In the year 2021, it seems nigh impossible to find a space that isn’t buzzing with talk of homosexuality, transgenderism, or other assorted “diverse” lifestyles. Whether it be politics, business, the pulpit, or your favorite hobby, chances are you’ve heard the clarion call to help create “inclusive spaces.” However, it bears noting that these calls for inclusion don’t end at spaces that are dominated by consenting adults. In fact quite the opposite is true, we see many of the strongest pushes to increase “inclusiveness” in spaces that are reserved for children. Now, the common refrain is that this is for the benefit of supposed LGBTQ children. We should ask ourselves though, is there any reason to believe otherwise? Could there be another agenda at play here?
To get a good bead on the question it behooves us to take at look at some of the most prominent and, in many cases earliest, homosexual activists and groups in America. Where better to start than Harry Hay, the man considered by many the father of gay activism in the United States. Hay co-founded “The Mattachine Society,” the first sustained gay activist group in the U.S. in 1948. His influence runs in one way or another through nearly every homosexual advocacy group.
Now, what exactly did Hay think in regards to the relationship between homosexuality, homosexual activism, and children? To put it bluntly, he was an open and ardent pederast. He spoke frequently and passionately in defense of NAMBLA (The National Man Boy Love Association, yes folks it’s real). So much so, that by the late 80s with burgeoning social support of homosexuality gaining pace, many of the more politically astute homosexual organizations began to distance themselves from him. Hay on several occasions publicly declared that relationships with older men were essential for “gay kids.” Never once did he waver on his declared support of NAMBLA.
NAMBLA, as an activist organization, has its explicit goal as the abolishing of “oppressive” age of consent laws. They openly celebrate sexual relationships between grown men and young children. It should raise eyebrows that the man many consider the father of American “gay rights” was an aggressive supporter of an organization that calls for open access to your children as sexual partners. This pernicious organization was inspired by the response to a December 1977 raid on a home in a Boston suburb. In the raid, 24 men were arrested for more than 100 counts of rape of a minor, in this case children as young as eight. Investigators found that the men had been using multiple methods to lure victims in to the home. Prosecutors believed the arrests represented a smaller part of a much larger abuse ring. The local gay community was incensed at what they deemed a “witch hunt,” and an activist group dubbed “The Boston-Boise Committee” was formed to close the ranks of the local homosexual community in the wake of the raid. The founding members of NAMBLA believed that this “witch hunt,” as it was deemed, represented a hysterical fear of relationships with children.
Many modern homosexual organizations distance themselves from, or even openly disavow, NAMBLA; however, it bears noting that they continued to march in Pride parades as late as the early 90s. Speaking of Pride parades, despite efforts to distance themselves from child abuse in the modern era, in 2008 the San Diego Pride Parade named pro-pedophile activist Peter Tatchell as its grand marshal. Pride parades are often touted as family and public friendly events, and children are encouraged to attend by activists. These parades are often the site of all manner of hyper-sexualized displays. One needs only a brief search online to find a myriad of pictures from these events of grown men and women exposing themselves, replete with fetish gear and a myriad of bedroom accouterments.
Another early luminary in the gay rights movement worth mentioning is David Thorstad. A former socialist activist, Thorstad turned to “gay liberation” issues in the early 70s after an acrimonious split with the Socialist Workers Party. He was a founding member of both the Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights, as well as, NAMBLA. Interestingly, Thorstad also served as president of the Gay Activist Alliance for a short time, which in 1976 held a public forum on “Man/Boy love.” In the years since his activist heyday, David Thorstad has continued to speak publicly and vociferously in support of pederasty.
Allen Ginsberg’s name belongs on the list of notable pedophile supporters associated with homosexual activism. Though better known as a giant of the “beat generation,” as well as popular and controversial poem “Howl.” He was an aggressive supporter of NAMBLA, dismissing criticisms of the organization as “politics.” Though he initially couched his support as a matter of principle in defense of free speech, he wrote graphic poems about relations with young boys and penned columns for NAMBLA’s internal magazine. Ginsberg stated that he believed that “erotic inclinations” toward children were “average.”
On the academic front, there is a small but vocal and influential cadre of pedophilia supporters. Camille Paglia stands out as perhaps one of the best known of these academics. She is a tenured professor at the Philadelphia University of the Arts, where she has taught since 1984. Considering herself a libertarian of sorts, she has expressed support for all manner of sexual relationships between adults and children. Paglia stated in a 1995 interview, “I fail to see what is wrong with erotic fondling with any age.” In a 1997 column for Salon, she professed a belief that there is a correlation between the heights of civilization and pederastic relationships. In the past, she has gone on record stating her belief that pornography, no matter how extreme, including children and snuff films, should be available for private consumption. Of course, she has since claimed that her views have changed on the issue and that she now believes that protecting children is an important issue. Color me unimpressed.
Kate Millett also belonged to that cohort of pro-pedophiles in academia. Through the 60s and 70s, she taught at various universities including the University of California, Berkeley. Millett was a key figure in second wave feminism and her book, Sexual Politics, is considered by many to be the defining work of the movement. She described her self as both lesbian and bi-sexual. It was believed by Millett that children must be freed from all “parental oppression,” including the placing of sexual restrictions on them. It was, she believed, oppressive to gay men in particular for age of consent laws to exist as they do. Her defense of pedophilia was, as it almost always is, framed as an issue of the rights of children.
