Rational Alienation

The other day, I was speaking with a random person in the bar and we were talking of economics and unfortunate realities. Amazon, Walmart, etc., all push out and destroy small businesses. We agreed that things would be better if we supported the small businesses rather than large ones because of the impact to the middle-class. I pointed out the reality that even though most people agree about this in theory, (we all realize it’s better for society for a strong middle-class to thrive and this only happens with many independent businesses), it’s against our immediate and short-term interest to shop at such places because the economies of scale make the prices worse. 

Furthermore, while we realize the benefit in theory, the benefits are more alienated from us as many of us have no relationship with the small businesses in our town. I don’t know Jim of “Jim and Sons Hardware Store” or Pete from “Pete’s Butcher Shop” any more than I know who is the manager of the Walmart. What I do know is the prices. Why would I spend extra money to benefit someone who I don’t know from Adam?

This is precisely the issue with the broader White Nationalist movement. It’s focused on these broad concepts of identity, but not about how people actually think. Whiteness as a broad unifying construct doesn’t really exist. [Note: I do not mean to assert that whiteness does not exist, only that it doesn’t serve as a basis for unity.] Certainly, you’ll notice on the boundaries of countries intermixing between the different groups. Realistically, the people in the heartland wouldn’t be opposed at a borderland Italian marrying a Slovene, whereas they would see more opposition if the travelling Chinese trader or African servant on a boat knocked up a local girl. Additionally, it’s important to realize that even within modern nations, there are subcultural groups and many people in the heartland may view the urbanites in the capital as the “other,” just less of the “other” than people outside the country or from different continents. 

Everyone needs an in-group, and everyone needs to be able to point out folks as being the “other.”  Unfortunately, a combination of globalization causing mass migration, intrastate travel for jobs, and perverse cultural degradation have all led to people feeling as if they have no coherent group they belong to. This deracinated way of living, where everyone is an individual, emphasized by the American political establishment since not long after WW2, is unnatural. No one thinks of themselves truly as an individual. No man is an island, Entire of itself.  

We all have an innate need to be a member of a tribe. Whether this tribe is ethnic, civic localism, or even based on being fans of the same stupid movie or video game series, there’s this need to belong to a group.  The latter examples, just like the sports team where the fans get overboard to the extent that they turn newspapers into weapons, are unhealthy manifestations of this need to identify with something outside yourself. 

When you don’t have outward identity in an organic way, you get an artificial version, whether it be civic nationalism to a country that hates you or to some degenerate “art” or sports. You long for a people connected to you. You need a people that aren’t just abstract, though. This is another trap many on the Dissident Right get into. You don’t just need people that agree with you on the internet, but real flesh and blood people that you can identify as your group and depend on in real life.

That’s precisely what we’re trying to do here. These articles are not just meant to give the writers dopamine hits from the praise or anger their words conjure up from people on the internet. In some way, this is meant to help folks along this path to retaking their identity. We need to embrace our inner urges and form organic tribes. You need to find like-minded people who you can depend on. While it can certainly start online, it needs to become real. Particularly as COVID hysteria gets more excessive, shortages crop up more, and travel becomes more difficult, it becomes ever more important to form a local community. 

I know. It’s hard. All things worth doing are. Your job right now may pay too much to quit and move. You want to start a family and need to save up. There are many excuses for this, I’m guilty of it, too. However, the question one needs to ask in this situation is “if not now, when?”


  1. In the Night Lands there was one bright beacon of hope and defiance in the ever present darkness, the Last Redoubt. Truth in a world darkened by lies. Home

  2. I’ve gotten some interesting responses to this in other channels and I want to be clear about something I said in the article. When I said ” Whiteness as a broad unifying construct doesn’t really exist” I did not mean to imply that whiteness does not exist. It obviously does. I was merely asserting that while it exists, it does not serve as a basis of unity. There is not any real sense of pan-white identity felt by people historically.

    1. Whiteness DID once serve as a ‘broad unifying construct’ and as ‘a basis of unity’. If it’s disappeared it’s because the popular mind has been brainwashed into believing there’s such a thing as a proposition nation. Stalin believed and promoted this idea. It’s an idea that flies in the face of historic Christianity. I could go on, but if it’s not recovered the White Race will disappear in a Coudenhove-Kalergi consummation.

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