Doublespeak is a common tool used by leftists everywhere as a method of subversion and masking their true agenda. In fact, you most likely have heard of doublespeak before or, despite knowing something fishy was going on, were never really able to articulate what you were thinking at the time when you heard it being used against you.
It is so common it forms the very toxic basis of this post-modernist nightmare we now occupy. Whether it’s from the political spectrum or on the corporate side of things, leftists employ it all the time. To those of us who don’t beat around the bush and are the old school types, we call doublespeak something rather simple to grasp – lying. At times, doublespeak may not be completely a bold-faced lie, but typically the intent is to deceive you in some form or fashion.
So, let’s break down doublespeak and define it exactly as it is. Doublespeak is meant to accomplish a few things:
- Evade responsibility;
- Make the unpleasant appear pleasant, or the unattractive attractive; and
- Mislead, while appearing honest.
The origins of doublespeak come from the second party most responsible for utilizing it – corporations, with the leading goal of communicating the information without it seeming terrible. It is, by nature, deceptive in its practice. Doublespeak is useful to leftists when they want to communicate something but cannot directly lie about it. This often is why you will notice they avoid any hard metrics that go against their talking points, like COVID and crime statistics.
Even as dissidents, we are affected by the language of the world around us.
“People do not live in just the objective world alone and are also at the mercy of the particular
E. Sapir, The Status Of Linguistics As A Science
language that has become the medium of expression in society.”
I’m sure you can immediately conjure up examples of doublespeak that are not even hours old (think “mostly peaceful protestors” with a smoldering city in the background). In fact, we are bombarded by it so much that we’ve become numb to it. The whole premise that is important to remember is that the main concept is to rebrand words so people react differently to them. This is so common in American society it is completely unavoidable. It surrounds us everywhere; as a result, progressives have had control of our society for over a century.
Why is it politicians talk of issues but never seem to do anything about them? It is because they employ doublespeak language regarding a particular issue, instead of actually dealing with the issue itself. Quite simply, modern politicians only really care about garnering democratic support, so that they can either obtain office or stay in it. In our late stage empire, they’re not interested in fixing problems for Heritage Americans. They use doublespeak as a way to shirk their responsibilities, while pretending that they’re going to solve your problems (your daughter has to be deployed to Afghanistan because “we cannot pivot away from American foreign policy commitments”). While you, as a reader, listener, or would-be victim, may be consciously immune to this tactic, or at least passively immune to it, there are many people who are not (lemmings, normies, etc.). This is why it is critical to call out doublespeak when you see it.
You ever notice how no one gets fired anymore (except for thoughtcrime)? Instead, they get “laid off,” companies go through “downsizing,” teams undergo “consolidation,” and some poor folks are on “indefinite furlough.” Forget whatever the reason is for a minute, the company you work for could be going out of business but you aren’t getting “fired,” you are getting “laid off.” And, the result is still the same – you’re out of a job.
The idea with doublespeak, just like soft language, is to evoke a pleasant reaction to something usually negative and this specific tactic has been used to great effect to get Westerners to act against their very own interests and survival. A good example of this would be the non-stop phrase, “Diversity is our strength.” No one before 1980 heard this phrase, as it doesn’t make any rational or objective sense. A team of engineers will build a bridge more efficiently (and safely) than a group made up of journalists, professional wrestlers, chemists, and a dog catcher (a more “inclusive” team, shall we say). The latter group is most certainly diverse in its expertise, but you’d be hard pressed to find someone that would hire that team to build a bridge.
It is the same reason the Left operates an extensive language control program meant to slap unpleasant labels on their opposition, so as to invoke negative action(s) against their target. This is why the first phrases in their lexicon of language control is “racist” and/or “anti-Semite.” These are smear labels specifically designed to invoke a certain reaction upon hearing them based off the indoctrination and training most have received throughout their life and had reinforced by either false history or even false science. Yes, those two are things as well.
See, the reversal of doublespeak in the referenced situation above is, instead of someone saying “acts within their groups self-interest so as to promote their existence and continued survival,” the language police label someone a “racist” instead. It’s just one of the myriad of examples of how doublespeak can also be reversed so as to change even concepts, as a whole, and reactions to them. After all, no one bats an eye these days if a black person said they want to preserve, promote, and ensure the survival of their culture and people. Naturally, if a white guy posted something similar in a closed Facebook group (all dissident-related groups are monitored by Facebook) and it was recorded by antifa, he’d be “let go,” “released,” “relationship ended,” or “position eliminated” by his employer by the end of the next business day.
There are multiple kinds of doublespeak but here are some of the most common ones you
will run across in day to day life:
- Inflated language that is designed to make the simple seem complex or to give an air of importance to people, things, or situations;
- Jargon; and
- Gobbledygook or bureaucratise (trying to overwhelm the listener with words).
At the end of the day, doublespeak was invented and is used to avoid consequences and it is exactly for that reason its practice must end. You should call out doublespeak for what it is – deception and subversion meant to influence the thoughts, actions, and opinions of someone in a manner in which they would not consciously do so, and if information was given to them without being twisted or watered down.
While I’d like take credit for writing this, many of the points were taken from this video and put into the context of combating leftist political ideology tactics. The video that directly inspired and provided a lot of the points in this article does an excellent job of putting direct context and examples to some of the things talked about in this article and I highly recommend you watch it.
God bless you and God bless Dixie.

I have seen three emperors in their nakedness, and the sight was not inspiring.