One of the most significant challenges the Dissident Right faces, especially in the past five years, has been the threat of doxxing – the publishing of one’s personal information online, particularly in regards to their authentic political views. This threat is why it’s a good idea to be anonymous online. Many people have had their careers destroyed in a heartbeat. An untold number of others, though they hate globohomo, have opted to stay on the sidelines, fearing what would happen if they join the rhetorical fight and are doxxed. It does not matter how low ranking the job is, there have been pizza delivery guys and people who work at hotdog stands fired for their political views. I feel confident in stating that doxxing is the single biggest threat the Dissident Right faces, and the biggest reason why we have lost so much ground. Much ink has been spilled on how to avoid being doxxed; however, the Dissident Right has not explored why doxxings are happening, beyond simple leftwing vindictiveness.
Russian-American scholar Peter Turchin has come up with the best theory as to why the doxxings have become routine, though he has not, to my knowledge, applied his theoretical framework to the current order. Turchin’s theory, laid out most succinctly in his Secular Cycles and Ages of Discord, examines how societies evolve (or devolve) through the good times/bad times cycle of history. According to Turchin, one of the best indicators that a society is headed toward major strife is when it suffers from elite overproduction. Essentially, it is when a society produces too many elites than there are employment and/or cultural positions for them. A large group of failed elites are created, or people who think they should be considered elites, but are, for various reasons, unable to do so. In turn, they try to destroy their competition, creating spaces for them to fill the void. According to Turchin, elite overproduction was widespread in the last days of the Roman Empire and France during the French Wars of Religion. Per Turchin, an uptick in dueling can be linked to elite overproduction. Elite overproduction was also a major problem during the last days of Tsarist Russia. Turchin explains that the Russian Revolution was not made by poverty-stricken peasants and industrial workers, as Marx had predicted, but rather the children of prominent families.
With Turchin’s theory in mind, a clear understanding as to why doxxings are happening becomes clear – it is the failed elites lashing out. Consider the stereotypical antifa member that obsesses over ratting people out in order for them to get fired by their employer, and remember that the antifa are typically college educated, often with a post-graduate education, but are employed well below their expectations. After all, a college degree stopped being a ticket to success for the middle-class years ago. By finding people to get fired, they are hoping to take out rival elites and clear space for them, so they can achieve the elite status they feel they are entitled to. Additionally, leftists (save for the useful idiot class) don’t really mind hierarchy per se, they just don’t like that they are not at the top of that hierarchy. There is a reason why Marxism appeals to low paid intellectuals. Marxism inevitably leads to a technocratic dictatorship, thanks to the complexities in centrally run economies, and they see themselves as having the skills to rule under this new order.
It may be true that many low paid and decidedly non-elite people have been fired for their political opinions. As has already been mentioned, this includes pizza delivery guys and people who work at hotdog stands. But, this can be seen as simply collateral damage. The real targets are people they view as their genuine competition. To antifa doxxers (and the broader Left), the greater threat comes from the Dissident Right men employed in the corporate world, and even more so in academia. These men have the jobs that the stereotypical antifa member/cat lady desires and is willing to take them out to get it. Dueling is certainly more honorable than cowardly and anonymously reporting someone for wrongthink, but the impulse behind this is the same.
This is also why antifa doxxers are also increasingly going after solid liberals – they are eliminating competition. This is also why the “outrages” and “offenses” that urge them to doxx strangers on the internet keeps getting longer, they need to eliminate more and more competition. Of course, there are very few elites in the corporate world who have anything close to genuine rightwing views and that has been the case for decades. It was not that long ago when transgressive comedians like Monty Python or South Park were openly joking about how transsexuals were off their rockers, and at the time it was considered uncontroversial, especially considering the history of both. Today, joking about such things will lead to your termination of employment.
The more mainstream liberal elite, the vast majority of whom have said something in the past that could get them fired, can be viewed as appeasers. They are hoping to fend them off and keep their own positions by throwing others under the bus. Certain segments of the non-Bolshevik Russian elite tried to do the same thing. Of course, they failed. And, the current crop of elites who are trying to satisfy antifa will also fail.
This is about a great deal more than just “opposing fascism.” While envy is certainly a major factor, the base of why they want to destroy what great men have built is that (1) our history and culture reminds them of their own failures and (2) the impulse driving all of this is that they want to be elites, despite failing to rise above their station. And, this is what is at stake. Failed elites can (and will) destroy nations, if allowed. They are envious of those that have what they don’t and are willing to destroy to get it. Every time you read of someone who has been fired for their political views, be they Dissident Right, a normiecon, or a mainstream liberal, you are witnessing a spot opening up for some antifa goon to take that position, bringing themselves one step closer to solidifying their rule.

It happened to me. There are honeypots on Facebook! I learned the hard way. I’ll never work a job that requires a reputation again.
I think mama of mamas and the Pepe’s just got doxed. I think she’s a lawyer, or was…
Notice, the Liberal establishment is willing to use ANTIFA’s services, and ignore their crimes. As we know well, it was tested in Charlottsville and replicated elsewhere, mainly in Portland and Seattle, and in many other cities of the “Notorious Summer of 2020” where allied BLM/ANTIFA coalition stormed the streets and neighborhood inflicting “MOB JUSTICE” pretty much unopposed, causing directly or indirectly dozens of deaths and damage in excess of $2B. It only started as an attempt for the local governments to make life harder, if impossible, for the Right to assemble and use their First Amendment rights, without looking like the mayor and the police are actually infringing. Regardless of the cause, anti-abortion, blue-lives matter (ironically we saw last year during such demonstrations by the pro-police conservatives, the police itself stood down while ANTIFA pummeled isolated individuals and even families with children), or today anti-Covid restrictions, you can guarantee ANTIFA will show up and attempt to disrupt, and physical attack protestors, while police pretend ‘it’s keeping them separate’ (lately the police have been given the orders to subdue ANTIFA\BLM somewhat, since Biden is now in the office, so the cities have to look they are keeping the order). So far I am not aware of any high-profile ANTIFA/BLM case brought up by the Government in any instance. But we remember how quickly Hollywood establishment came to their rescue with offers of generous bonds and donations. Even members of the Democratic party made no secrets of their support. Just as the article above mentioned, everything Liberals are doing or not doing, could easily backfire. I will refer to the article I found on the First Thing, by Gary Morson. “The Suicide of the Liberals:”
Between 1900 and 1917, waves of unprecedented terror struck Russia. Several parties professing incompatible ideologies competed (and cooperated) in causing havoc. Between 1905 and 1907, nearly 4,500 government officials and about as many private individuals were killed or injured. Between 1908 and 1910, authorities recorded 19,957 terrorist acts and revolutionary robberies, doubtless omitting many from remote areas. As the foremost historian of Russian terrorism, Anna Geifman, observes, “Robbery, extortion, and murder became more common than traffic accidents.”