What is a Floridian? A civic nationalist would just say someone living in Florida. An ethnic nationalist would require someone of a specific heritage. And, a racial nationalist would consider someone from a broad racial tradition. Many believe Florida is/was created by the larger United States; a tribe or a group of people manifested from a larger polity. I believe that the Floridian people are a historical and specific ethnic people.
The founding stock of Florida includes the Europeans, Africans, and Hispanics (mostly of Spanish and Cuban origin, i.e., the “Floridanos”), but we can incorporate some people who consider themselves Floridians, if they embrace our nation. We speak one language (albeit different accents), and we have the same history and the same goals. We need to recognize ourselves as one people, the Floridian people, unless we are to be destroyed. Please note: I do not advocate for mixing people into one caramel color and labeling them “New Americans” or “New Floridians.” I believe in the true, genuine, and the historical diversity of Florida. We need a true State, an absolute and independent one, to build a new Florida. But, we cannot do that until we realize we are a unique people, and we have a historical destiny that we must realize.
How will we create the Floridian identity? We must unify and cultivate an ethnos – preserving, maintaining, and advancing the State of Florida and her culture. The birth of a nation is strictly dependent on the ability of all individuals partaking in the group identity, to maintain and propagate the values and virtues that bind them together.
We need to manifest ourselves and believe in ourselves; a group only exists if its members believe it exists. We need to understand ourselves as a group; we need to set up an explicit attitude of our Floridian culture. There’s a reason why Texans feel so strongly about their homeland – they know who they are – they are proud Texans. The same can be applied to a Free Florida, we are Floridians and fiercely proud of our nation. If we do this, we can liberate Florida from the modern liberalism that deracinates us. With this, we could effectively create a strong Floridian ethnic identity. And while it would not be a completely homogeneous society, it would be dominated by a “Florida First” monoculture.
Then, we would expel our foreign elements, and embrace our uniquely Floridian heritage of Southern culture and Spanish heritage (to the extent it resonates with Floridians of that persuasion). Some may ask how we can incorporate the African descendants of the state of Florida. They are native to Florida, just as the Florida “Cracker” is also native. Ultimately, our desire is to leave them be. They will be separate but equally Floridian. In turn, a stronger and more unified people will emerge to defend our soil and culture.
Any people, during this reformation of Florida, who have other allegiances, such as an allegiance to a different nation other than Florida, can leave without molestation. Snowbirds and transplants, who will not assimilate, can leave with their belongings. Florida belongs to Floridians. A new Florida must spring forth. The Sunshine State will be unified if we see this through, because we are a unique people and we shall be free.
-By Baron of Pinellas

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Please do not ignore the jewish transplants who actually run things in Florida now.
I don’t ignore the JQ but most foreign transplants need to go. Including internal jews aswell as Yankees.
Florida is the true successor of Rome! We are the true Romans!
This is unhinged madness that is never going to amount to anything.
The founding stock of Florida is European, African, and Hispanic. So on your own admission anyone descended from the three founding groups are true Floridians. Therefore one cannot and should not oppose intermingling between Floridians. In addition as an Orthodox Christian I cannot oppose intermarriage or socializing between said groups. To do so goes against Christianity.
You should accept people who have contributed the most to Floridian culture whilst having their own sun cultures. Intermingling would destroy their own cultures and our own.
Having read your article, i can see the argument but I’d follow the teachings of Ivan Ilyin who taught us to resist evil by force. Being proud of your heritage doesn’t mean supremacy and i do not promote it. Anyone can find Christ but that doesn’t mean the mixing of everyone into a caramel blob. Florida is not an orthodox nation but the orthodox teachings can inspire some. Florida isn’t Russia with its idealized Russian peasant who was faithful to god. We are either papists or baptists with some other denominations. So trying to copy an eastern model wouldn’t work. We should strive for something specifically Floridian.
*sub cultures.
Read all I said and my article.
My other comment didn’t go through, it was replying to my other comment. I was saying each group has contributed to Floridian culture greatly but they have their own sub cultures which would be washed away if we mixed together. We need to buiid up each sub culture and make them strong through struggle.
My other comment didn’t go through, it was replying to my other comment. I was saying each group has contributed to Floridian culture greatly but they have their own sub cultures which would be washed away if we mixed together. We need to buiid up each sub culture and make them strong through struggle.