A Month of Learning Begins

Attention bigots! This isn’t the winter of your discontent, it’s Black History Month. You need to learn that the intergenerational trauma inflicted on black bodies can lead to fraught confrontations during situations that your white privilege would lead you to consider trivial, or perhaps mundane.

For example, waiting in line at Golden Corral for beef that tastes like it’s been marinated in dishwater. If the gentleman ahead of you secures the final morsels, you’d consider this proper according to the rules of chivalry and head to the chocolate fountain to contract hepatitis. However, the stress induced on a black body would lead to a spectacle of violence to rival the heroic deeds of the past, such as the Battle of Thermopylae.

You might be shocked, but a google search revealed this wasn’t the first time.

It’s important to respect the fact that black women built America without compensation and the tab is finally due. Below, we can observe a group of potential supreme court justices using their black bodies for a sit-in to demand reparations at a prestigious law school. Black bodies require food, or else violence will ensue. The dean wisely complied. At the time of publication, he is alive and well.

I believe the person in question is from the mountains of Scandinavia.

I admire these women for demanding justice, but a name in the tweet above imparts some concern for their well-being. In a white supremacist country like America, certain lines can’t be crossed without consequences. Whoopi Goldberg recently found the weight of white supremacy brought down on her head just for expressing an opinion about us.

Did she just make up her name? I can’t believe it.

The thing about black women is that in the righteousness of their sentiments, they can lose sight of practical considerations which leads to groveling apologies. “Oh yes suh, I’ma sorry suh. Won’t never happen again Mista Greenblatt.” She’s still suspended despite her self-abasement. If you’re still skeptical this is a white supremacist country in need of reform, I don’t know what else to say.

Another thing I’ll say though is not to get between a black man and a chicken sandwich. The intergenerational trauma could get you killed. That’s precisely what happened a few years ago and the perpetrator didn’t live to regret it.

Blinded by your white privilege, you just think it’s a sandwich.

There are many things to admire about black people, from the pyramids to peanut butter. Nonetheless, one must always remain cognizant of the complex dynamic that intergenerational trauma, the denial of reparations, and white supremacy plays in guiding their behavior. Also, never forget this is ultimately your fault. It’s only by addressing these issues that we can get them back to building this country again.


  1. Did those fine, upstanding citizens somehow mistake Golden Corral for Chuck E. Cheese? We are certainly used to hearing about ChickenBone Capone capping a few of his homies for some perceived minor slight at a toddler birf’day party over at da House ‘o Cheese. But doesn’t the 80+ year old cohort rule the roost at Golden Corral?

    Totally astonished by the lack of gunfire. If you think WE can’t relax around blax, imagine how THEY feel in their own company.

  2. Gotta be honest with you here fam: we should be thanking our lucky stars we’re forced to live with these Blacks given the current Flu World Order. Not even being ironic.

    Think about it: what is the vaccination % of rowdy Blacks vs (over)civilized Whites? Vastly skewed towards the former. Pretty sure only like 1/3rd of Blacks have been “vaxxed” compared to like 70ish% of Whites.

    White people want to “do the right thing” and are motivated by altruism to a much larger degree than Blacks. Also that, as a result of African-Americans being taught to hate Whitey their entire lives, an unintended consequence is that they see the vax regime as some kind of White supremacist ploy to hurt them, neutralize their melanin, or whatnot.

    With how many Blacks work for E.G. the Post Office, they’re probably the main reason they were granted a vax-exemption, which benefits anti-vax White postmen as much as it does any other race.

    The two main things that’ve prevented the ruling elites from enacting Austria and Australia (what is it with these A-countries?) style authoritarian controls are as follows: the 2nd Amendment and rowdy Blacks.

    Just this last weekend I had a nice half-hour conversation with this pidgin-speaking Afro-Caribbean immigrant who works at this family-owned African culture / Black power shop at the mall (I buy herbs and incense there), and she was totally against the vax -AND- had Nation Of Islam newspapers on a stand with the title-page headline “DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE”. Louis Farrakhan = based niBBa. Would be hilarious if you guys had him on one of your podcasts for a discussion on COVID-19 and the history of medical experimentation on unwilling civilians by the US Govt.

    If you assume these “vaccines” are some kind of mass-sterilization program, than race doesn’t really matter as much as it did in 2019, especially given that the vast majority of White women have already taken the mRNA juice– the spike proteins of which suspiciously tend to accumulate a lot in the gonads.

    It would be far more beneficial at this point to shift race to the back-burner and focus on opposition to the totalitarian Great Reset. Its a necessary pre-requisite to White survival given that it doesn’t really matter how many White babies are born if they’re gonna enslave *everyone* under some kind of nano-brainchip internet-of-everything techno-control grid, I.E., kinda stuff Alex Jones’ been talking about for years now.

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