Demoralization and Yuri Bezmenov

For those of you not yet aware of Yuri Bezmenov, it is of critical importance you become aware of him in order to fully understand exactly what is going on right now and what is to come in the future. I will attempt to bring you up to speed as quickly as possible. Yuri Bezmenov is a historically significant figure in dissident politics for his role in shedding light on our enemies’ tactics – the ones they will deny they are using, even as you blatantly witness them using them against you. Bezmenov’s background is incredibly important with understanding his advice, as well as, our current situation.

Yuri Bezmenov was responsible for disinformation and propaganda for the purpose of converting India to communism (while working out of the Soviet embassy), and he eventually became a KGB defector. To make a long story short, he grew to love the local indigenous culture (not the first time a White man has gone native) but also he began to hate the Soviet Union on a moral basis. As a result, he decided to funnel information to the West, and when that no longer was fully viable, he defected.

Upon his defection, he lectured at many universities on the dangers of communism, the process the Soviet Union developed to convert countries to communism, and the stages that are involved while describing the formal training he received toward these ends.

If you have time, I encourage you to sit a spell and watch his lecture videos and compare them to what is going on right now, if anything it will be very eye opening.

The process used is a four step ideological subversion. These steps are as follows:

  1. Demoralization: educate an entire generation(s) in Marxist ideology. This is comparable to what has been taught in schools at all levels now and reinforced through cultural programing.
  2. Destabilization: disrupt a nation’s economy, foreign relations, and defense systems. Observe the horrible state of the U.S. economy, loss of diplomatic power on the global stage due to corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, the selling, the compromise, and stealing of defense secrets, and weakening military due to “woke” ideology.
  3. Crisis: instigate violent change of power, structure, and economy. For example, observe Marxist terrorist organizations such as antifa, BLM, and other various NGOs, as well as, historical examples like the Weather Underground, environmental terrorists, etc.
  4. Normalization: foster a period of stability until the next cycle reaches another crisis point. In our case, reference one constant crisis after another: economic crashes, endless wars, swine flu, SARs, and now coronavirus.

It is important to understand other things with regards to demoralized people, especially when you feel that they can be “saved” (which in most cases they can’t). He gives us more pointers here:

“They are contaminated; they are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind, even if you expose them to authentic information, even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still cannot change the basic perception and the logic of their behavior. In other words these people… the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible.”

Do not misunderstand that you shouldn’t try. You should always try, even if destined to fail, because giving up against communism is never an option. You should, however, use this information to screen out people in your life who are not worth your time and effort. Time is a commodity, its usage is valuable.

Currently, we are living in a time where all of these factors have been encapsulated. The American Empire gaslights its own people into believing that what is happening isn’t really happening and that their eyes are lying to them. The Left has seized control of all the nations of the West, not just in America, but in Britain, France, Germany, Australia, Italy, and more countries than you can shake a stick at. The Left’s reach is practically everywhere, but the crown jewel for them was to take Western Europe, the Anglosphere, and the United States.

They started out small, operating in the far flung corners of the world, away from prying eyes where their actions would not garner a response, places in Latin America, Asia, and elsewhere. Even then, when the globalists did get a response it was of no consequence because these places were not the goal, the strongholds were and it took a series of major wars to get them – The Great War, World War 2, and the Cold War were necessary to destroy the West.

But, this was on the larger level, the globalists had to break down the strongest of them all – the United States. Say what you will about it, but the U.S. was the strongest of all the Left’s desires. For the U.S., it was a series of many wars piled on top of the Cold War to financially deplete and overextend abroad and at home, Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Iraq, then Iraq again and Afghanistan. By the time all of this was done, the local economy had been boxed up and shipped overseas to Asia and the American Empire’s economy turned into an import-based and transactional economy. Additionally, the native culture degraded into a sewer and the historic population was/is being demographically displaced.

You hear stories about shortages, even see them for yourself, and this is all intentionally done so that you lose assets – because having assets is power. Owning a home is power, owning a vehicle so you cannot be restricted in your personal movement is power. All of these things that people have become accustomed to is real power, whether you realize it or not. It is for these reasons that the globalists want to take these things from you.

The only solution is what we have talked about here on this site – preparation. Preparation does not mean just stocking up on guns, ammo, food, water, etc. Preparation means building communities, networks, parallel institutions, learning real skills which are necessary for building a civilization, and reading about real history.

You must not comply either, you have to peacefully resist. You have more power than you realize. Pilots and workers at Southwest Airlines went on strike over the jab mandate, the result was crippling the company in a day. In Jacksonville Florida, nobody showed up at Jacksonville Center, a place responsible for controlling airspace from Florida to New Jersey. More money than any of us will ever know was lost due to cancellations, rerouting, and delays.

This is what the globalists don’t want you to realize, and it is what I want you to realize – you still have power. They would not need to gaslight you with propaganda if they had already won, that is not how war works (take it from a war veteran).

It is important to have a family, to pass the torch, keep them from being demoralized as Yuri Bezmenov described. You do this through home schooling, Christian schooling, and, in some cases and if you screen them well enough, private schooling.

Return to tradition, embrace your people and put them first before all others and reach your full potential. Live healthier, stop watching porn, learn a trade, get married, have kids. The rest will fall into place because this world does not belong to satanic globalists, it belongs to God, always has been and always will be. He will not let this evil come to pass.

Deo Vindice.

God bless you and God bless Dixie


  1. Good article, sir. I was first turned onto Mr. Bezmenov’s lectures four or five years ago, and, you are definitely right that there is much to be gleaned therefrom by dissidents interested in learning what the hell is going on and why! I have watched those lectures since my first introduction to them at least a dozen times. If not more.

