was greatly minimized.

Now, here comes the good news. You aren’t alone in being a conservative in college, as much as the Diversity and Inclusion Department would like you to believe. I’ve visited friends in colleges in a number of states and it’s always the same. If you’re a conservative and looking for support while in college, here’s my advice: go to church, it takes work to find good churches in a college town and it’ll be draining to search, but when you find a good one, you’ll have a place you can come back to no matter what. Avoid liberal hubs at all costs (I love coffee, but I’d rather get my coffee at a local gas station than a café with a gay flag). Talk with people from the Agriculture Department, 8 out of 10 students in Ag are good ol’ boys and more than happy to get into mischief with you.

Share your opinion, it can be hard to do this, and you will upset people, but it’s better to be a beacon for others than to go through life trying to please people who will hate you for your beliefs. If you need a job during the semester, try to get one with the Facilities Department or another place where it will be blue collar work. Take care of yourself, it may be superficial, but you can’t hold even remotely fringe views and be unhygienic (you don’t have to be an Adonis, but don’t come off as weird or gross). 

Obviously, every experience will differ from person to person, but you need to remember that what you think is the hard and fast culture of a place is usually disinformation. If you keep friends close, family closer, and God closest, you will be able to thrive in even the most liberal of places – including college.

-By Dixie Anon


  1. An engineer huh? I’ve definitely noticed the engineering fields leans towards social conservatism and religiosity, whereas the science field towards progressivism and fedoraism. Julius Evola was an engineer.

    Hilarious RW write-up:

    What does OP think the job prospects for college educated people will be in 1, 2, 5, 10, etc years, given that more “professional” workplaces are going along with the CDC/WHO guidelines and pushing hard for the mRNA gene-therapy (A.K.A “vaccine), whereas that’s less the case in suburban and rural areas, especially amongst blue collar work.

    IMO, unless you’re finishing up a STEM degree and view the tuition $$$ as a sunk cost, I can’t see how college would work out economically in this environment.

    Curious to hear others’ opinions on this as well

  2. A good article and I quite enjoyed it.Sounds like a good old boy.One question:what does hygiene have to do specifically with having normal traditional views?I assume normal people have good hygiene.And its been proven that darkies,homos,sluts and other scum of society have lots of diseases and generally smell.People with low intelligence or mental illness like most freaks in our society do tend to be nasty in hygiene as well as orientation.Also Jews are some of the nastiest,smelliest beings no matter how wealthy.Anyway thanks for your informative piece,God bless and watch over you.

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