Candy Isn’t Good For You

Candace Owens is a household name amongst those anywhere to the political right of center.  Her staunchly mainstream conservative talking points are catnip to White Republicans and anyone in an older age group than her find her rapid speech and sarcastic barbs clever.  Her comments on race are an intoxicating thrill to Whites who want to call liberals racists but lack the social credit score to do so.  They can, vicariously, level the ultimate accusation against their “enemies” by simply agreeing with a black conservative.  What her White fans don’t seem to realize is that she is no more an authentic conservative than Rachel Dolezal was a black woman.  It is a vehicle she uses to forward both a black agenda and a separate desperate, approval-from-black-people-craving White conservatives from their money.

Her official website touts that she made her first political video in 2017.  While likely true, it was far and away not her first foray into politics.  2015 saw our favorite Conservative It Girl start a company called Degree180.  A self-styled marketing company, it seemed mostly to serve as a blog where she and others of similar opinion wrote articles denigrating conservatives and documenting the “bat shit crazy antics” of Tea Party members and others who dared not be as woke as they were.  Candy, herself, penned a piece where she looked forward to the day where Tea Party members would die.  She magnanimously specified that “we hope” they die peacefully and in their sleep.  Other rightwing conservative articles and essays included informative pieces about how (then candidate) Trump was still a racist, even though he was married to an immigrant, a hard hitting and deep thinking essay on how Trump’s penis is roughly as small as Hitler’s, and how Trump’s proposed immigration moratorium on countries filled with people who hate America was just like Nazi Germany.  At no point were these articles retracted, edited or apologized for.  

She began another effort in 2016 called “SocialAutopsy,” which was ostensibly aimed at combatting internet bullies.  The actual aim was to harass, violate the privacy of, and attempt to embarrass people online who’s opinion she didn’t like.  In other words, she wanted people to pay her to act like a particularly mean high school girl and was building a database to name and shame anyone to her political right.  This attempt was roundly criticized by the Left, Right, and privacy advocates.  Her comeuppance was swift and conveniently timed when her own information was leaked online.  Somehow, she mystically deduced it was leftists involved in the Gamergate controversy who’d done this to her, causing her to completely flip flop on her political outlook.  There was much vocal, surely genuine, and not at all coordinated behind the scenes support from luminaries like Milo.

One might think this was a bit suspicious, given that even in 2016, no leftist would ever have attacked a black female with any celebrity status at all, much less one working to harm the Right.  One might also ask why such an event caused a complete turn around, after nearly 30 years of a political outlook that ran deeply enough for her to enter into the political scene with a decidedly left leaning perspective.  The rest, as they say, is history.  Our good friend, Candy, became a staunch supporter of Trump after mocking and insulting him and his supporters just months before.  This pro-Trump darling of conservatism will take any opportunity to talk about black issues to White audiences, delivering quickly spoken sarcastic insults about White leftists and comforting White conservatives that they are not, in fact, racist.  All for a reasonable fee, of course.  

As previously mentioned, her most popular bit is the one where she talks about how poisonous leftist policies and ideas are for blacks.  She says what every White conservative wants to say, but is afraid to.  She knows how racial dynamics work and is happy to be the mouth piece for the Republicans who think they’re absolved of racism if a black girl says it and they just agree.  There is a fascinating aspect about Candy that once seen, can never be unseen.  If you don’t already know what I refer to, I am about to ruin her for you forever and you are welcome.

When Candy talks about race issues, she only talks about how leftism is bad for blacks.  Even when topics are as obviously and aggressively anti-White as Critical Race Theory, she can only bring herself to mention that it is bad for blacks.  Her criticism of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools makes no mention of how teaching White children to hate themselves is wrong.  She talks about Jim Crow and how teaching CRT in schools makes “soldiers for the government.”  

It should give one pause upon realizing she never talks about White people.  The most directly, aggressively anti-White program in American history that is being taught in public schools, Fortune 500 companies, and is shaping Federal government policy and she can’t even bring up that it attacks her husband and half of her child (who will likely end up being a rabid anti-White Marxist).  Candy is so dedicated to her “Dems are the real racists who hate blacks” shtick that she can’t even say she’s concerned about the two people she loves most (allegedly) facing discrimination.  Is her scheme that lucrative or does she really just not care that much?

This is typical of her modus operandi.  Every bad thing liberals do, she’s there with a snarky quip about how it hurts black people.  It doesn’t just hurt America, it doesn’t hurt White people, it hurts blacks.  One might think she’s talking to blacks and trying to get them to “leave the Democrat plantation” or some nonsense.  If that were the case, she would go on shows black people watch.  She wouldn’t go on Tucker Carlson, other Fox News shows, Newsmax, or be a fixture on TPUSA.  If she were really trying to talk to black people she would go on channels with double digit black viewership.

In modern parlance, spoiler alert!  She’s not talking to black people.  She’s talking to White people ABOUT black people.  She’s telling conservative Whites what they desperately want to hear from a black person’s mouth, said with comfortably White diction so her White audience can feel good about being not racist.  

What she says isn’t any more revelatory than it was when Rush Limbaugh and Pat Buchanan said it before she was born, to the same audience.  Likely to the same exact people.  Her entire purpose is to make White people feel good about being a not racist conservative.  She advances nothing and helps no one.  If she cares about anything at all, it is only the future of blacks.  Not 99.9% of her audience, not their kids, not their future, their culture, or their past.


  1. Thanks for the info. I am amazed at ya’ll’s ability to research so thoroughly, I have no idea how you do it, although it is a critical skill to have, none on our side were ever taught critical skills in the indoctrination camps. So, thanks for catching the slack.

    We must begin to make things, like the ability to research, teachable and easily accessible to our people. I for one could have done a lot of good with it over the years instead of relying on savvy developed over even more years. We need skills, and if we wait around for the people who hate us to teach them then we will die ignorant, or worse become such a boomer that we trust Republicans and their house Negros like Candice, Jindal or Dinish D’Souza.

  2. Agree.Candace Owens is just a tool of the Jews to shift Whites into the “tolerant”,”inclusive”multi cultural race mixing bullshit,whilst claiming to represent their interests.We Whites can represent our own interests,we don’t need her blather.Its like the Jew owned Foxnews claiming to be conservative but in actuality they lead White Christians into disaster but just using a less direct method.Or like Trump saying a few things on immigration but also forcing his Israel first,Gay rights,prison release agenda along with it.Its gotten so bad that Whites grasp at anything just to get one of their issues noticed.Its all a con.We need our own White party and White nation,anything less just leads us to ruin one way or the other.Great article,enjoyed it immensly.God bless you and all yours.

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