Ireland’s Suicidal Relationship with Europe

On Saturday night I received a call from one of my West Irish cousins now living in Norway.  She is pregnant with her first child.  I am elated.  It will be the third child from this family in one year.  Her sister, now living in a major Irish city, is due in the first week of April, and her brother, in a different city in Ireland, is awaiting his first child in June.  The family is expanding with genuine, ethnic Irish children (the Norwegian father being the exception), two of whom will join our family that has been on Irish soil since before recorded history.  Unfortunately, her mother, my first cousin, will not have a chance to see any of her children prior to the birth of their respective babies. Even after the births, Ireland’s draconian “Level-5” Covid travel restrictions place that into question.  

If you understand Irish mothers, you understand how important it is for them to be close to their children as they prepare for their first newborns.  It is ingrained in every Irish woman’s heart.  I feel for her.

At the heart of Ireland’s Covid response are rules coming from Brussels.  The Irish have adopted the European Union’s ridiculous Covid “traffic light” management system of paranoia and it is killing Irish society.  Meanwhile, because Ireland’s coalition government never seems to disappoint in their ascending levels of stupidity, the Irish government continues to swear in “new Irish citizens.”  Incapable of recognizing that Ireland is an island and as a such, could probably have imposed a travel ban into Ireland while allowing the Irish people to go about their business (perhaps quarantining the immunocompromised internally), and saving the Irish from the worst of Covid-19, Dublin decided it still needed to meet diversity objectives.  In other words, devastate the indigenous Irish people, their culture, society, and economy, while simultaneously letting more brown skinned marauders into the country for no discernable objective, except possibly to achieve a silver medal in Olympic basketball by 2050.

But much of Ireland’s over-the-top response to Covid is generated by European technocrats who could care less about Ireland.  They have their own motives and I promise you that none of them are in the best interest of the Irish people.  The Irish, for their part, are frequently the most zealous Europhile advocates, going above and beyond to prove that they are fully committed to the European Union and libertine European ideals.  Even when these ideals and policies do not serve the interests of the Irish people, Irish governments and RTE zombies cheer them on.  But for anyone who knows Irish history, this is not new.

Ireland has an historically suicidal relationship with Europe.

To start, Ireland is obviously European.  She is clearly within the geographic confines of Europe.  Genetically, Ireland, especially the West of Ireland, has the purest strains of Caucasian blood in the world, thanks to genetic isolation.  While the Romans were conquering Europe, followed by subsequent Asiatic invaders, Ireland, and portions of Irish-settled Scotland, remained untouched.  When Viking, Norman, and Anglo-Saxon invaders arrived onto Irish soil, Ireland was able to maintain her unique cultural fabric – first on the battlefield and when battles were lost, around peat fires, where Irish fathers taught Irish sons their history, culture, and language generationally.  As such, Ireland is more than European.  Nationalism is genetically ingrained into the Irish DNA, something neither homosexual Indian, Leo Varadkar, nor a recent Nigerian migrant can appreciate.  But I suspect most Europeans do, and therein lies the problem for Ireland.

While Ireland remained Irish through the centuries, she was often dismissed as nothing more than a vassal state to Norman-led England.  King Domhnall Ó Néill’s letter to Pope John XXII in the 14th Century – The Remonstrance of the Irish Chiefs – articulated a brilliant argument for Gaelic sovereignty:  “Know then, most Holy Father, that since the time when our early ancestors, the three sons of Milesius or Micelius of Spain, by God’s will came into Ireland (then destitute of all inhabitants) with a fleet of thirty ships from Cantabria, a city of Spain standing on the bank of the river Ebro or Hiberus (from which we take the name we bear), 3,500 years and more have passed, and of those descended from these men 136 kings without admixture of alien blood assumed the monarchical rule over all Ireland down to king…”

The plea, which ultimately embraced a related Scottish king, fell on deaf ears.  The Catholic Church abandoned Ireland to an English fate.  That would not be the first time either Catholic Ireland was either dismissed by its European counterparts or seen as a pathetic and wretched little island of little importance.  Even when Ireland suffered tremendously at the hands of Cromwellian brutality for the crime of remaining loyal to the rightful Scottish king of the United Kingdom, Europe did absolutely nothing.  Centuries later, only when it assisted other continental European power interests, did the Irish solicit any support – and even that was nominal at best.

