Our era finds personification in the ungodliest of creatures, the tranny. Any time they pop up on a historical timeline, much worse is found just a bit further down. If you’re looking forward to spending those golden years on a golf course, it’s best to exercise caution with future expectations.
As the illusion of a free society where people can choose their leaders by voting evaporates, Americans are going to get unruly. Our overlords are going to need hordes of enforcers willing to go in and put them down. Cisgender men aren’t suited for such a task.
This is why the tranny stuff has escalated so dramatically in recent years. It’s not about subversion as much as it is oppression. Society can be subverted through a medium as easy as children’s cartoons. The trannies have been conjured to apply physical force.
These people have an astonishing propensity for violence combined with a lack of moral constraints. They simply need to be unleashed. They’ve been cursed with an instinctive antipathy towards what is wholesome and natural. Truly, the dogs of an unholy war.
Martial efficacy won’t be an issue because their purpose is one-sided violence. They don’t need to defeat a foreign army, only normal folks stripped of their 2nd amendment rights. A misshapen beast willing to take a claw hammer to your skull for holding a Trump sign will show even less compunction after being given carte blanche with a flamethrower.
Initially, we’ll be menaced by a division-strength unit capable of airborne deployment anywhere in North America within 12 hours. The officers will be fully-transitioned zealots supervising the merciless suppression of dissent.
Every 5 years, a levée will be conducted via the public school system. Red state parents will be forced to pay a blood tax by handing over selected children to become wards of the NGOs for training as transgender fanatics. Gradually, the Tranny Corps will absorb all government security functions.
As the satanic objectives of those in power come into focus for a growing segment of the population, the oligarchy will become ever more reliant on them to quell a restive sea of dissent. Once the trannies become aware of their importance, they’ll demand ever greater concessions and bonuses with the fake election of each new president.
They’ll block all attempts at pragmatic reform, occasionally engaging in revolts that leave swaths of Washington DC in burning rubble. Towards the end, they’ll be selecting, deposing and executing presidents at will.
This period of instability will persist until The Dark One arrives to reign in his minions. A period of great tribulation will ensue as he attempts to consolidate power. It’s vital to steel our minds for the horrors that await.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
A crack “fighting” force indeed.
This reads as a schizos shitpost.
What are you even saying?
The tranny boogeyman is a blackpill invented by a Jewish pharmacist named Magnus Hirschfelder. Let them win the Pyhrric victory of being themselves.
Don’t join them in the screaming abyss of self-delusion they’ve mistaken for reality.