White liberals are afflicted with a self-concept of intelligence, sophistication and morality. In order to affirm this status, they will adopt beliefs which have been defined to them as its hallmarks. While they often internalize these beliefs as their own rational conclusions, they’re still beliefs cooked up by someone else who understands this psychological impairment to critical thinking. It’s about status, not sense.
COVID is brilliant in this regard. Quoting “the science” makes them tingle to the point where the violations to the scientific method of censoring discussion, banning the consideration of evidence, and putting complete confidence in the projected results of untested hypotheses are welcomed.
A tactic used to reinforce the need for status is the creation of straw men to serve as character foils. In this case, someone questioning the wisdom of vaccine mandates is worried about getting micro-chipped and likely to overdose on fish tank cleaner or horse paste. We’ll endure our final humiliation before the age of 40, begging for a vaccine before intubation while we’re gently told it’s too late. Once the status vs straw man combination is calibrated, one can work them like a ventriloquist:
In a plot they’re not aware that someone else is scripting, they’re the protagonists. This enables them to prattle about BLM and maintain indifference to a national black-on-black bloodbath, or condemn police brutality and then celebrate when it’s used on MAGA protesters.
Indeed, they’re capable of indifference to any form of cruelty because they don’t consider possibilities that would contradict their status whereas a conscience requires the active consideration of how one’s actions impact others. Thus, it’s never dawned on them that they’ve become an existential problem.
So, it’s rather alarming now that the unvaccinated are lethal villains to these protagonists instead of what we used to be, which were straw men to whom they could feel superior. The plot says that COVID is spreading because we’re refusing the vaccine. This is despite vaccination percentages exceeding 80% in some countries. This is something simple they can easily digest since the contradictions don’t matter. However, there’s much more going on:
Geert Vanden Bossche is a leading expert who now works independently. I’d recommend reading through all of his lengthy postings if you’re worried about where things are headed because they offer a lot of explanatory value from a scientific perspective.
One of his key points is that conducting mass mRNA vaccination campaigns in response to a coronavirus pandemic rather than allowing the natural acquisition of herd immunity is an experiment carrying risks that were deliberately ignored by his peers due to issues such as money and reputation.
He contends that it has prolonged and proliferated the pandemic, creating a breeding ground for more virulent strains that could be so devastating to compromised immune systems it might go down in history as one of the most reckless mistakes of all time.
It’s a lot of reading because it can’t be condensed into simple canards like the ones used to justify why every single human should be vaccinated without exception and why we deserve to perish for refusing. My primary takeaway is that the evolution of these strains is driven by the vaccinated, who are also the most vulnerable. That makes a great deal of sense when I read about the delta variant sweeping through a place like Israel with a vaccination rate that would supposedly get America back to normal.
The safest bet is that they’ll double down on blaming and persecuting us as everything we were told would come true continues to not come true. The other option is admitting they were wrong, so I’d say we’re in for a rough ride. Honestly, it seems like they were counting on this experiment working. Perhaps this is some kind of divine comedy. I wish I could laugh but I despise these people and I’m truly exasperated.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
The type of gain of function research Fauci wanted to do was illegal in the USA so he simply relocated the research to Wuhan China. Then after his research happened to “escape” the lab he actually blamed it on the eating habits of Chinamen. Yet very strangely without the usual calls of “racism” by the media. So then the USA hires the same guy responsible for the entire virus to head up the country’s reaction to it, everything from masks to mandated vaccines. You can’t make this stuff up and it’s all far too much to be coincidence. Therefore, I can only conclude that Fauci been appointed to wipe out the elderly Baby Boomers of the world before they cost too much in medical bills and social security. They’re just elderly white people who need replacement anyway. Although the public numbers will be rigged, Fauci will accomplish his mission BOTH through the virus but moreover through the “vaccine”.