In the book, Paris 1919, by Margaret MacMillan, she describes the events related to the Treaty of Versailles and the emergence of Nationalism throughout Europe.  The Irish, at that time entrenched in the early days of their War of Independence, sought President Woodrow Wilson’s support for their claims of sovereignty – like every other European nation.  He, and his European ministerial counterparts who were forming frameworks for Hungarian, Czech, and Polish autonomy, dismissed the Irish entirety (P 11).  The Catholic Church took an even more aggressive anti-Irish independence posture, going so far as to deny Last Rites to Irish prisoners and threaten Excommunication to Irish Republican soldiers and leaders.  As usual, the Irish had to do things on their own, while Europe could care less – at best.  

Generationally, the Irish have turned to Europe and Europe turned its back.

Fast forward, when the Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO) mortgage system completely disintegrated in 2008/9, devastating the financial sector that drove the Celtic Tiger economy, again, Ireland sought assistance from Europe and Europe betrayed the Irish.  To understand the economic consequences of the 2009 financial sector collapse is a piece unto itself.  Ireland’s options and response to the collapse was the subject of my International Finance Capstone Project in order to earn my MBA.  But the highlights of the collapse and Europe’s response are important for the ordinary Irish to understand.  The following is a high level synopsis of events and explains Europe’s last betrayal of Ireland before Covid and migration mandates.

Irish banks, at the height of the CDO lending economy, accounted for nearly one-third of all mortgage backed securities in Europe and about 10% of those in the United States.  The Irish had created a fantastic system for global finance and tax yields that made it preferable to English, Swiss, and American financial institutions.  Nearly half of all corporate debt was held by Irish banks entering 2009.  The Irish were literally beating the English and Swiss at their own game.  Then, American policy realities hit the sector and Europe – especially France and Germany, both of which frequently criticized Irish economic policies because the Irish were reaping rewards while their economies sat dormant – made Ireland suffer.

The United States had a required diversity lending program – the Community Reinvestment Act – which had been modified in 1995 to encourage more lending to black and brown peoples.  The problem: those same people had terrible credit and were at high risk for default.  However, American banking regulators required compliance with mortgages on the basis of diversity.  The trap was set.  

When the U.S. went into a low interest rate period for the sake of economic stimulus, Americans with good credit and higher economic means borrowed in order to either buy new homes or upgrade their existing homes.  A home buying boom ensued.  Homes began selling at multiples in excess of two or three hundred percent of their appraised value.  However, in order for the banks to loan out money to individuals with good credit, they needed to have a certain percentage of low-income blacks.  To avoid getting stymied by the banking regulators, banks approved diversity candidates for homes they could not afford, then bundled the mortgages into packages (CDOs) to spread the risk of default.  At first, the diversity candidates comprised about 5% of the CDOs.  By 2007, the rates were closer to 30%.  When the reality of high mortgage payments hit the diversity buyers, they could not afford to pay, and the CDOs began to collapse.  Since the Americans knew what they were doing, they sold many of these hot CDOs to a banking sector willing to take the risk just before the defaults compounded – the Irish banks.

Ireland, for its part, did the right thing.  They realigned the CDOs to disperse the risk by infusing them with more stable European mortgages that were not beholden to diversity lending (at that time).  Unfortunately for the Irish, many of these new mortgages were in Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece.  If you paid attention to the EU in the 2009 – 2015 timeframe, you now see what happened.  

Unlike the Americans, Swiss, and British, each of whom have their own currency, the Irish are beholden to the Euro.  They could not monetize their debt by cheapening the value of the currency (e.g., quantitative easing).  Thus, the Irish banks and the Irish Government went to the European Central Bank and asked to devalue the currency to help them monetize their debt, like the Americans and British had done.  The ECB simply told them, “No.”  Thus, for no fault of their own (indigenous Irish debt was high, but not insurmountable; much of Ireland’s debt was actually foreign holdings), the Irish had to suffer through an austere economic program imposed by the EU.  At the same time, the ECB refused to loan the Irish banks the necessary capital to survive the crisis.  The Americans, under the Obama Administration, similarly told the Irish to piss off.  The only country willing and able to loan to the Irish banking sector was the British – who crushed their nearby banking rivals with brutal interest rates, the likes of which, the Irish will probably never crawl out from underneath.  And yet, just in time for Covid, Ireland crawled back.  

Now the Irish have to contend with Covid and the detrimental consequences of lockdowns, coupled with EU mandated diversity programs, largely designed to wipe the indigenous Irish off the face of the earth.  It is as if, every time the Irish take two steps forward, they get knocked back three steps by their European counterparts.  Time and time again, the Irish have done backflips to ingratiate themselves with the rest of Europe.  Time and time again, the rest of Europe has ignored them.

