One of the common features of dystopian fiction is some kind of exposition explaining how we got from “here” to “there.” Nuclear wars, water shortages, global flooding, zombie virus outbreaks and totally inexplicable wars have all been the catalyst for the seismic shifts that would need to take place in order for the current world to get to the setting of that movie. Not every movie explicitly has a voice over at the beginning explaining to the viewer what happened. In some instances, it’s inferred throughout the story and a viewer may miss a key point if they fail to catch a bit of dialog or something in the background of a particular scene.
In the real world, a pattern emerges when looking at such seismic shifts in a country’s political landscape. This is no more true than what are now called “fascist” governments. They do not just appear out of nowhere. There is often some sort of catalyst for the rise of such governments. Some thing or series of things (often times it’s several things) causes enough consternation that a sufficiently large portion of the population sides with a particular faction, and that faction rises to power. The newly empowered faction then begins asserting its power against those who caused the problems necessitating the new faction in the first place. For some, it was decades of bad economic policy and aggressive social degeneracy. For others, it was communists seeking to take the country over, but I repeat myself.
In other words, these types of groups do not come into power when things are going well and people are happy. They come to power when people are angry about what is going on in their country and the person/group they give power to has made believable promises. Those believable promises include fixing things that are broken and punishing the people who broke them.
A trailer for a propaganda movie called American Insurrection was recently released. This movie takes place in a “dystopian America where all people who aren’t straight, white, Christian and cis gender are kept track of by the government with bar codes.” This is the official synopsis. Personally, I question their use of “dystopian” and their insensitive lower case “w” when referring to White people.
It could easily be an article in and of itself to analyze all the exhausted stereotypes, completely absurd tropes, and threadbare, worn out clichés crammed into this two minute trailer that felt like it went on for at least a year. Everything one might surmise from the movie’s poster is supported by the trailer. A woman with a shaved head plays some caricature of hyper-masculine “girlboss,” despite not being able to hold a handgun in a way that’s even safe. It is clear that neither the actress, the writers, or anyone else involved has ever actually been around a real man, drawing only from their own sordid, liberal fantasies and half remembered GI Joe episodes they watched ironically in high school.
When a kid comes home from school and tells their parents they got punched in the eye, a good parent will start asking questions. One of those questions is generally asking why the kid punched them. Parents know that these kinds of things generally don’t happen in a vacuum, and usually the kid who did the punching was provoked (usually). This is true on the societal level as well, and everyone used to know this. Most people still do, but just aren’t allowed to say it out loud.
So the question is, what did they do? What is the catalyst of this movie that takes America from a nation that openly kowtows to all the SPLC designated victim groups to one that actually oppresses them in ways they fantasize about doing to us? In this feature length indictment against the people who built the free world, what could possibly push us that far?
Looking at America’s current state of affairs, it becomes difficult to imagine what else there is for these people to do. Drag queen story hour, the consequence-free burning and looting of cities, murderers being let free because they lied about hearing a racial slur, attempted murderers being let out on bond, and the ever changing “facts” about the COVID “pandemic” is a short list of things that have made people on the Right upset. Despite this, they have burned down zero cities, killed zero police officers, shot up zero schools, zero gay bars in Orlando or anywhere else, and committed zero acts of hate crime graffiti or hate crime violence against largely unknown but very loudly gay television actors. The straw that will break the proverbial camel’s back must be a doozy, indeed.
On the surface, this movie will be an antifa action movie where the brave hero girl defeats all the bad White men and kills them with guns she clearly didn’t ever use before filming started. Slightly below that is a confession of sorts, and a warning. The writers and foreign billionaires who created it know that the very large bear that keeps getting poked is starting to notice it is being poked and is none too pleased about it. This movie could and should be taken as a warning by the few mentally ill men in dresses, GRRL POWER believers and rootless cosmopolitan weirdos who will actually see it.
It should cause the people who fear this implausible future to wonder if perhaps they’re doing the wrong thing and should stop before it’s too late. Unfortunately, that’s not how compulsions and mental illnesses work. These types of people have a long, well documented history of kicking a dog and then crying because they can’t understand why the dog bit them. These are also the same types of people who can’t understand that if White Christian cis gendered Americans were in power, we wouldn’t want to ask for papers or brand anyone or do any of the things they want to do to us.

Genocidal propaganda like this offers an interesting opportunity. One can test to see if a person is brainwashed into hating decent Americans. Simply ask if White, Christian males ran the country and the institutions, why would they spend millions of dollars on movies where they are portrayed as cruel oppressors?