An Alternate Universe

According to Jen Psaki, I’m living in an alternate universe for pointing out how problematic all this crime has become. Unfortunately, I’m certain that my location is here with everyone else. I guess what she was trying to say is that Fox News transports your brain to some other plane of reality. However, I don’t even watch that channel and I’m still noticing all this stuff.

Well, lemme explain.

In fact, one doesn’t need to be watching anything at all. A recent tragedy provides a gruesome illustration: a young British scientist was asleep in Atlanta when he caught a stray round in the head. I wrote an article last spring explaining how these incidents transpire.

In this clip, they express bewilderment at what happened, perhaps to insinuate that he was murdered by a redneck. I’ve encountered plenty of Brits who believe that a large percentage of shootings in America are done by rednecks because that’s a narrative they were raised on.

No suspects, shocking.

In the information dystopia we’re experiencing, a set of narratives are imposed through psychological manipulation, coercion, and censorship. The problem is that contradictory information can be delivered in many forms. For example, as a small metallic projectile like in the scenario above. This principle doesn’t seem to be relevant to those doing the lying but it should.

A common thread ties all these people together. Take a wild guess.

A current narrative is that military conflict with Russia to save Ukrainian democracy is imminent. It sounds so unbelievably recklessly stupid that I haven’t been paying much attention. However, I’d have to be living in an alternate universe to assume it’s not possible.

The Russians are warning that they’re prepared to provide contradictory information to the notion that they’re going to be encircled and overthrown. It could come in the form of hypersonic missiles or maybe an entire army that steamrolls NATO forces in a matter of hours.

Much like these hapless NATO troops, we’re expected to live and die according to the narratives rather than reality. Reality exists all the same, which means that none of these narratives are ultimately going to be vindicated. In fact, the concept that it’s possible to alter reality with lies strikes me as fundamentally satanic. That’s not going to deter them from trying, so buckle up.


  1. Reminds me of an Albert Einstein quote expressing his views on the so-called uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics: “The Moon is there whether I’m looking at it or not”

    Indeed, the “physics” of the last 100 years has done much undermine belief in an objective reality amongst the populace.

    One of many “bricks in the wall” to make use of that Pink Floyd song

  2. I’m at the point in my life that when any subject arises that seems as ridiculous as sending our troops to Ukraine while leaving the Mexico border wide open, my first question is: Are they jewish?

    Is the issue represented by a jew? Like Vindman? Every war is a jewish war.

    Then one realizes that it is wholly a jewish assault that is bringing in the illegals from the south, while Israel hypocritically maintains its jewishness by limiting others from their country.

    What is the first question one must answer before moving forward?

    Are they jewish? If so, know that there is a lie going forward and respond accordingly.

    Jewish power and influence is our greatest misfortune.

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