    I think the biggest takeaway I have personally gleaned from his lectures is that “open societies” are, by definition, open – completely open – to infiltration from bad actors, demographic replacement, and, ultimately, total overthrow. In hindsight, this all seems like common sense, but, I’m not sure I quite saw it in fullness until I’d watched his lectures a few times. …

    1. It worse than that Mr. Morris, our society is opened through language as well. It’s why I harp on terminology so much, words define us, terms define our thought process. It’s supposed to flow from within our people outward, what (((Communists))) do is create an industry around every aspect of a culture and reverse the process. Instead of language being a natural flow from within to without that resonates within our people, refines and defines us, now it comes from without and defines us from outside. It’s a long explanation, but you can alter a people’s identity simply by having them use your words and terms. Our borders are open in more ways than one and I fear that the language barrier has been breached and now that our language is used worldwide its going to get a lot worse. You can’t even really call it our language anymore. This process of using language and terminology as a weapon against us to alter our very thoughts is I fear our greatest open border.

  2. I just posted a video of his to a Chinese national socialist yesterday, Yuri is quite good. So one point you bring up is that time is valuable, and I wholeheartedly agree, the next step in that line of thinking is that when do we get paid? I can’t keep doing this for free, there is litterally a chemical switch in your brain that triggers at a certain age where you cannot be productive or find the same level of fulfillment from something unless you are paid to do it. My switch flipped long ago, I carry on out of love for the South and my people, but I’m the first to admit that I am not nearly as passionate or effective as I was when I was younger due to not being compensated to advocate for us, not to mention the toll it takes on a person who spends all of his time fighting for the gain of others while his own life suffers, its just simple human nature. We never talk about this while the left doesn’t move unless there is a profit motive.

    Just yesterday I was in a discussion about the parallel Christian economy that Gab is trying to produce and all I could think of is where is the Southern parallel economy? It’s been over a century and as I look around all I can think is where is our hundred years of organization? We have nothing and our advice to the younger generations is learn a trade so that you can make a Yankee on Wall Street rich by sacrificing your life away in a country that hates you for people who are destroying you. That’s bad advice, we need organization, we need more skill sets than welders and electricians, we need to take everything we know and make it teachable for our children, we need to map and track everything, we need a social justice component to our efforts, we need a million things and never talk about them further because as soon as there is a cost involved, as there is for everything, the conversation stops.

    We have to fund ourselves, Washington crossed the Delaware not because he was a military genius, he did it because he was out of money to pay his soldiers. Do you doubt their conviction to the cause? You shouldn’t, it is just a simple fact of life. If you can’t earn a living doing something or have your income supplemented so that you have the time and resources to pursue advocacy, then conviction is a moot point. I marched in Austin against the Red guard a few years back and all I could think was, that if I so much as stub my toe, then I’m out of a job, can’t pay my bills, my life is over. I have plenty of conviction, but conviction ain’t enough.

    Yuri did not lecture for free, he did not have to worry about starving to death or watching his family starve while everyone who ignored their duty got rich. We have to learn pay ourselves to do things that do not generate a marketable product, we would lose that too anyway, for the same reason Democracy fails and a fair market tends to emulate Democracy and if that is what is deciding funding, then that is also what is deciding our fate and identity. Our enemies figured it out long ago, and while I go to marvel at a Yankee building a Christian economy on Gab, I will continue to feel less than good about me wasting my time trying to make sure the South is not forgotten in all of it, right before I go get noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner because I don’t get paid to spend all of my time tracking things, thinking, arguing and sometimes outright fighting for the South without financial support or any support for that matter. Conviction doesn’t even enter into the equation, the Delaware be damned.

    We have to organize and we have to pay ourselves and our “soliders” no amount of high minded talks on subversion or anything else matters if you starve or show up to advocate for us riding a My Little Pony bicycle and wearing second hand Walmart clothing because your calling is unpaid. I can’t go into all of the psychological reasons that “profit” motive is just as important as the other motives, but if you can’t eat, you can’t fight and nobody is going to join people that in one breath say secede and in the next breath say starve. What about our aging population that can’t work, myself included, I cant work turnarounds in Yankee refineries forever, then what?

    The Taliban kicked ZOG out of Afghanistan and guess what? All of their fighters were getting paid the whole time and were supplied with wives and homes after they won (along with cash and weapons from us), had that not been the case then there would be a transgender gay pride parade in Kabul right now. Its the same for us, yet it seems like nobody wants to talk about it. We have to pay for our organizations and fighters or we will not exist.

    We have to organize and we have to fund our efforts in a real way that benefits only Southerners, until then you cannot expect to accomplish anything and knowing what Yuri has to say about subversion will not magically put money in our pocket and food on our table, in fact the opposite will be true, its knowledge without the means to act upon it.

    We have to start paying ourselves and weeding out all of the leeches that will come knocking once we do, just like Wall Street constantly beating down Gab’s door wanting in, they will come for us as well and unless we have an alternative means of income, then we are doomed. All of our enemies and all of Yuri’s enemies are bankers and they are very well versed in developmental psychology, remember that, its the key to their victory, and ours, they know about the inability to fight without compensation after a certain age better than I do, so they make sure they are all paid and have jobs in HR, Diversity training, the million organizations run through Federal grants and all of the rest, if they did not do that they would lose and they know it. Why don’t we know it? We have to print money and pay our soldiers or they will go home to try and find some food and money, then we will die, its that simple.

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