Scientific Salvation

40 year olds can keel over and die, but this generally doesn’t happen. When I found out this was the fate of someone who participates in fitness events with me, I initially assumed he perished in a motorcycle accident. I ride one as well, and I’ve come to realize that the grim reaper enjoys tagging along.

A week prior, we did a run and he’d seemed to be in perfectly good health and spirits. Although, he’d mentioned he’d soon be getting his second shot in order to remain employed because he found the weekly testing requirements onerous. Of course, that’s not why they’re mandatory but I’m digressing, sorry.

Anyways, he didn’t die on the road. There’s no reason to connect that to anything but random chance or whatever serious preexisting condition from which somebody who can run up and down hills in hot weather would’ve been suffering. Science provides accurate data gathered and presented through an objective process for the benefit of humanity, everyone should trust the science. If suspicious deaths became alarmingly prevalent, we’d see them accurately disclosed by VAERS.


A lack of faith in science used to plague pre-modern societies. It’s not a coincidence these societies were also patriarchal. The male brain is more likely to harbor superstitions, perhaps because we lack a nurturing instinct. As a personal anecdote on the progress we’re making as a nation, I’m heartened to see my friends’ wives post photos of their children being vaccinated on social media accompanied by tributes to the science.

If you’re vaccine hesitant, it’s vital that you overcome your selfish superstitions in order to protect vaccinated people from this deadly pandemic. That’s why I recommend you consult with your healthcare professional about whether or not vaccination is right for you and everyone you love, regardless of their age or pregnancy status.

Critical thinking skills and a willingness to challenge the consensus no matter the consequences are how someone gets to be a physician. Your doctor will make a recommendation based on the science, free of fear from any professional, financial, or social repercussions.

Like I just said, your physician will provide vaccine advice that’s highly specific to your personal medical situation. However, if you’re given the wrong advice (not getting the vaccine for any reason whatsoever) it’s because your physician is a criminal. Below is an interview given by Mr. Bourla to the Atlantic Council, a benevolent organization that coordinates foreign policy for the greater good:

People spreading malicious lies in order to prolong this pandemic and kill countless millions really piss me off. Last weekend, there was a guy swilling his mass-produced lager beer at our table. He claimed to be worried because there wasn’t any long term data on side effects. I leapt up and shouted at him “You don’t trust the science?!!!” I wanted to grab a pool cue off the wall, snap it in half and put it through this SOB’s jugular.

The last time I became this irate, I was blocking a local road with some fellow anti-racist activists. I brought a crow bar and a can of bear mace for protection from fascists, but hoped I’d never need to use them. We stopped a middle-aged white woman in an SUV who arrogantly thought she could drive past and probably insult the memory of George Floyd. “Do Black lives matter, you fuckin’ Karen?!!!” I shouted. She sped off before I could defend myself. I bet Mrs. White Privilege still isn’t vaccinated.  


  1. Thank you Mr. Shackleford, from a far South Westerner and physician of Virginia heritage…

  2. There are stories floating around of the vaccinated claiming to be un-jabbed so they can receive extra doses and be extra protected from the un-vaxxed. That beats three masks by a mile. Once again, American ingenuity carries the day!

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