A Permanent Vacation from the United States

I just wrapped up my first real vacation in almost a decade. While it is true that I have gone on trips and “vacations” in the past, I was always working. At least some portion of my previous vacation mornings – if not all – were spent on emails, business calls, and reports. This time, I was determined not to engage work for a week. It was fantastic. 

Being on vacation, especially where I went, on the Florida Panhandle, was a much needed reprieve from the otherwise disintegrating world within which we now seem to live. It was a massive white pill. While Third World cities in the Pacific Northwest and Midwest burn to the ground thanks to violent communists… while random rapes occur on subway platforms in Bill DeBlasio’s New York City… while police precincts are targeted in DC, I was surrounded by primarily Southerners on the “Redneck Riviera.” 

At the resort in which I stayed, I watched happy blonde families frolicking in the waves of the Gulf. Little kids jumped into the variety of pools with floaties on their arms. Young heterosexual couples enjoyed each other’s company, sipping piña coladas and trying to act appropriately in public. It was as if the rest of the United States did not exist at all.  

In other words, it was a glimpse of a Free South. 

Unencumbered by the moral morass of federal-led modern “America,” Southerners are a happy people. At local beachfront pubs we shared so-called inappropriate jokes. Our wives enjoyed the freedom of walking to a restroom without fear of being assaulted by a savage. Men held open doors, exchanged pleasantries, and went about our day. In one instance, I watched other fathers – unrelated – help a woman with a boat load of children get sorted at the pool chairs. When I joined into help, she thanked everyone and explained that her husband was joining her later in the day “He’s driving in from Birmingham,” she explained. He did, coming to see his family first before heading upstairs to get in his swim trunks. 

If the presidential election is tight, you would not know it on the Gulf. Boats flew “Trump 2020” flags. Every other home and business seemed to have Trump signage. While I have soured on Trump, it is yet another indication of a very different country. The South would never choose a man who promises to raise taxes, outsource more jobs to China, limit free speech, curtail freedom of religion, or impose further restrictions on guns. Yankees seem to love those political positions as evidenced by the way they vote. 

To be fair, life is great for me these days. I have a fantastic job, a beautiful wife, and I am getting ready to buy a big, new home in St. Augustine. I am in great physical, financial, and most importantly, spiritual health. But vacations have a way of putting things into perspective. 

A few weeks back I chose to close out all but one social media account (that I barely use) because they were interfering with my life. Responding to tweets by strangers should never take priority over your wife or Bible study time. Snarky comments on Facebook really only satisfy sociopathic desires for adulation. Life is meant to be lived, loved, and enjoyed in real life. 

This vacation showed me a South that was and hopefully will become again. Families, fun, free… a God fearing life enjoying the blessings of His beautiful creation in the most beautiful country in the world: Florida. That is what life should be for a Dixian without the federal noose around his neck. 

Let the Yankee have his dystopian rapine lawlessness. Let him cheer multiculturalism and diversity while his daughters are killed by the very animals he covets. Let sub-85 IQ rappers establish autonomous zones in cities within which his Yankee forefathers built through sweat and grit.  

Let the Southerner have his law and order, preserved by family men. Let him have the right to associate with his own people without fear of legal or financial reprisals. Let the Southerner enjoy the fruits of his forefathers and continue to build communities that grow stronger.

Let us have a Free South.


  1. Florida’s real nice in the panhandle. I live really central and it’s just a giant mix of babbling guatemalans and Cubans. I love going to see my grandpa up there. He has some good land and you can see so many deers. Even the gas stations are nicer.
    People say that Florida is the North of the South, but it isn’t true. I love my Florida State, even with the issues.

  2. I spent a week with my family in a rental house on Grayton Beach in 2014. It was about 100 yards from the ocean, and your photo could have been taken on the path we used to get to the beach. Thanks for rekindling some great memories.

    The South ought to go ahead declare our peaceful separation. What are they (the Yankee federal leviathan government) going to do about it? In my mind, the biggest hurdle is getting Southerners themselves to support it.

  3. “In my mind, the biggest hurdle is getting Southerners themselves to support it.”

    This is exactly the case. This is why arguing with Yankees is wasting time that could be better spent on convincing our own people of the need for Independence.

    1. It used to be back in the day the yanks just collected tax money and let us do our thing. If we went to back to this system, I wouldn’t be mad. But now I can’t even have a dixie flag at school or I can get expelled. I had to get a Gatsby flag phone case instead of a dixie flag.

      Like President Davis, “All we ask is to be left alone.:

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