If you have read this far, you are probably wondering why a Southern Nationalist would even care about Ireland and its latest European driven woes.  While I am genetically Irish, with an Irish mother and Irish-American father, I am not a resident of Ireland.  I was not born in Ireland.  I have citizenship and personally care about Ireland, but it ends there.  Why would a Southern Nationalist seeking to advance his own people’s interests care about Ireland?

Because there are parallels between Ireland’s relationship with the rest of Europe and the South’s relationship with the United States.

Anyone paying attention to the tragedy that just befell Texas due to a polar vortex understands that the power grid failures were due, in large part, to Texas’ compliance with federally mandated regulations pertaining to power generation.  Texas has plenty of natural resources capable of generating its own infrastructure and power needs.  Texas was handcuffed by Washington, D.C.’s Department of Energy.

The same can be said for multiple Southern states, often penalized by leftist politicians and bureaucrats because the South does not subscribe to their same globalist, anti-Christian, anti-White policy prescriptions.  Occasionally, during times of war – when our Wall Street or Zionist masters need blood sacrifices – the South is reengaged, and her native sons go to die in foreign lands.  While those boys kill brown people elsewhere, the federal government imports brown people into the United States and settles them in Southern states – hoping to change us demographically and politically.

When the South sought independence, despite receiving lip service from European governments, we received little more than some money from a few sympathetic bankers in England.  When the South sought to maintain order and traditions in its society that had endured for centuries, federal troops came armed with bayonets and Europe applauded the actions of Republican President Eisenhower.  When the South votes to keep transgender freaks out of women’s rest rooms, the federal government punishes our states and Brussels congratulates Washington’s commitment to gender rights.  Recently, while the South sought to limit the murder of unborn babies through abortion, the usual vile leftist provocateurs chastised the South, with many European actors joining them.  

But here is the difference between the South and Ireland: we don’t care that they hate us.  God is the only one with whom we need to worry about.  Southerners do what is in the best interest of Southerners.

I suggest the Irish begin doing the same – before it is too late.

Ní mór do Mhuintir na hÉireann a ndán féin a aiséileamh.


  1. England needs to maintain control of the statelets that orbit it, they are incapable of sovereignty and would bow to European powers eager to plunge a knife in Englands back. It also needs all of those nations to counter the great european powers, but that England is very much in the past. And Irelands rulers seem hellbent on annihilating it anyway… the slave of the future shall be willing.
    The problem with the right to secede is that it sounds nice on paper but when attempted leads to the powerful cracking their knuckles… I agree with Lincolns desire to maintain the Union but not the vile treatment Southerners receive. They appear to be the n-word of Americas liberal elite.

    1. On the contrary, wayward yankee, the statelets that orbit England need to keep England under control. England was a menace before cultural-marxism, and remains a menace after cultural marxism. It is the European HQ of the NWO.

  2. Great article.
    From my reading, I thought Spain tried to Help the Irish? It’s been a while since I read on it.
    I was just recommended to read 1919 by Macmillan, i didn’t expect to see it here, it must be a good book.
    On the subject of Southern Nationalism. I wish you would write about Ft Jefferson prison, where many a Confederate soul languished. It truly was a Hell hole.

    Peace and Love to my Southern kin. God Bless you all.

  3. Looks to me like leftist Irish politicians, just like leftist politicians here in the USA, are determined to destroy Ireland and its culture; and all the while the Irish sheeple keep electing those who intend to destroy Ireland.
    Ireland needs to leave the EU, just as the UK left the EU.
    The EU is nothing more than a reprise of the USSR minus, so far , the gulags (just give it time).
    There is no reason that Ireland, like the UK and Switzerland cannot survive very well indeed without having to take orders from the Stalinist appartchiks and nomenklatura that run the EU.
    The EU globalists, as well as the American globalists (i.e., the demonkrats, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, RINOs, et. al. ) are determined to extinguish the nation states and yes, capitalism. Meanwhile, the Russians, Chinese , Iranians, Cubans, Venezuelans, etc., who can smell a scam a billion light years away , cannot believe their luck; the USA , the EU and apparently Ireland, are committing suicide.

    The Irish, just like the Yanks, have only themselves to blame.
    The citizens of both nations keep installing into political office those individuals who are intent on destroying their nations.

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