For brevity’s sake, from this point I will move to a “potpourri” of instances in which the homosexual activist community has demonstrated an interest in children that goes far beyond simply providing a feeling of “inclusivity” to supposed LGBT children.
On March 25 of 2000, the State Department of Education in Massachusetts held a statewide conference titled “Teach-Out.” Sponsored by, among others, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. The conference focused on building more “Gay/Straight Alliance” chapters in the state education system, as well as, increasing scope of teaching about homosexuality into lower grade levels. These things are not, however, what this event is known for. A scandal erupted when it was revealed that during workshops at the conference, public employees and homosexual activists engaged in graphic dialogue with students about the intricacies of homosexual acts. Highlighting (the sarcasm should be palpable) these dialogues with students was a frank discussion of the realities of “fisting,” including prompting on the best way to go about it. This incident resulted in a black eye for the Department of Education. A state funded advocacy group dubbed GLAD, Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, sprung to action filing suit against those that brought the nature of the conference to light, claiming that state wire tapping laws were violated in the process. The suit was eventually dropped due to lack of progress. It’s worth noting that this is far from the only instance of activists working to obscure their activities with children from parents.
The aforementioned Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (or GLEN) has a long and sordid history of producing and distributing raunchy pro-homosexual material to children. In 2005, they organized an event in which a work titled The Little Black Book – Queer in the 21st Century to hundreds of middle-school children in Massachusetts. This books contains graphic descriptions of all manner of sex acts including “fisting” (what is it with these people?) and “watersports,” or urinating on a partner for pleasure. Included in this booklet was a list of area homosexual bars. Now, what honorable purpose could be had in sharing a list of such establishments with school children? GLEN also facilitated the distribution of “fisting kits” containing a plastic glove, lubricant, and instructions or proper usage to teens at a 2001 event at Tufts University.
Oh, and if you get the mistaken impression that this organizations influence is limited to the apparently cursed state of Massachusetts, it’s worth noting that GLEN’s founder Kevin Jennings was made the assistant deputy secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug Free schools under the Obama administration. His book, Becoming Visible, is a part of pro-homosexual school curricula across the nation. Did I mention that Jennings has spoken quite highly of Harry Hay? Perhaps even more interesting than his affinity for Harry Hay, his first three books were published by Alyson Publications, an outfit that published pro-pedophilia works such as The Age Taboo and Pedophilia: The Radical Case. It’s hard to see these things as coincidental, given the graphic material Jennings’ organization has been responsible for introducing to children.
Since 2015, public libraries across the nation have been hosting “Drag Queen Story Hour,” typically supported by national and local homosexual advocacy groups. These events feature men dressed as flamboyant caricatures of women reading stories, often with a pro homosexual theme, to young children. A quick search of YouTube will turn up no shortage of videos of these men dancing provocatively to captive audiences of children, in one infamous instance even teaching them how to “twerk.” It should come as no surprise that in 2019 it was revealed that one of the drag queens reading at the Houston Public Library was revealed to be a convicted sex offender with a 2008 conviction for abusing an eight year old boy. A second reader for Houston Area Drag Queen Story Hour was later revealed to be a high risk sex offender with multiple offenses against children as young as four. What should be shocking though isn’t, is that the city ignored calls to release information on the drag queens performing at these events. The convicted abuser was only outed due to digging by the group Mass Resistance. In Milwaukee, Judge Brett Blomme former head of the Cream City Foundation, a homosexual activist group that sponsored local Drag Queen Story Hour events, was arrested on multiple child pornography charges.
Sadly, it seems as though volumes could be filled detailing the often open relationship between gay activism and support for pedophilia. More than ample evidence is provided both here and in a myriad of other places to support, at the very least, a healthy suspicion of the motives surrounding homosexual activism in regards to children. Though the common refrain from these groups is one of love and tolerance, the façade is thin, nearly transparently so for those with the inclination to look. The past three decades have shown that the push to include ever more permissive lifestyles and attitudes will not soon abate, if anything we can only expect it to grow worse with each passing day.
If you value the safety of your children, you must be the watchman at the gates of their lives, ever vigilant for threats on the horizon.
-By Southern Partisan

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
…if anything we can only expect it to grow worse with each passing day…
I expect things to get a lot worse. We’re not going to stop it either. We must think steps ahead on how we are going to raise our families in an overculture that seeks to destroy them. And home schooling probably won’t always be legal. It is already under attack.
Marxists and sex perverts are obsessed with destroying innocence, always have been. They view it as being wretchedly Christian to protect a child… which makes me certain that they are satanists. Homosexuals love young boys for that is how they ‘reproduce’ aka by molesting young teenage boys so that they become sodomites themselves. I agree with Hays dislike of (((age of consent))) but not for the same reasons lol. I dislike aoc because it is anti-christian:
1.) It encourages sex outside of wedlock, which Jesus states is evil
2.) It says women should be allowed to choose sexual partners, not a good idea at all for the most part.
Our Christian ancestors married girls off when they started bleeding, usually at 14-16. That was it, we forget how easy the vaginal question used to be…
Marrying young for girls, even really young, is the smart move if some good “controlling” parents are involved. At that age it is all about filling a space with a good man before a bad one comes along. If the parents are not involved in the selection process it becomes a recipe for disaster, which is what we witness now.