America 2021: Orwell Meets Sodom and Gomorrah

I don’t have too many fiction books in my bookcase, but it seems I need to move Orwell’s 1984 on my non-fiction shelf.  There’s one passage, in particular, which I think sums up the current state of affairs pretty well.

“The sex impulse was dangerous to the Party, and the Party had turned it to account. They had played a similar trick with the instinct of parenthood…The children, on the other hand, were systematically turned against their parents and taught to spy on them and report their deviations. The family had become in effect an extension of the Thought Police. It was a device by means of which everyone could be surrounded night and day by informers who knew him intimately.”

So, we’ve got a dangerous sex impulse, the desire for family, and the loyalty of children to parents.  How does America 2021 shape up against Orwell’s concerns?

Regarding the Party manipulating the sex impulse, we’ve got a story for that.  If you’re reading this, you’re likely familiar with the normalization of homosexuality that has been going on for decades.  Our new President has even talked about how Jews in the media are largely responsible for this normalization.  We have this gem from December that claimed heterosexual relationships are “bad for us.”  Yes, the only type of sexual relationships acceptable in God’s eyes, or dictated by evolutionary necessity, are “bad for us” according to a “sex researcher.”  Anytime someone tells you to “trust the science,” whether it comes to rushed vaccines, global warming, or anything else, be sure to pull out this gem.  Interestingly, NBC seemingly put out a similar article to that in 2019, but has since deleted it

We even have stories about turning the desire for family in unnatural directions, like women who are concerned their infants don’t care about being anti-racist.  There’s an old video that circulated around showing two little white girls upset at getting black dolls.  There’s a natural impulse to prefer dolls and people that look like you (something that movie studios know, as they try to appeal to the Chinese market).  In fact, there is an old study that showed that black girls preferred white dolls and most of the commentary is on how sad a state of affairs that was.  However, white girls exhibiting ethnocentric preferences is evil.

Regarding the turning of children against their parents, we certainly have this in the most current of current years.  There’s the 18-year-old who reported her mom, aunt, and uncle for being at the Capitol protest, but she’s by no means the only one.  There’s nothing like reporting on your family for social credit and validation to make you feel like you’re living in the heyday of East Germany (where 1 in 20 Communist Party members were Stasi spies).  While obviously there are financial rewards for tipping off the FBI, this seems more about social signaling than any sort of commercial gain.  They want to feel like the heroes from their Marvel movies and the best way to do that is to punish whoever the media says is bad.

Another thing Orwell’s book is known for is notions like doublethink and doublespeak.  We’ve got a great example of that from this recent Washington Post article that discussed “multiracial whiteness.”  While you can feasibly argue ethnic groups sometimes advocate against their interests (ethnic Europeans do that constantly) you wouldn’t say a white person advocating for black interests is evidence of “multiracial blackness.”  That’s like saying “blue redness.”  We’re reaching levels of Orwellian dystopia that I didn’t think were possible.

It seems like WaPo is attempting to make “white” mean two different things.  It’s trying to make white mean the race, but also mean the culture.  That’s not too surprising (we’ve all heard of blacks “acting white” when they don’t accumulate debt and instead take respectable jobs) but it seems like it’s being done so that whenever anyone says they want to do something horrendous to white people, they can pretend they’re not talking about the race but rather the culture. 

This is an old trick and can be used to rehabilitate horrible writers.  Noel Ignatiev wrote at length about destroying the white race, but if people pretend that just means “white culture,” it suddenly becomes okay.  Of course, this logic is also absurd.  If anyone wanted to destroy black culture or Jewish culture, they’d be called racist or antisemitic.  But, there is that old saying, “if it weren’t for double standards, liberals would have no standards.”

Just like how The Party adjusts the historical narrative over time in 1984, there has been retconning of past events to make the Capitol protests seem worse than they were.  The 2017 antifa protest at the Capitol had far more violent protesters.  While much of the footage is likely getting scrubbed off the internet, you still can find it.  There have even been people pretending that the protests would have led to more deaths had the protestors been black (it’s pretty easy to look at all the BLM protests where the cops kneeled to realize that’s nonsense).  Despite the fact that the State murdered an unarmed female veteran, we are to believe that this treatment was softer than how BLM protests are treated.  BLM protests where the police are instructed by their superiors to kneel before their masters (the black American).  Not only that, we can look at the bills.  Was there any financial cost, to the Capitol protest on the 6th of January?  How does that compare to the damage from the BLM riots, I mean “protests,” which caused over 1 billion (yes, with a “b”) dollars in damage.

The one saving grace is that these narratives are, on their face, absurd and people are waking up to it. Someone on Twitter, discussing the Capitol protests, explained how absurd these narratives are: “White supremacists stormed the capitol to overthrow the white supremacist government, but were stopped by the white supremacist police force and are now being tracked down by the white supremacist FBI.” 

Let’s just hope that more people wake up before it’s too late.


  1. Buh Muh Private Corporations

    Does everyone feel satisfied with the outcome of the regime of Complete Liberty for Corporations, Diminished Liberty for Actual Human Beings?

    I know what we can do: We can do more favors for large (globalist) corporations! —>(

    Make your own internet, your own banks, your own credit card transaction services, your own web server complexes, and your own publishers and media.

    Oh, and if you do: We’ll activate our Cartel Members to strangle them in the crib.

    I guess what they’re really saying is “Make your own country.”

    As … The Dix Note Southern Freedom says:
    January 18, 2021 at 9:46 am
    Where is the new “Dixie”? Stop using their so called “money”. [globalist] Government and money are intrinsically tied … … if we as a nation do not do this soon, we will die due to hyper-deflation as their temple “money” (ie. credit debt usury) disappear’s from our Heritage American economy … “There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by usury credit expansion.”

  2. A long, long time ago — I was just out of college — I actually wrote an essay advocating that we Hillbillies face it. We’re not quite white. Other white people just don’t like us, don’t particularly like having us around, and so it’s quite stupid to pretend that we’re white. No, we’re Hillbillies, our own ethnic group (which actually, we are). Out of college, I found that, when you try to explain that to a social justice warrior in full battle mode, she’ll start hollering about how “you’re just trying to weasel out of taking responsibility for your whiteness!”

    So, yeah, I’m white. And yeah, they really do hate us — but they hate Southerners and Hillbillies the most of all.

  3. The last sentence of 1984: ‘He loved Big Brother.’ As my late daddy (W.N. ‘Pat’ Powell -1923 – 1988) would say: Big Brother can kiss my brown zero.

  4. “Orwell Meets Sodom And Gomorrah”, sounds more like Brave New World than 1984. A reading of Aldous Huxley’s masterpiece might be more relevant to our present situation, all the way down to the Corporate Feudalism.

    1. Someone or other made this exact point a month or so back at the Orthosphere. I think that someone might in fact have been,… me. *wink, wink.

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